Easily Boost Your Credit Score for FREE In Just Seconds!
Time to review your Credit score?
Here’s how to get your score up! There’s never been a better time to take out a loan for a new car with interest rates at an all-time low. If you’re looking to make a big purchase in the near future and want to boost your credit, Experian Boost™* is a FREE feature that can do just that!
Best of all, you can boost your credit in a matter of seconds so broader horizons are just around the corner! 🙌
Once you’ve signed up for your new Experian account (which is FREE to start), you’ll immediately gain access to see your current FICO® Score**. With your free access, you’ll also have peace of mind since there are no credit cards required, no service fees, no purchases required, no limited trial run, and it doesn’t hurt your credit just for using the feature.
Here’s what you’ll get access to when you register with Experian Boost™ today:
- Ability to increase your FICO® Score with Experian Boost™
- Free Experian Credit Report and FICO® Score
- Experian Credit Report and FICO® Score refreshed every 30 days on sign in
- FICO® Score monitoring with Experian Data
- Experian credit monitoring and alerts
- Free dark web surveillance report
- Credit cards and loans matched for you
Experian Boost™ is able to boost your credit by simply linking any accounts you use to pay your bills that aren’t currently being factored into your overall credit scores. You’ll be able to link accounts such as your phone, water, cable, electricity, and streaming service payments.
On average, people instantly raise their FICO® Score by 12 points with Experian Boost™!
After logging in to your new account, you’ll be able to boost your credit right away. Just keep in mind, you’ll only want to link accounts from your bank that are in good standing, and the longer the payment history the better. Bills with a history of at least 3 payments in the last 6 months tend to do the best!
After linking your bills, your boosted credit score is just seconds away!
Ready to go shopping? As if Experian Boost™ couldn’t get any easier, they’ll also get you personalized credit card and loan offers based on your new FICO® score so you can choose which ones are the perfect fit for you.
Didn’t work for you? While this service isn’t guaranteed to immediately boost your credit, Experian Boost™ will provide you with knowledge on your positive verse negative impacts. Plus, you’ll gain access to free knowledge on how to address any issues with your credit and receive tips on how to organically boost your credit such as keeping your oldest accounts open, filing disputes for old charges, maintaining the perfect credit utilization, and more depending on your credit score needs.
*Results may vary. Some may not see an improved score or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost™.
**Credit score calculated based on FICO® Score 8 model. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than FICO® Score 8, or another type of credit score altogether. Learn more.