Little Tikes Magic Workshop Just $25 on Amazon (Reg. $80) | Lowest Price EVER!

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The Little Tikes Magic Workshop makes such a fun gift!

young boy and girl playing with a Little Tikes Magic Workshop

Hurry over to Amazon or where you can snag this Little Tikes Magic Workshop Play Set for just $25 (regularly $79.99)!

Little Tikes Magic Workshop
Only $25 (reg. $80)!

Little Tikes magic

Kiddos can choose a potion from the spell book, mix magical ingredients in the cauldron, and pour it over the frog to see it sing, laugh, or even change colors! There are 6 different potions to try, with lots of silly reactions plus lights and sounds to keep them entertained.

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About the writer:

Erika has a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology from Sonoma State University and 8+ years of writing experience from various deal sites including Hip2Save.

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onlinements 2

  1. Megan B

    DARN!! I saw this too late! It’s up to $50

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Aww, bummer! We’re seeing that now too. These Walmart sales are sure going quick today. Thanks for letting us know Megan. 💕

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