FREE Kinship LittleKin Puppy & Kitten Packs ($200 Value)

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More Pets

Here’s how you can get your free puppy or kitten pack from Kinship’s littleKin! 

A woman and a cute dog

Head over to where for a limited time you can sign your puppy or kitten up for a FREE kit filled with items like food, treats, a wellness visit, and tons of coupons – a $200 value! Plus, you’ll get a Kinship membership for free!

To get yours, simply fill out the information for your furbaby (your pet needs to be under 12 months old to qualify), and you’ll be given a unique promo code for your free puppy or kitten pack! Limit one kit per household. Note that these packs will take up to 8 weeks to arrive.

Here’s what your pack could look like: 

Kinship littleKin Puppy Kit

littleKin Puppy Kit $15 ($200 value) 
Use your unique promo code
Shipping is free
Final cost FREE! 

*Samples and coupons may vary!

Kinship littleKin Kitten Kit

littleKin Kitten Kit $15 ($200 value) 
Use your unique promo code
Shipping is free
Final cost FREE! 

*Samples and coupons may vary!

After you’re signed up, you can check out all that Kinship has to offer. You can chat with a vet about a concern that you might have, get insight from other pet parents, read reviews on new items, and more.

There are tons of helpful and entertaining articles like “How to Not Lose It When Your Dog Won’t Stop Barking” or “Are Tuxedo Cats More Intelligent Than Other Cats—or Just More Dapper?” They even have some games specifically geared toward pet-lovers.

Looking for more deals for your pets? Head this way…

About the writer:

Kelli is a content writer with a degree in English Education from Penn State University. As a mom and a former middle school English teacher, she has spent the last 25 years looking for good deals for her home and the classroom.

Join The Discussion

onlinements 10

  1. rn404

    thanks…easy to request

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welonlinee! 🤗 Happy to hear it was an easy freebie to score, rn404!

  2. jessie

    Very cool! Thank you so much.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welonlinee jessie! 💓

  3. Ferchi03

    I got the code but I don’t see where I should order the kit

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Hi there! You can click through one of the options we have linked in the post for either a puppy or kitten to add to your cart, and apply your code at checkout. 🐾🤗

      • Beth S

        I also don’t see where to order and I’ve gone back clicked through the link. It also said I would receive an email in 10 minutes or so and I have not received anything and it’s been hours. I’m wondering if the kids are gone maybe?

        • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

          Hi Beth! I just signed up to test this, and the code appeared on the screen right after signing up. After clicking “copy code,” a new tab opened to add the puppy pack to my cart and proceed to checkout. I also saw the code apply there. 🤞 Hoping yours arrives by email soon so you can snag this freebie too!

          • Beth Steenwyk

            Thanks for checking. It finally occurred to me to use a different device and that worked. It was so weird because the code popped up on my phone but not the ordering page. It worked just as you described on the onlineputer. Who knows. Anyway, our kitten will be happy!

        • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

          Hey again! I just received an email confirmation for signing up that included my code as well! It arrived from [email protected], if that’s helpful to search through your inboxes for too! 💗

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