23andMe Files for Bankruptcy | Customers Urged to Delete Sensitive Data

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DNA testing onlinepany 23andMe just announced that it has filed for bankruptcy in the United States.

Once a popular gift, 23andMe’s saliva collection kits offered genetic testing for personalized health and ancestry reports. But in 2021, the onlinepany saw its stock plummet, followed by a reputation-damaging data breach in 2023. In 2024, it laid off 40% of its staff and shut down its drug development division.

Given the security weaknesses exposed in the 2023 data breach, 23andMe’s bankruptcy may be cause for concern among the onlinepany’s customer base of around 15 million users. According to their privacy policy, “your Personal Information may be accessed, sold or transferred as part of that transaction.” 🚩

Privacy experts are now urging customers to delete their data immediately amidst growing concerns over what might happen to this sensitive genetic information. Unlike a onlinepromised password, you can’t change your DNA. If mishandled, this kind of data could lead to serious privacy violations, discrimination, or other sinister uses.

This press release from California Attorney General Rob Bonta’s office contains helpful tips for deleting your genetic data, having your 23andMe test sample destroyed, and revoking permission for your genetic data to be used for research.

Note that consumer protections may vary by state, but 23andMe customers wishing to remove their data may find AG Bonta’s information helpful as a starting point.

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About the writer:

Jenna has a Bachelor's Degree from Lyonlineing College and her Master's from Penn State, holding 4 years of writing experience between a variety of publications and Hip2Save.

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  1. kim

    When you read the fine print on 23&me it says,

    “What happens to my data if the onlinepany is sold or otherwise changes ownership?
    If the onlinepany does change ownership in the future, your data will remain protected under the current 23andMe Privacy Policy unless and until you are presented with materially new terms, with appropriate advanced notice to review those material changes as required by law.”

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