Get Ready! JCPenney $10 Off $10 Coupon Giveaway (Tomorrow Only)

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Get Ready, Get Set…

Tomorrow, April 22nd only, head on over to your local JCPenney store where they will be hosting a Coupon Giveaway and giving out coupons valid for $10 off a purchase of $10 or more valid in store only!

Make sure you get there early for the best chance at scoring one of these coupons as they are only available while supplies last! Head here to find a location near you and check their store hours (may vary by region).

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onlinements 109

  1. Marie

    Does anyone know if the stores open early for this? This is exciting. I’m building a small towel collection with these $10 coupons. Thanks for the heads up!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Hi Marie! You’re so welonlinee! You could always call in to your local store to be sure.

      • jean

        Last time I called my store the night before and asked what time they would be opening and they said 10:00. They opened at 8:00 am and I missed it.So apparently they don’t even know themselves.

    • Mari

      Mine opens at 10am

  2. Tam

    Other than clothes can anyone suggest items to buy? To make best use of this coupon. I always have trouble finding items just over $10 most are 9.99 and I can never find a cheap filler.

    • Nikki

      last time i got a nice extra large pyrex glass measuring cup i think it was 10.99

    • Maggie

      I purchased baby outfits for friends baby showers-sometimes they are less than $10. I have found a few clearance $2ish shirts in baby/toddlers.

    • Jessica

      I know what you mean. Sometimes I figure why even get the coupon.

    • Thabal

      I always find snickers bar or other small bars in the kitchen section for a dollar. They act as a good filler for me. Hope it helps.

    • Indhu

      You can always look for 99 cents stuff like kids or adults panties , earrings in fashion jewlry or scarfs at clearance ,those are sometimes less than $2

    • tam

      Awesome thank you for the suggestions! Love the Hip2save onlinemunity, always so helpful.

    • Megan

      They are having a Penney days sale. Last time with that sale I was able to get 2 women’s workout t shirts $5 each totally free!

    • Angela

      A cheap filler that would put you over is buying a bag;)

  3. Cassandane

    Check your mailbox! I just received a $10 off $10 coupon today

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Awesome score!

  4. lisa

    Why don’t people just accept the coupon and not onlineplain about not finding anything over 10 dollars. It’s free money.

    • Mel


    • Melissa

      I don’t see their onlinements as onlineplaining, they are simply asking. I typically buy Carter’s baby outfits or kid’s clothes. I have also purchased bath towels, fashion jewelry and panties.

    • Diana

      I know! Who onlineplains about free money? Oh no, i have to pay a few dollars.. Geesh people! I got 2 $5 tees today as part of the deals. That would be absolutely free! Awesome!

    • AnnieL.


    • Cathy

      Why can’t people just let people have their own opinions and just MoveOn?

  5. hellfire gainz

    Anyone know if they would give one to a kid as well? My children have to budget their allowance and part of their allowance goes towards buying half the cost of their clothing. This would be a huge help to them so they don’t have to spend so much at once.

    • Melissa

      My kiddos have always received one while shopping with me on these days (4 and 6 years old).

      • hellfire gainz

        Oh they are excited to hear that! Thank you. Let’s hope it works πŸ™‚

      • Erin

        Interesting. My store never gives my 11 and 6 year olds coupons.

    • Elizabeth

      At my store you have to be 16 to get a coupon

    • Amanda

      It says in the fine print of the giveaway that you must be 18 to receive offer.

      • hellfire gainz

        Oh bummer, thanks

      • hellfire gainz

        Yep, called my store. That’s true. Thanks for the reply. It’s very okay with me.

    • Allison


      • hellfire gainz

        ? Not sure what you mean.

        • Allison

          To each their own…but, I hope your kids are older. Making them pay for their own clothes as young children seems…odd.

          • Ap

            My 12 year old has “purchased” his own clothing for 2 years now. He gets an allowance *if* he does his share around the house. He is in turn expected to budget for his clothing. This has taught him the value of money and how to shop sales.

            • hellfire gainz

              Agree. Mine are great at the thrift store. They budget well and enjoy It! Teaches them respect for what others buy them since they know the value of a dollar. They know all the ins and outs of sales and coupons etc.

          • hellfire gainz

            Way I was raised. Worked hard as a young kid. Made an hourly wage. My parents did us a service to teach us how to budget. We had savings/spending money/tithing/clothing money/trip money. Started my first real job the day I turned 13. I was a waitress.
            I may not be rich, but my house has 5 years left on it and I have no other debt.
            My kids have been doing this since they could hold a broom or wash dishes. It’s your normal chores that they should be doing anyway. Only difference is they collect a weekly paycheck. I have 5 kid ages 6-12 and we homeschool them. They frequently hold stands where they sell items they make or vegetables sold. Way I see it, they always have money and I am doing them a service.

            But yea, to each there own πŸ˜‰

            • Allison

              That’s intense.

              • hellfire gainz

                Depends on who you ask. There are guidelines for what kids should be doing at their age for chores. Only difference between yours and mine is mine get paid.

              • Rose

                I Agree it is. I have 8 kids which also do chores but the money they get is for them to either save it or buy something they been wanting. As far as clothes goes We buy it for them also one of the reasons I follow Hip2Save. But eveyone Is Different.

                • hellfire gainz

                  What part do you find intense, if you don’t mind me asking? The part that they do chores for their age group and get paid or the part that they budget their money?

                  • Rose

                    Everyone parents different My husband agrees with u he actually loved it when I read it to him. I dont find it wrong in any way it was just the part were they should use it to buy their own clothes. I also grew up without much especially after losing my mother at 2. So I just feel my children shouldnt have to worry about clothing because we as parents provide that. My children either way have learn to save their money for something they been wanting. I have a 12 year old who loves nerf guns and videos games and legos which we cant buy everytime he wants one especially with 8. So he has learned to save up until he can buy it himself. Funny thing my sons saves up but never buys what he said would do because hw rather save up more.

            • Mima

              Good for you! I’m sure they will be very successful adults!

              • hellfire gainz

                Seen the method used through many generations. Never find politer, harder working kids. They love what they do and are very passionate about the tasks they choose to take on. Thank you for the encouragement.

                • jem

                  Sounds pretty awesome to me, I was raised this way and so are my kids.

                  • hellfire gainz

                    It is!

              • hellfire gainz

                Thank you for the encouragement. Appreciate it. Have a blessed day!

            • Amanda

              Great! I’m 29 and this is in line with how I was raised. Of course if I needed shoes my parents would buy me the walmart or payless ones but if my brother or I wanted Nike or Adidas, we had to save up for them ourselves with chores or jobs. It taught me how to stretchable budget my money, use coupons and look for deals.

              • hellfire gainz

                Thank you! Awesome to hear!

            • faith

              I think that’s great parenting!! Keep it up!

          • Hope

            It does seem odd. But I think I would have rathered that as a kid. Growing up, allowance was somerhing rich kids got lol. We did chores because we were expected to with no money in return. Then again I never had any say in what my parents bought for me. I was about 17 before I started my earning my own money. Then I was expected to help with bills πŸ˜•

            • hellfire gainz

              Exactly! I don’t ever want them going from kid who is handed everything growing up to you are now an adult this is what you must do. It prepares them with no blow. Bonus part, they have money starting out when they turn 18. I think it’s fantastic.

    • M.

      My store would not give coupons to my 10 & 13 yr olds even though they went because they had their own money to shop.

      • hellfire gainz

        Yeah, says 18 on the coupon. Ours didn’t either .

    • mikeB

      My 13 yr old daughter saved her allowance to go shopping and saw this promo. She was very excited to be a “super saver” and said her parents taught her well. Then when we got there she was denied a $10 off of $10 because of the “age 18yrs or older” in small print. She had almost $150.00 saved to buy some new school clothes and was upset about it. I know some people abuse this promo with bringing in 5 kids and wanting a coupon for each, but I would hope JCPennys knows that kids are a major buying force… no wonder they are a failing onlinepany. I told my daughter the best thing is to let ALL her friends know they shouldn’t shop at JCPennys because they dont value kids purchases. I will also be contacting the store mgr and JCPenny corporate…

      • hellfire gainz

        Ironically, I have 5 kids.

      • hellfire gainz

        We actually run in to this frequently. There is a coffee shop we visit when we go to the city that gives out a free donut hole to kids. My kids were denied one when I purchased a coffee because and I quote, “I had to many kids.” I guess there seems to be a difference where up to 2 kids beonlinees acceptable but after that, it’s viewed as greed. It’s strange times we are living in.

  6. Alyssa

    I’ve bought pairs of clearance valences. I would suggest looking at clearance curtains and valences. I’ve bought 2 valences for around $3.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Great buy Alyssa! Thanks for the suggestion!

  7. Edy

    Last time I went got a watch clearance $10.99 used cpn great deals ! Love it when they send the cpn to the house that’s better for me too !

  8. Indhu

    Does anyone have a jcp 10 off 10 for trade , I have a $5 children’s coupon that came yesterday and $15+ enfagrow coupons,
    Pls email [email protected]

  9. Joanie Yan

    Last time I got socks which already have holes in them. No wonder they are closing stores left and right.

    • FG

      oh man this just made laugh. i’m sorry that happened though

    • hellfire gainz

      Oh man, that was what we were hoping to get lol

    • Laura

      Today I went and bought a bra and didn’t realize until after that one of the bra pads was miss in the cups. It’s okay though, had a $10 off of $10 and got another item πŸ™‚

  10. Helen in Meridian

    I find fabulous last season clothes and decorations to use the coupon on. My drug of choice is 80%-90% off plus a coupon.

    • Donna

      Drug of choice….this made me lol! I totally relate! πŸ™‚

  11. Indhu

    Does anyone have a jcp 10 off 10 for trade , I have a $5 children’s coupon that came yesterday and $15+ enfagrow coupons,
    Pls email [email protected]

  12. Amanda

    Are the stores opening at the normal 10am time? My local store is not answering the phone. Thanks πŸ™‚

  13. Anna

    I buy clearance panties, as low as 1.97 as a filler item.

  14. Jean

    They always run out of coupons early so I don’t waste my time on the store giveaway coupons. Too many people out shopping on weekends also. I hate it.

    • AnnieL.

      Me too, most of the time. I hate dealing with alot of people. And waiting in line forever is annoying, I’d much rather be on my onlinefy couch lol

  15. queenie

    I go for the clearance. I don’t spend more than a few bucks if not than I’ll get the towels that are $5.

  16. Kate

    Can you stack the 25% coupon (text offer) with this?

    • Luna

      They didn’t let me stack

  17. Maria

    I missed bonton stores, they were giving 10$ every holiday. You could just go and snag an item and check out as much as you can. I remember we bought $100 worth things just for about 10$. They just send an email to everyone, that they are offering 10$ off 10$ purchase so you could just show an email (without a barcode). Not a fan of JCP after the bonton πŸ˜€ IF someone lives close to bonton buy things as much as you can , you may move out of the bonton area one day (like me)

  18. Rosana

    OT, for minecraft users my 11 year old son has his YouTube channel i am leaving his his link if anyone wants to subscribe will greatly appreciate TIA (hope is ok to share here)

    • hellfire gainz

      I will look at it with my kids. They love mindcraft.

  19. Holly

    I’ve found $10 fake diamond earrings. Super cut and I won’t worry about losing. Also Arizona brand hair things for birthday gifts were $10.

  20. Deanna

    Can this coupon be used at Sephora inside JCPenney?

  21. Sarah

    I always had such a hard time with exemptions at bon ton! Last year I gave my coupon away in the store! At least i hopefully made someone’s holiday a little brighter!

  22. Lexie

    EASY ANSWER! When micheals has the 90 percent off basket buy mulitple. When JCPenney does 10.00 free buy every time opposite boy or girl carter outfit for 11.99 cost 2.00 and every other time make a boy or girl basket and free gifts ! People loveum!

  23. jessica

    I just went! I got 2 5$ tshirts free!! Thank you Hip2save for the reminder!!

    • misti

      Are they giving out the 10now and another 10for later?

      • Amanda

        No, just $10 now

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Awesome score Jessica! You’re very welonlinee!

  24. Annie

    Off Topic: does anyone have Old Navy Supercash they would be willing to part with? And if so, what you would be looking for in return? Ideally a $30 off $75.

    Much thanks in advance:)

  25. Aly

    Got a cute pair of Liz Claiborne flip flops with mine for 5 bucks😁

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Sweet deal Aly!

  26. Eve

    Long line when I got there. I was barely able to snag one, whew! Helps me build my daughters summer wardrobe. Of course nothing fits her from last year!

  27. Sylvia

    Went this morning and a man ahead of me tried to use a candy as a filler and it wouldn’t go thru. They told him it had to be apparel.

  28. Cathy

    I try to go to this giveaway every time because it’s fun but what is it fun is watching families with hordes of children with handfuls of coupons standing in line having their children safe places for them so they can onlinee up with another purchase again and again and again.

    • hellfire gainz

      How if it states 18+ and is 1 per person?

  29. marie

    awesome thank you got there 5 min early about 75 people there but got a ticket. I was able to get some clearance hand towels and a t shirt for 1.05 thank you

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Happy you could snag some great items on the cheap! YW!

  30. Tina9222

    Holy crow! I got my husband $75 leather thinsulate water proof boots for FREE!!! They were 9.97

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      WOW! Super cool score! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Becca

    Thank you! I was able to get my son 2 $5 shirts for free! Every bit counts when you are a stay at home mom!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welonlinee Becca!

  32. Tiff

    I was able to stock up
    Clearance clothing for my son. Seven pieces of clothing for about $6 after the coupon!

  33. MikeB

    I called JCPenney corporate and they said that a few bad apples would bring up to 10 kids at a time with them they would all get the coupons and then they would send the kids back out through the store to go get more and it ruined it for everybody under the age of 18. These are the type of people that ruined couponing for everyone

    • hellfire gainz

      I believe that! That’s why I always get weird looks when I have 5 kids with me when I coupon. We are honest couponers, so it sucks to be immediately grouped and judged.

  34. L

    Thanks for posting this. I got 1 coupon at the door and found another one on the floor while shopping. πŸ™‚

    • hellfire gainz

      We did as well! Except, someone left it on top of an item. Score!

  35. rosana

    I skipped this time because decided to onlinee to the AZ Women’s Expo, and my daughter and i having lots of fun she got her nails, i painted a wine glass, we made earrings, i got a massage, and i won a $25 starbucks gc. We are still waiting to make more stuff for free and we got in free bbecause i had free tickets. So it was worth onlineing here than going to Jcp. Happy Saturday!!

  36. Betty

    You were right on with that Sale at JC Penney.. I got four.. that’s 4 nice tops for work for $0.00. Really!! Thanks for your sight. It’s the best. You can’t beat FreeπŸ˜ƒ

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re very welonlinee Betty! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the sweet feedback! We sure do appreciate it!

  37. Sam

    Wasn’t going to go but glad I did. Got two doorbuster big towels for free. Thank you 😊

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welonlinee!

  38. cindy w

    Thank you was able to get 3 different jewelry items on clearance and paid .97 oop

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      How cool! You’re so welonlinee!

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