Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (10/5/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 49

  1. Janey

    Have: Six Flags tickets ex 12-31-18, Want $20 Amazon per tix
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes good for movie rentals ex 10-11-18, want $2 Amazon for 3 Fandangonow codes
    AMC Large Drink and Large Popcorn vouchers expires 6-30-19, Want $3.50 Amazon for set
    Also interested in Target, Starbucks, Itunes, and Dunkin Donuts GCs
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

  2. Nor

    -Cinemark 2 small popcorn
    -AMC large popcorn or drink
    -VS $25/125
    -Staples $25/75
    -Shutterfly $25/25, Notebook, Liggage tag, Mix and match set, 10 cards, 8×8 Photo Book
    Looking for Amazon, Target, Starbucks, other Gift Card, Kohls cash, walmart or target % code. Email duranna79 at gmail dot online

  3. Lulu

    If anyone would like a $20 off $50 Wayfair promo code INVITE. Email ME at [email protected] no trades necessary!

  4. Bunny

    Redbox $.75 off first night any disc rental
    Use code 58W7SU54 by 10/07/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  5. Ann

    Looking for Staples $10 off $10. Can trade LL Bean 20% off or $3 paypal/Amazon.
    Mascaret at

    • Ann

      All set on Staples now. Thanks

  6. L

    Redbox $.75 off first night any disc rental
    Use code 8GNG54SG by 10/07/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  7. JustMe

    I am iso of shutterfly invites/cards from The Knot or babycenter if anyone has any they won’t use. I can offer 7 coke codes or a $60 code for Hello Fresh ($20 off first 3 boxes) Thank you!! [email protected]

  8. Mommyof5

    I have
    $5 Exxon gift card
    $4 Dunkin donuts
    (4) $25 off sports tickets
    $10 Eddie bauer
    $30 uber gift card
    $2 Panera
    looking for jcpenny reward, staples $10 coupon or rewards, Victoria secret rewards
    mommycoupon05 at gmail dot online

  9. Puregem

    Uft 5$ kohls cash Exp: 10/31
    Iso Target gc or jcp rewards
    Please message me at [email protected]
    Thank you

  10. Pauline


    – $25 off $25 Chico’s purchase code exp 10/06
    – 8×8 Shutterfly photobook
    – 20% off Domino’s Pizza exp 10/15
    – $25 off sports ticket
    – Shutterfly free reusable shopping bag exp 10/31
    – 15% off Justice coupon exp 10/12

    Looking for preferably Amazon, Target or other gift cards, paypal, Kohl’s cash, JCP rewards, American girl coupons, cokd codes or any other offers. Thanks!
    Pls email: [email protected]

    • Lisa

      I have an American girl 20% off $100
      Would you happen to have a $15 off $45 coupon they sent by email?

      • aliss

        Hi. I am not sure if your American Girl coupon is still available. Which coupon on you looking for?

  11. Kevin j pughsley

    I am looking for a staples coupon to trade for Dunkin donuts $2 gift card or Amazon gift card. Email me at [email protected]

  12. Lulu

    How are we supposed to trade if we cannot leave an email address??

    • Lulu

      There something wrong with the app it does not show emails. Only reveals them through Safari or another browser

    • Amber

      Hi! I’m still able to leave an email address – example – [email protected]

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Hi Lulu! Are you using an android device or iOS? onlinementing is working for those on an Android and should be working better for those on an iOS later today. Be sure to check back soon!

  13. Twyant

    I have $5 Kohl’s cash I’d like to trade for a $5 Target GC or $10 JC Penny reward… twyant_7@yahoodotonline

  14. Mayra

    I’m looking for vs coupons $30/100 … $10/40 etc. I have coke codes and amc lg drink or popcorn

  15. Mayra

    I’m looking for vs coupons $30/100 … $10/40 etc. I have coke codes and amc lg drink or popcorn myawesomekids @ hotmail. online

  16. Denille

    $1.25 off a redbox, please onlinement when used

    • Lisa

      I used your code. Thanks for being a generous hip2saver. 😊🌹

  17. tklove03

    ISO: VS $10 Angel Rewards, VS $10 off $40 from mailer – any VS money off online.
    Have: Several 25% off Fanatics online codes x12/31/18
    2- Dunkin’ Free Shot of Espresso x11/15/18
    1- Dunkin’ Free Order of Hashbrowns x11/15/18
    2- Dunkin’ Any Size Cold Brew $1 after 11am x11/15/18
    Shutterfly Free Notebook & Phone Case code x12/31/18
    The Children’s Place $10 off $40 web code x11/1/18
    Shutterfly 8×8 Photo Book from Kohls x11/30/18
    Several Coke Cap Codes

    tklove03 at yahoo dot online

    • tklove03

      I’m also in search of box tops for education. Thanks!

    • tklove03

      Shutterfly Free Notebook & Phone Case code x12/31/18 – GONE

  18. Roxy

    For trade:

    $25 off sports ticket
    Shutterfly 8×8 photobook
    50% off regular priced Shutterfly order exp 12/15
    10 free cards from Tinyprints exp 10/31
    15% off Gap coupon exp 10/09
    20% off Gymboree code exp 10/15

    Willing to trade for amazon,Target or other gift cards, kohls cash, paypal, JCP rewards, American girl coupons & coke/Fanta codes. Other offers welonlinee. Will respond quickly. Thanks.
    [email protected]

  19. Tia

    Redbox: $1.25 Use code R3PGK3K9 by 10/07/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  20. Ebony

    Redbox: $0.75 Use Code N7EAN3HG

  21. Lisa

    Looking for Justice online coupons! 🙂
    They were sent in email and by mail.

    [email protected]

  22. T.N

    Hi I have 10 off of reward from Eddie Bauer would trade it for 5$ khols cash or JCP or any .
    Email me at [email protected]

  23. Lynn

    $10 off $50 Eddie Bauer code (exp. 10/8/18)
    Email small offers

  24. Lauren

    I have to trade:
    Staples $10 off $10 exp 10/6

    Shutterfly codes:
    Luggage tag from Kellogg’s exp 10/31
    Reusable shopping bag from Carter’s exp 10/31
    Coasters from the Knot exp 10/31
    Coasters from Coke exp 11/15
    Easel calendar from the Knot exp 10/31
    8×8 Photobook (or $29.99 toward larger size book) from Carter’s exp 11/30
    5×8 Notebook from the Knot exp 12/31
    $25 off from Destination Maternity exp 12/31

    Looking for Coke codes, Pampers codes, Walmart 10% coupon, Kohl’s Cash, JCP Rewards, Disney Movie Rewards, or small value Amazon. Email lrng1416 at gmail

    • Lauren

      These codes are free to anyone who wants them.

      Redbox $1.25 off. Use code QU49XSRA by 10/07/2018 @ 11:59 PM.

      I have several HelloFresh codes for new customers.
      $25 off first 2 boxes and free shipping (I have 3 of these)
      $20 off first 3 boxes and free shipping (I have 1 of these)
      3 free meals in first box (I have 1 of these)

      Email lrng1416 at gmail and let me know which code you would like.

    • Lauren

      The Staples coupon and many of my shutterfly codes are now gone. Thank you everyone for the trades! The only shutterfly codes still available are the luggage tag, easel calendar, and $25 off.

  25. Kimberly Fay

    I have VS $30 sports bra through Oct 24, and 50% off a sleep item.
    AMC gift cards , $10, $17.50
    Shutters fly – free notebook and 50% off code for everything else

    Looking for PlayStation cards, justice.

    • Laura

      I have 15/45 for justice. Email me if interested
      Esbeidy1990 at

      • K

        Need staples 10/10 coupon
        Offering 3.00

    • April

      i have justice $15 off $45 expires 10/29. interested in your 50% off vs sleep

      [email protected]

  26. Laura

    20% Clarks 10/7
    20% kohl’s CC required
    25% children’s Place
    $15/45 Justice
    Office Depot $10/50
    20% Bath & bodyworks
    Free shipping with $25 purchase Bath & bodyworks
    Shutterfly free shopping bag
    Shutterfly 50% total order 12/15
    Looking for victoria secret free panty, beauty Item or reward. Or email me with a offer.
    Esbeidy1990 at

  27. qi

    target 20% off carseat/stroller/select baby gear coupon from the recent carseat trade-in event:

    • qi

      expires 10/6/2018

  28. Rey

    Looking for Shutterfly freebies, especially lifetouch notebook and pencil case, knot coasters, discover desktop plaque, iPhone case, notepad or mousepad, etc
    I could trade with Shutterfly (knot notebook, knot easel calendar, joann 8×8 book, baby center 10 birth announcements or 12 thank you cards, kelloggs luggage tag, Cinemark 2 small popcorn, AMC large popcorn or drink, Victoria Secret $25 off $125, if interested please email me to [email protected], thanks

  29. Rachel

    Redbox code, 1.25 off, EC7VMKXW, expires 10/07.

  30. 417bmcatee

    2 of each available – expire 10/27/18.
    VS free panty with purchase
    $10 off $40
    $25 off $125
    $20 wear everywhere bra.
    Email becky dot mcatee at gmail dot online.

    No Shutterfly

  31. Janessa

    Hi! I have:
    Harry and David Free 10oz bag of Moose Munch (in store) exp 10-24
    Eddie Bauer $10 Reward exp 10-15
    Columbia $5 Reward exp 3-7-19
    Shutterfly Free 8×8 photo book- Kohl’s exp 11-30

    Up for offers. I love Kohl’s, Amazon, JC Penny, Starbucks, Disney Rewards, Disney Movies, and other things. If your interested just email. [email protected].

  32. Jojo

    I have AG %20 off code , looking for $5 Amazon Gc
    Email jojo172003 (at) hotmail ( dot) online

    • Bunny

      American Girl FNF1018 = $10 off $50 good thru 10/8
      This is not a unique code. Anyone can use it.

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