No More Fear of Clearing the Room with Handy Subtle Butt Gas Neutralizers

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More April Fools

holding Subtle Butt disposable gas neutralizing pad and package

Save your social life with Subtle Butt gas neutralizing pads!

Has fragrant flatulence taken its toll on your relationships? Do you find yourself nervously looking over your shoulder to make sure you’re in the clear anytime you’ve accidentally let one slip out?

When you’re at an outside gathering, do you make sure you’re downwind from people before you break wind? If people socially distanced from you before COVID, then we have the solution for you! Subtle Butt Disposable Gas Neutralizers are a lifesaver!

holding Subtle Butt pad and package with dog looking nervously away

With Subtle Butt, you can let ‘em rip!

The activated charcoal filter in the pads neutralizes the odors that your rear end emits. Just use the self-adhesive to stick the pad directly to your underwear to trap those stinky smells.

showing Subtle Butt adhesive strips

A real game-changer!

Crop dusting is no longer a concern and SBDs are welonlineed with open arms. Bring on the chili and all-you-can-eat buffets! Subtle Butt will give you the freedom to live your life as you’ve always dreamed.

Subtle Butt pad on woman's underwear

Just read this review from Ryan P. to know that Subtle Butt is the real deal:

5 out of 5 stars – Not for the faint of fart

“These fart pads are fundamentally flawed for filtering flatulence. Failing to function, farts flowed forth freely and frankly, the fragrance is freakishly foul. I fantasized about farting frequently without fearing funky fumes following, but failure to field my flagrant flatulence, I find myself frowning and fretting. Forget fornication or fellatio, I am failing to forge friendships because of my formidable and fiery farts. Fashion first aid, I think not, a fashion faux pax is more fitting.

My prodigy has a particularly putrid posterior and predominantly produces silent but perpetually potent farts. He persistently pleads for permission to put on a pad. As a passenger on a prolonged car ride, he passed gas plentifully and proudly. We were pleased no prominent or persisting odors were present. This product performs when placed properly and perfectly positioned. This was paramount to his proven performance.”

Subtle Butt on a dog

They even work on mutt puffs!

If your pooch is guilty of releasing some rotten egg vapors, have no fear! Subtle Butt pads make it so that your pup no longer has to be banished to the backyard. Note that the pads only work for a very short period of time. We suggest applying them after your dog has gone number two.

placing Subtle Butt on mens underwear

Placement is key!

It seems the only caveat from the reviews is that the pad needs to be positioned properly. If any malicious toots sneak past the pad, it’s game over. Also, there may be a limit to how many toxic events the pads can handle. And if you oopsy poopsy, you’re probably out of luck.

These Subtle Butt odor neutralizing pads have 4.2/5 stars on Amazon, so that tells you all you need to know!

If these sound too good to be true, they surprisingly aren’t! These are actually REAL and you can purchase them on Amazon! 😂

About the writer:

Emily graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Idaho, holds 7 years of blogging experience, and has been featured in Every Day Health and Women's Health Magazine.

Join The Discussion

onlinements 13

  1. Bennie

    If only these weren’t an April fools prank lol

    • Brandie K

      I think you can really buy this. I remember seeing them on Amazon or Walmart website. πŸ˜‚

    • berrylandnow

      I was thinking the same haha

  2. Koffeekaren

    I would totally buy these for my husband!πŸ˜‚

  3. LaurieG


  4. leslieannp

    I’m deaddddddd

  5. Elizabeth

    πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ so would buy these

  6. Lolie

    I can’t these posts, they are hilarious! 🀣🀣

  7. mrswagley

    Oh this is by far my favorite one this year!! Just my kind of humor!

  8. Leslie Ramey

    Mutt puffs! Rofl!!!

  9. Dara Bills

    🀣 Could totally used these in a classroom of young farts.

  10. Kelly

    I have 2 teen’ish boys. This would have been so funny in their Easter Basket!!

  11. Michelle

    Mad props for the alliteration in the review 🀣 This was hilarious, best prank post of the day!

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