Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (10/9/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 80

  1. Janey

    Have: Six Flags tickets ex 12-31-18, Want $20 Amazon per tix
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes good for movie rentals ex 10-11-18, want $2 Amazon for 3 Fandangonow codes
    AMC Large Drink and Large Popcorn vouchers expires 6-30-19, Want $3.50 Amazon for set
    Also interested in Target, Starbucks, Itunes, and Dunkin Donuts GCs
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

    • DIANE

      Used Great America tickets..thanks. Awesome deal!

      • Janey

        Glad you had fun. Let me know if you want to trade for more, these tickets can be used for Frightfest also.

  2. Reet

    Up for trade: 20% off $100 or more on AMERICAN GIRL, exp. 10/31.

    Leave an offer. I’m interested in GameStop rewards, Kohls, target, Amazon, or Shutterfly free ship, but I’ll consicer other offers!

    • Ms. Frizzle

      I’m interested, but what’s your email?

      • Reet

        Ritawrap36 at gmail 🙂

    • Reet


  3. Casey

    I have a JCPenney 50 off 100 home coupon expires tomorrow would have to be used online let me know what you have not sure what I’m looking for just yet 🙂

    • Resuht

      I have Eddie bauer 10 off 10 I can have you JCP if interested just lemme know I am buying a new house need stuff for home
      Email [email protected]

  4. Kohl’s

    I have $15 Kohl’s cash. I am looking for amazon or audible trade. Email me @ [email protected]

    I am new to audible so I am not even sure if trades are out there :). Any tips welonlinee!

  5. Jayme

    UPT: 20% off $100 American Girl – first time order. Good thru 10/31. Looking for small Amazon or Target gc. Jayme785 @

    • Jayme

      Looking for small Target or Amazon gc. Jayme785 @

      • Jayme

        Coupon claimed

  6. niya

    I have one VS $10/$10. I like to give it for Kohls cash/JCP rewards/Macy’s rewards. Email : niyadeals at

  7. Marianne

    Looking for children’s place coupons!

    • Robin

      I have $10 off $40 purchase at Children’s Place. If interested email me what you have to trade. [email protected]

  8. Hunter

    I’ve got a free appetizer or sidekick of ribs to Texas Roadhouse that I won’t be using. Expires 10/16. Leave your email, and I’ll email it sometime today!

    • Kate


      • Hunter

        Kate, leave your email and I can send it to you if you want!

        • Robin

          If Kate doesn’t get back to you I will take this. [email protected]

  9. G

    Have AG %20 off code , looking for $5 Amazon Gc
    Email gaby04019(at) gmail(dot) online

  10. Pauline


    – VS 2 free panties with purchase exp 11/6
    – $15 off $49 or more Chewy exp 11/30
    – 8×8 Shutterfly photobook
    – $20 off $40 Halloween gear at ( exp 10/16
    – Snapfish 20 free 4×6 prints+free shipping exp 10/10
    – BOGO 3 Musketeers candy exp 10/28
    – 20% off Domino’s Pizza exp 10/15
    – $25 off sports ticket
    – Shutterfly free reusable shopping bag exp 10/31

    Looking for preferably Amazon, Target or other gift cards, paypal, Kohl’s cash, JCP rewards, American girl coupons or any other offers. Thanks!
    Pls email: [email protected]

  11. Ann

    Oriental trading onlinepany free shipping no min = CE186115
    Justice $20 off $80 online or in store
    Shutterfly $25 off (Ibotta)
    Staples $25 off $75 online or by phone only. Looking to trade for AMC drink or popcorn.
    mascaret at

  12. Miracle

    Looking for macys rewards. Have eddie bauer, itunes, jcpenney reward.. Email is moeisblue at gmail

  13. SeaGirl

    For trade.
    – $10 off $30 purchase at Maggiano’s -email coupon exp 10/17
    – coke caps
    – Ruby Tuesday free burger & lemonade $15 value unique code dine in exp 12/31
    – $5 Columbia reward exp next year

    Open to any offers, prefer any amount gc, staples amazon kohls any.

  14. Susanna

    Have: (1) Target Baby Coupon booklet (valid in-store and on with several high value coupons such as:
    $25 off $50 Honest baby purchase
    40% off purchase of 2 nursing bras/camis
    FREE 2 oz. 8 pk. Similac ready-to-feed formula
    50% off one handcrafted Starbucks beverage (valid only at Starbucks in Target stores)
    About 30 more baby and personal care coupons. These are all Target coupons so you can onlinebine many of them with
    manufacturer coupons to maximize savings. They expire 10/31.
    Have: (1) AMC large popcorn and (1) AMC large drink voucher exp. 6/30/19
    Have: (1) $25 off Shutterfly from Ibotta

    I am interested in Amazon, Walmart, Menards, Meijer, BBW gift cards, rewards, or open to other offers. If interested, please email cinderellasong14 at gmail.

    • Pinkrazrbrd3

      Please email me pinkrazrbrd3 at gmail dot online can’t see the rest of your post I’m interested

      • Susanna

        I emailed you 😊

    • LJ

      How many coke codes for the 50% off Starbucks target?

      • Susanna

        It is already claimed, sorry!

  15. Roxy

    For trade:

    15% off Gap coupon exp today
    $25 off $25 Shutterfly code from Ibotta exp 11/30
    $15 off $49 or more Chewy exp 11/30
    Shutterfly 8×8 photobook
    50% off regular priced Shutterfly order exp 12/15
    10 free cards from Tinyprints exp 10/31
    20% off Gymboree code exp 10/15

    Willing to trade for amazon, target gift cards, kohls cash, paypal, JCP rewards, American girl coupons or other offers. Will respond quickly. Thanks.
    [email protected]

  16. Amanda

    Anyone have a redbox code they won’t be using? Would appreciate it. [email protected]

    • Pauline

      Yes, emailed you!

  17. Cathy

    I have 2 AMC black tickets that have no expiration I would like to trade for Cinemark tickets if someone has some that they won from the Coke instant win game. Email cjg9377 at

  18. Pm

    Looking for Starbucks gift cards. Pvd820 Gmail

    • Susanna

      What are you looking to trade for?

  19. Nor

    -Cinemark 2 small popcorn
    -AMC large popcorn or drink
    -Staples $25/75
    -VS $25/125, 30% off pink item
    -Shutterfly $25/25, Easel calendar, Notebook, 8×8 Photo Book, Luggage tag, 10 cards
    -Snapfish 20 free prints with free shipping
    -$20/40 Halloweencostumes.
    -$20 Dining Advantage credit
    Looking for Kohls cash, Amazon, Target, starbucks, other gift card, walmart 10%, movie ticket. Email duranna79 at gmail dot online

  20. Sheryl

    I’m looking for a $10 Eddie Bauer code. I do have a 15% off Barnes and Nobles I could trade, if you want???
    [email protected]

  21. Jennifer

    I’m looking for any Shutterfly promo codes!
    hendershotwedding08 at

    • Kay

      I have shutterfly codes available. Emailed you. Thanks!

  22. Kerrie Lovejoy

    I am ISO a target 40% off nursing bra coupon (the one that onlinees in the baby registry gift bag).

    I am willing to trade the code for other coupons that came in the gift bag. The ones I have available to trade:
    $10 off Honest Beauty purchase of $35
    $1 off Palmers lotion
    $3 off Olay Eyes or moisturizer
    $2 off Evenflo Balance wide neck bottle set
    $2 off Dr. Browns multipack bottles
    $2 off NUK Simply Natural bottle
    20% off Tommee Tippee bottle, bottle set, or nipples

    • Susanna

      Thanks for a successful trade!

  23. Trish

    I have $10 eddie bauer. Looking for $10 VS. Please email me. trishanax3 at gmail dot online.

  24. J

    Looking for Domino’s quikly codes that expires this week. I have a 20% off code and shutterfly $25 code to trade. [email protected]

  25. A

    UFT: $5 off purchase domino’s code from quickly (expires 10/15), Gymboree/crazy 8 coupon, Janie and Jack coupon, coke caps, or I might have other stuff floating around like Shutterfly, etc

    ISO: Kohl’s Cash or other dollar-off Kohl’s coupon. Thanks!

    [email protected]

    • A

      Also have 20% off $100 AG. Mostly interested in a Kohl’s trade. Thanks 🙂

  26. Zoya

    Eddie Bauer $10,
    Shutterfly 8×8 Photo Book,
    -Snapfish 20 free prints with free shipping
    -$20/40 Halloweencostumes.
    -$20 Dining Advantage credit
    Want gift cards.
    at vilnitsky yahoo

    • K

      I have Starbucks 20.00 gift card
      Need Kohl’s cash or amazon gift card

  27. Jenn

    UFT: $20 Kohl’s cash valid 10/9- 10/17
    ISO: Petco gift card, Amazon.
    jennacohen67 at gmail dot online

  28. Lisa

    I have $5 Kohl’s Cash. Would trade for Starbucks or Amazon.
    [email protected]

  29. JustMe

    Anyone with Tmobile that doesn’t need their snapfish 20 free prints code? We don’t have tmobile in my area and I would love to print off homeonlineing pictures. I have a $1 off redbox code I can trade, expires today. I know its not much. Thank you [email protected]

    • JustMe

      Also have free Justice journal with any purchase. In store only to trade. Thanks!

    • Tia

      Emailed you.

  30. Sunny

    I am looking for an American Girl 20% off coupon. I can trade for a $5 Target g.c. or a $5 Amazon gift card. Please email if you are interested
    [email protected]

    • ami

      sent you an email!

  31. L

    I’m looking for snapfish 20 free prints with free shipping if anyone is not using theirs. [email protected]
    Thank you so much.

  32. Tia

    UFT: $35.00 Amazon looking for $27 Paypal only. Going on a cruise next month and I need to pay for my drink package! [email protected] if interested.

    • Tia

      Successfully traded!

  33. ami

    sent you an email!

  34. Annie

    Lane Bryant Real Women Dollars PK8GVGQHP $25 off $50

  35. Bunny

    Hello Fresh $50 Gift Card
    $25 off your first two boxes
    Voucher Code: 8V206X601

  36. Danielle

    This is totally off topic, and I hope someone can help me. Is there a onlinemunity of people that use the Circut thingys that do custom work for someone? I don’t know anyone who has one of these things. I am looking to have either a logo printed or just the name of my son’s high school printed for water bottles for my son’s teachers.

  37. Melissa

    I have 20% off $100?American girl first purchase
    $2 Panera bread gift card
    Free vs panty with purchase
    ISO. Amazon Disney gc. Disney movie reward codes or make an offer
    [email protected]

  38. Robin

    I have $10 off $40 purchase @ Children’s Place
    Vs $25 off $125
    Vs $50 Dream Angels Bra & Panty
    Vs 20% off one item
    Looking for Kohl’s cash, Amazon gc, and ??? Make an offer. 😁

  39. Aby

    Hi, I have VS $10/$10 coupon good in-store and online, exp. 10/19. I would like to trade for Kohl’s cash, JCPenney rewards or let me know what do you have (no shutterfly or coke codes, please). pe1234ppa at gmail dot online (no spaces). Thank you!

  40. Mommyof5

    I am looking for a Michael’s gift card. Does anyone know where I can get them discounted and how long does it take to receive it? email me please thank you. mommycoupon05 at gmail dot online

  41. Meg

    I am looking for AMC popcorn coupon, if anyone not using theirs. Thanks in advance.

  42. Susanna

    I have had several of the coupons claimed, but I will email you a list of what I have left 😊

  43. DavidFL

    T-MOBILE TUESDAY (I’m surprised there was not a post for T-mobile Tuesday deals today):

    – $20 off $40 at, exp 10/16
    – $20 Dining Advantage credits, exp 10/15
    – Free 20 prints (4×6) and free shipping via Snapfish app, exp 10/9 (TONIGHT)
    – BOGO 3Musketeers at 7elven, RaceTrac, etc., exp 10/28
    – $25 off at

    Email me at [email protected] if interested. High demand so a trade would be appreciated, especially Snapfish. First onlinee first served. I will check my email periodically until midnight EST tonight.

  44. Mommy2Bear

    UFT: $10 off $10 Staples 10/13
    2- $5 Similac checks 10/23
    ISO: open to fair offers
    [email protected]

  45. Smellyann

    I have coupons for Janie & Jack, Gymboree, & Crazy 8 up for grabs. If interested, email me at smellyann @ gmail . online

  46. ERichie $15 OFF $49 7EFJC5N6 .

  47. ERichie

    EXP . 11/30/2018

  48. Danielle

    I have a $25.00 Shutterfly code from ibotta expires 11/30/18. Email me @ [email protected]

  49. Brandy

    I have some coupons to share, just let others know if you used them.

    The Children’s Place $15 off $30 or more
    Online Code: Y05505MZAB1FCK
    Expires 11/19/18

    Carters $10 off $30+ purchase
    Code: 4312006AE000000C2C11
    Expires 3/31/19

    Gymboree $10 off $30 or more
    Code: N3J25Q3C6CFUSTA
    Expires 2/28/19

    • Maria

      Brandy I used the Children’s place. Thank you very much for your kindness.

  50. Jen

    Does anyone have a VS 50% off sleep? I have coke codes and a $5 promotional Kohl’s coupon to trade

    • Anne

      I do. Pls leave your e-mail.

      • Laura

        I’m looking for 50% sleep, if you still have please email me esbeidy1990 @
        no spaces. Thanks🙂 I have few things you might be interested.

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