Better Than FREE Tic Tac Singles After Cash Back at Walmart

Through June 29th, Ibotta is offering $1 cash back on Tic Tac Gum at Walmart with these offers! Even sweeter, each offer has a limit of FIVE, which allows you to really stock up on this gum…
Get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Freshmint Gum 56ct
Get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Spearmint Gum 56ct
Get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Cool Watermelon Gum 56ct
Even better, you may have an insert coupon available making these FREE at Walmart!
Walmart Deal Idea (Thru 6/29):
Tic Tac Gum Singles $1.14
Use the $0.50/1 Tic Tac Gum Singles coupon found in the 4/8 SS (exp 7/8)
Pay 64¢
Get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Freshmint Gum 56ct (limit 5, expires 6/29)
Or get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Spearmint Gum 56ct (limit 5, expires 6/29)
Or get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Cool Watermelon Gum 56ct (limit 5, expires 6/29)
Final cost FREE + 36¢ Money Maker!
Tic Tac Gum Singles $1.14
Pay $1.14
Get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Freshmint Gum 56ct (limit 5, expires 6/29)
Or get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Spearmint Gum 56ct (limit 5, expires 6/29)
Or get $1 from Ibotta when you buy Tic Tac Cool Watermelon Gum 56ct (limit 5, expires 6/29)
Final cost 14¢!