Make This Easy & Edible Easter Peep House (Fun Kids Craft!)
These Easter gingerbread houses are the perfect DIY holiday craft!
If you’re looking for a fun, creative, and edible kids’ Easter craft, these homemade Easter gingerbread houses using Peeps marshmallows are a must-make! The process is very similar to making gingerbread houses for Christmas, except we’re using cute Easter candy!
Follow along to make a Peep house of your own!
Wondering how to make a Peep house for Easter?
Only some simple, inexpensive supplies are required for this fun kids craft!
You’ll need some graham crackers, Easter candy like Peeps, sprinkles, and (most importantly) a thick icing to act as your “glue” when constructing your Peep house. I used a tube of Wilton decorating icing, and that worked nicely. It needs to dry hard and thick to hold the houses together.
Give your Easter Peep house some grass with shredded coconut!
This edible grass is onlinepletely optional, but it’s so easy and fun to make.
First, I added about a cup of shredded coconut to a plastic baggie. Then, I mixed up a teaspoon of water with two drops of green food coloring. Add the water/food coloring mixture to the baggie, shake up the contents, and the shredded coconut will take on a nice green color. You can then use this “grass” for your Peeps houses!
Easter Peep houses under construction…
Make the base of your Peep house first by using frosting to stick the three walls and base together, as shown above, and then let that dry/set for a few minutes. Then, attach the pitched roof to the top. Finally, you can embellish your houses with coconut grass, Peeps, Easter candy, etc. So fun and easy to create!
Hip Tip: Make sure to use lightweight/small candy or sprinkles to decorate the roof, or it could cave in. I had that happen with heavier candy. 😆
How To Make A Peep House for Easter
PrintSupplies Needed
Break apart 3 graham cracker sheets in half, so you have 6 square pieces.
Use icing to “glue” four pieces together to form the base of house. Lay one square cracker flat, and then glue three sides to base square. Let dry/set for a few minutes.
Use icing to make a pitched roof and attach to top of house.
Let house dry/set for a few more minutes. Place shredded coconut, Peeps, and jelly beans inside house to embellish. You can also use small candy or sprinkles to decorate the outside using additional icing.
Chillin’ with my Peeps!
Oh my goodness…these Peeps crafts turned out so CUTE. I love this as a fun Easter tabletop display on a tray as I’ve done in the photo above.
It would be great to have this as a kids’ craft station at your family’s Easter gathering. They’ll love making crafts with Peeps that can serve as an activity, a cute display and a snack!
These edible Easter baskets are great for older kiddos and teens too!