FREE Pop & Bottle Oat or Almond Milk Latte at Walmart (Just Use Your Phone!)
Head to Walmart for a freebie!
For a limited time, you can score a FREE Pop & Bottle Almond or Oat Milk Latte at your local Walmart when you submit for a rebate!
To score a rebate, head here, and enter your phone number, and you’ll receive a text message that you can reply to with a picture of your receipt from Walmart and they’ll Venmo or Paypal you the amount paid for the latte!
Not sure if your local store sells Pop & Bottle Lattes? Head here to find a store near you!
These dairy-free Pop & Bottle Lattes have all the creaminess of a regular latte with a fraction of the sugar and calories! These organic and pure lattes have no refined sugar and are made with organic fair-trade coffee.
We have more awesome freebies this way!
(Thanks, Money Saving Mom!)