Step2 Package Delivery Box Only $45 Shipped on Amazon (Regularly $60)

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Protect your deliveries with this Step2 Package Delivery Box!

woman lifting the lid from a step2 package delivery box

Hop over to Amazon or where you can grab this highly rated Step2 Package Delivery Box in black for just $45 shipped (regularly $59.98 – $64.02)!

Step2 Package Delivery Box
Just $45 shipped (reg. $59.98)!

women taking mail out of delivery box

This weather-resistant delivery box keeps your packages out of sight and protected from the weather.

Still debating? Check out these reviews…

I have had this for a couple of years and I still love having it! Makes me feel better and I have even had folks delivering packages tell me that they think that the package tub is super cool via my Ring doorbell! lol – Whitney, Hip2Save Reader 

We absolutely love this Express Parcel Delivery Box! I don’t know how our packages survived all these years without it! Our property is surrounded by a fence so prior to getting this item our packages were thrown over our fence no matter what the weather was and in FL summer showers everyday would leave them sitting in puddles before we got home. We placed the Express Parcel Delivery Box on the inside of our fence near the walk-through gate and the height of it is perfect for delivery people to reach over grab the lid and put the package in with ease. Now all our packages stay out of the weather and are hidden from anyone being tempted to take them.

See more of the latest deals for your home here…

About the writer:

Liz has over a decade of experience writing about coupons and frugal living. She’s always searching for the best deals and loves helping people save!

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