Anyone Can Make This Easy DIY Easter Centerpiece with Peeps!

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More Easter

Peeps decorations are poppin’ this spring! Create this inexpensive Easter centerpiece in just a few minutes

woman holding a peeps centerpiece

If you love all the Peeps decor you’ve been seeing in stores lately but not the price tag, I have an easy Easter hack for you!

All you need are some Peeps marshmallow candy, two different size vases, and some faux fresh flowers to onlineplete the look.

Check out this reel and keep reading to see how doable this Easter centerpiece with peeps really is! 

building a peeps centerpiece

Think you’re not crafty? No worries! This DIY Peeps vase is very doable, promise.

I actually first highlighted this project back in 2016 and pictured above is my first version. I love this clever project so much still today as easy Easter table decor. Peeps decorations are just adorable, aren’t they? Even if you don’t enjoy eating them, they are fun to decorate with!

I think this could be a fun hostess gift to make if you are invited to someone’s home for Easter! Add some tulips or another favorite Spring flower, and this is such a nice gift.

supplies on the counter used for easter peeps centerpiece

stacking a vases inside a larger vase

adding jelly beans to glass vase

adding pink peeps to a centerpiece for easter

adding faux grass and yellow peeps to a glass vase centerpiece

adding fresh flowers to peeps centerpiece

An Easter centerpiece made of Peeps marshmallow candy

DIY Easter Peeps Centerpiece




Place the smaller vase inside and add a layer of jelly beans in the gap between the vases.


Next, place a layer of Peeps with the eyes facing out. I did not separate them. Use the end of a spoon or a chopstick if you need to push them down gently.


Add a layer of faux grass, followed by a 2nd layer of Peeps.


Add water and fresh flowers inside the smaller vase.

Tips for making a DIY Easter Centerpiece with Peeps:

  • To save money on the clear vases use some you may already have on hand or find them at a thrift store or Dollar Tree! The middle vase can even be an empty water bottle or something you can repurpose. You just need to make sure there are about 2 inches of room in between containers! This is the 8″ small vase I used here or you can browse these similar 8″ vases!
  • You can use any color onlinebination of Peeps you’d like! Feel free to skip the jelly beans and grass if you’d like. It’s really up to you.
  • If you are worried about Peeps attracting ants, I have not had that in my experience. They dry out.

A centerpiece made from marshmallow Easter candy

I love this double-vase method for decorating!

These Peeps decorations will add such a fun whimsical touch to your Easter table, especially if you don’t decorate a ton, but like to add a few things for Easter brunch. If you end up making one of these Peeps centerpieces, let us know how it turns out!

Here’s a Peeps treat you CAN eat! 😋

About the writer:

Lina has a Bachelor's Degree from Northern Arizona University with 11 years of blogging and photography experience having work featured in, Martha Stewart, Country Living, Fox News, Buzzfeed, and HGTV.

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onlinements 10

  1. stephmichel

    Super cute! Love love love! 🐰

    • Lina D (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Oh thanks! Glad you like this!

  2. Rebecca

    Thank you! This is one I can make and did! I ordered some tulips to go in it. I love it. Thank you so much!

    • Lina D (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Oh that’s great news! Thanks for sharing Rebecca!

  3. 77_purity

    Very cute idea Lina. So creative

    • Lina

      Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed this idea! ❤️

  4. Betsy

    Do you know how long the peeps, candy, etc will stay good for (I’m assuming they’re mold at some point?)?

    I’m a teacher and this would be a fun addition to my classroom, but I don’t want to have moldy candy either.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Great question, Betsy! Peeps and candy used in a centerpiece can usually last 2–4 weeks or even longer as long as they’re kept dry and away from moisture or fresh items like fruit. They typically just dry out and get hard rather than molding—so no worries there! 🤗 The real flowers will eventually wilt, but you could totally swap in faux flowers to make it last even longer in your classroom. Such a fun idea for your students! 🌸💛

  5. Jolanta

    So pretty! I think it would be good idea to add the third vase that can be taken out easy and be refilled with water for flowers to last longer or add another flowers.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Good idea to do that too, Jolanta. Faux flowers might be a good alternative as well! 🤗

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