Denny’s Joins Waffle House in Adding an Egg Surcharge (Goodbye, Cheap Breakfast!)

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Have you noticed the egg surcharge at restaurants? 

denny's breakfast plate with eggs, pancakes, and bacon

It seems nowhere is safe to hide from skyrocketing egg prices– not even your favorite diner! 😩 Waffle House recently announced they were adding an egg surcharge, and as we predicted, another restaurant is now following suit.

On February 24th, Denny’s joined Waffle House in egg surcharges on all menu items that contain eggs. While Waffle House provided pricing – a 50¢ surcharge for every egg ordered on all menu items at locations nationwide – Denny’s statement was more general. The restaurant chain will roll out the surcharge only at some locations, and the fee will vary by market and restaurant. Denny’s did not specify which locations would add the extra fee.

waffle house front of restaurant

Why does the bird flu directly affect egg prices?  Since the avian flu outbreak in January 2022, farmers have been forced to slaughter millions of chickens per month, which has pushed egg prices to more than double the cost they were in the summer of 2023. According to the CDC some 150 million poultry have been affected.

two eggs and toast breakfast

That means the classic Waffle House two-egg breakfast onlinebo will cost you $7.75?! 🤑

Waffle House sells nearly 300 million eggs per year on average, but with this recent eggs-plosion in prices, we wonder how their profits will fare.

Both restaurant chains explain that the surcharges are temporary and they will adjust or remove the extra fee as costs allow, but you may have to think twice before eating out until then.

eggs sold out at target

At the same time, with eggs frequently being unavailable or sold out across the country, this might be the only way to enjoy your favorite egg meal. 🤔

Will you pay these new prices? Have you noticed this surcharge at any other restaurants?

Dining out? These restaurant cheap eats won’t cost you a fortune!

About the writer:

Chelsey is a writer & photographer with both a Bachelor's and Master's Degree from Arizona State University. She holds 3+ years blogging experience not only for Hip2Save, but various other publications in the health, lifestyle, and education field.

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onlinements 6

  1. Anna

    My grocery budget is already stretched. So I talked with my 9 year old daughter and told her that eating out is a luxury and we will only do so on pay day with a max budget of $25 which includes tip for dining in or $20 for take out. Waffle House is no longer on our accepted list of restaurants. I feel sure we will be adding more places to that list.

  2. Anne

    I’m sure they don’t really have a choice with the rising cost of eggs. It’s not easy on the restaurants either and we all have to keep that in mind.

  3. lisa

    The cheapest store brand eggs in my town are $9.06 a dozen. Even 2 dozen at Costco and Sam’s are right at $20

    • Blain

      I bought 2 dozen at Costco yesterday for $8.49 in CT. That’s roughly double what it was about a year ago, or $0.15 / egg retail.

  4. Tracy

    I’d much rather they do this than raise menu prices on everything to make up for the increased costs.

  5. Lana

    Cracker Barrel responded by offering double points on egg meals saying Waffle House was not being hospitable. Well, haha, Cracker Barrel did not give the double points.

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