This Reader Celebrates Daughter’s Birthday By Hosting Drive-By Parade While Social Distancing
This is so special. ❤️🌈
Hip2Save reader, Jackie, wasn’t going to let the coronavirus social distancing put a damper on her daughter’s fifth birthday. Instead of hosting a party at her house, she recruited her friends and family to participate in a colorful drive-by parade that her daughter loved. Check out what she had to say…
“In lieu of a traditional party (amid Coronavirus concerns), we held a ‘drive-by’ birthday for my five year old daughter and it turned out AMAZING. We had about 20 cars, including both friends and family, who played birthday music, sang happy birthday, decorated their cars with signs, and honked.
She thought it was so cool and asked if we could do it again next year. 😉 The icing on the cake was her getting on our local news last night and on the radio here this morning. FYI this video is tear-inducing!””
This is such a fun idea!
What an amazing way to make your daughter feel so special on her birthday. Thank you, Jackie, for sharing your colorful drive-by celebration with us!
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