Bath & Body Works Hand Soaps as Low as $3 Each (Regularly $6.50)

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Bath & Body Works soaps on shelf

Through August 7th, hop on over to Bath & Body Works where you can score SIX Hand Soaps for just $18 (regularly $6.50 each) both in-store and online!

Even better, through August 5th, score 20% off your purchase when you use promo code JUSTPICKED at checkout! Or, if heading in-store, check your inbox for an email titled “what’s new? these Hand Soaps, for one. (+ 20% off)” onlineing from [email protected]. The email will have a coupon you can print or show the cashier to score the discount.

woman hand holding cucumber lily bath and body works hand soap in store

Heading in-store? Do this deal…

Buy six Hand Soaps 6/$18 (regularly $6.50 each)
Total = $18
Use the 20% off coupon in your email
Final cost $18 total – just $3 each!

Bath & Body Works hand soaps

Shopping online? Do this deal…

Buy six Hand Soaps 6/$18 (regularly $6.50)
Total = $18
Use promo JUSTPICKED (20% Off)
Shipping adds $5.99
Final cost $23.99 shipped total – just $4 each!

Check out the new Bath & Body Works fall candle scents!

  • Shipping & Terms

    Bath and Body Works

    Shipping is a flat rate of $6.99 for orders over $10. Otherwise, shipping is $10.99. Alternatively, you may be able to opt for free store pickup on select items to save on shipping.

Join The Discussion

onlinements 8

  1. Alyi

    Thank you for sharing this !! I was hoping they would have a good sale soon and even better that with the 20%!
    A perfect reason to stock up and grab some for our daughters summer class teachers at the Y as a thank you for a great summer. Thank you for your hard work and great deal finds !

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re so welonlinee! I love that idea, Alyi! Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Gina G.

    I’m just curious, why is it that you can use the Victoria Secret Pink credit card in the BBW stores but not online??

  3. Andrea Sether

    A little tip, if you have a Discover card, go to the rewards/redemption page and you can get Bath & Body Works gift cards for less. $20 gets you $25 or $40 gets you $50. You can get them immediately via the egift certificate option. So I get my soaps for $1.96/each after using my redemption for 2 $50 g.c. and saving an additional $20.

    • Wendy

      Thanks so much for this tip!! Are they available all year round?

      • Andrea Sether

        Yes, but sometimes the onlinepanies can vary. They have lots of different places to chose from, sometimes it’s $40 for $50 and some places it’s $45 for $50 (or other varying amounts. The cool thing is, when using your cash back bonus, it’s essentially all free.

  4. Karon

    JUSTPICKED code is not working online. When entered, responds with, “Code JUSTPICKED can currently not be added to your cart.”

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      DARN! That one is no longer applying for me either. Thanks so much for letting us know!

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