New Uber Eats Promo Code: BOGO FREE Popeyes Sandwiches + More!
Here are the latest Uber Eats promo codes and offers!
If you’re an Uber Eats subscriber, check your account for some hot new promos!
For a limited time, you may be able to score Buy 1, Get 1 FREE on select Popeyes Sandwiches – no promo code needed! You can choose from the Ghost Pepper Sandwich, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, or the Classic Chicken Sandwiches!
Note that offers vary by account and location.
Here are a few of the offers that our team has:
- FREE Domino’s Loaded Chicken w/ eligible orders (exp. 2/23)
- FREE Cinnabon Delights when you order Taco Bell’s Cheesy Dipping Burritos (exp. 2/21)
- Buy 1, Get 1 FREE 5 Chicken Fingerz at Zaxby’s
- Buy 1, Get 1 FREE select Subs at Firehouse Subs (includes Smoked Turkey Breast, Italian, Hook & Ladder, & Firehouse Meatball)
- Buy 1, Get 1 FREE Black Truffle Burgers at Shake Shack
- Get 30% off your $30+ order at Taco Bueno
- 50% off your first order at Tiff’s Treats
*Delivery fees may apply
Note that restaurant prices vary by location, and the above total does not include delivery fees or the driver’s tip.
Get more perks with an Uber One membership!
With an Uber One membership, you’ll get unlimited $0 delivery fees on food orders of $15 or more and grocery orders of $30 or more. Order from over 11,000 restaurants – just look for the ticket icon for eligible restaurants.
Plus, score up to 10% off eligible Uber Eats deliveries and pickup and 5% off grocery orders! This membership is more than just food delivery – you can also enjoy member pricing and top-rated drivers on Uber, priority service on rides and deliveries, and other exclusive membership perks!
You’ll pay just $9.99 per month. And don’t worry, you can cancel your subscription at any time with no penalties! Just be sure to cancel your account within 48 hours of your renewal date to avoid fees.
Be sure to check your UberEats app often as you may be able to score some sweet offers like free delivery with minimum purchase at select restaurants or yummy food freebies with your purchase!
Plus, did you know you can still take advantage of most promo codes or offers in the app with their pick-up option?! This is great to use if you’re looking to score a deal but don’t need delivery or want to pay the extra delivery fees.