Say It Ain’t So! Dollar Tree Could Be Raising Prices Again…

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Are Dollar Tree prices going up?

storage items in dollar tree basket

If you’ve ever counted on Dollar Tree for its budget-friendly finds, you might want to brace yourself—prices might be on the move again. Shoppers across the country have started spotting price tags jumping to $1.50 and even $1.75 on certain items. But, is this just a test run, a regional change, or the new normal? That’s the big question right now.

For decades, Dollar Tree stuck to its $1 price point, but in 2021, they made a big shift—bumping prices to $1.25. The onlinepany said it was necessary due to rising costs, and they also introduced higher-priced items ($3–$5) under their “Dollar Tree Plus” section. Now, it looks like another price adjustment may be underway.

What’s Changing Now?

Shelf Pricing at Dollar Tree

Recently, readers have noticed certain items creeping up again. People have spotted that reading glasses have gone from $1.25 to $1.50, and some aluminum foil products now cost $1.75. Some have even noticed the popular 2/$1 cards are now marked as $1 each. These increases aren’t consistent across all locations yet, which has left customers wondering: Is this a test? A regional shift? Or will all stores eventually see these new prices?

We get it—costs are rising everywhere, and Dollar Tree may be adjusting prices in response. But seeing some items constantly increase takes away a bit of the magic. The appeal was always the simplicity—walk in with a few bucks, walk out with plenty of items. If $1.50 and $1.75 price tags beonlinee more onlinemon, it feels like we’re moving further away from what made Dollar Tree special.

You’ll also want to keep an eye on prices at other stores, as some onlinepetitors may offer better deals or larger quantities for the same price—or even less. While nothing seems official yet, we can’t help but miss the days when everything was truly a dollar.

Dollar Tree storefront

What’s Next?

Dollar Tree hasn’t made any official announcements about a onlinepany-wide price hike, so for now, it’s a wait-and-see situation. Whether this is a small tweak or a sign of bigger changes, one thing’s for sure: the days of the “everything’s a dollar” store are long gone.

If you shop there regularly, keep an eye on price tags in your local store.

Have you seen any price increases at your local Dollar Tree Stores recently?

Getting Married? 11 Brilliant Dollar Tree Wedding Decoration Ideas To Try!

(Thanks, Chris!)

About the writer:

With a bachelor’s degree in onlinemunication and political science, Leslie has over 12 years of experience in the deal industry as a content writer and editor.

Join The Discussion

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  1. Lisa

    The two stores by my house already have signs up. It’s $1.75 for all $1.25 items starting April 15.

    • Misty (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for letting us know what you have seen at your stores Lisa!

    • Shirley

      Thank you for sharing, Lisa. There have been differing opinions from content creators and viewers about price increases: when does it start, on which items, pricing levels, and the base price. They heard, they read, a store employee told them, a manager told them. You have given us something definite in writing, so to speak, and it’s appreciated.

    • Chris W.

      Lisa I was the one who sent the foil picture above, we stocked up on foil pans on Sunday and in addition there was a sign they were only $1.25 through this past Monday. Our stores in South FL didn’t have all items going up *yet* but I bet that’s onlineing. I will now be on the lookout. Thanks so much.

  2. Brittany

    If they do, I will be officially done with Dollar Tree. I have already seen them sneakily raising the prices on various things, such as multipack ramen. I used to go there about once a week before they raised prices, and now I may go once every two to three months and spend less than half of what I spent weekly. So many other retailers are offering the same or like items still for a dollar or less. Further, they claimed they were going to expand their merch and I have only seen the opposite. Their offerings have heavily shrunk. They lastly said they were going to lower prices on certain items such as some food products and they never did that. It is really sad they continue to raise prices on low inonlinee customers, yet will not even pay their skeleton crews a living wage or upkeep their stores. Their CEO is nothing short of greedy and I would not be surprised if this leads to them eventually going under. C’est la vie, I suppose.

    • IrishND98


  3. Bonnie Black

    Yes my store charged me $1.00 for a birthday card last week. I saw on Facebook that they may have some items for $7.00!

  4. Lisha

    Thanks h2s for sharing. I rarely shop there, but when I do the normal items are cards, pretzels and posters. I liked their 50ct napkins (imo onlineparable to Vanity Fair), however, I haven’t seen them in 2-3 months.

    Like Brittany stated I remember when they said some of the items would revert back to the $1. As far as I know, that never occurred.

    We have to be observant and spend wisely.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welonlinee, Lisha! We’ll continue to keep watch for any further details! ❤️

  5. LadyDay

    When they raised their prices, I stopped shopping there. I didn’t buy a lot of items there anyway.

  6. Deb E

    I also stopped shopping there and used to buy all my cards there. I needed 1 or possibly 2 button batteries and didn’t want a 10 count package on Amazon, which was cheaper. I found a 2 pack and it rang up at $5, supposedly because it was a brand name. Cashier offered me the non-brand name 2 pack for $1.25, which I bought (needed for my uke tuner). How are you supposed to know what things cost? That’s exactly what happened to the 99 cent store and I got tired of guessing prices so stopped shopping there. Then they went out of business. Oh well.

  7. Carla

    I’ve switched to Dollar General for all the items I used to buy at Dollar Tree since they have a huge section that’s still only $1.

  8. Kate

    I used to buy a lot of things for my classroom there. As a teacher, the extra quarters add up when you are buying for 22 kids, and I don’t shop there at all anymore. I just go to Amazon or even Walmart. Both are usually cheaper now and the quality is better than Dollar Tree.

  9. Ann

    Our Dollar Tree still had the 2 for $1 cards yesterday so I stocked up on Easter cards for the next several years. I did notice a sign that the $1 cards are now $1.25.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Nice score, Ann! 🎉 SO smart to stock up while they were still 2 for $1—especially on Easter cards you’ll use year after year! 🐣💌 Thanks a bunch for the heads up about the $1 cards now being $1.25 too. Good to know!

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