Flower Bouquets Just $31.98 Delivered from Florists.online (Order Now for Valentine’s Day!)

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More Holidays

Woman creating a bouquet of grocery store flowers at her kitchen counter

Looking for a way stress-free way to deliver V-Day flowers? 🌹

Through February 10th, head over to Florists.online where you can save an extra 20% off select Valentine’s Day Floral Bouquets when you use the promo code 20VAL at checkout! Floral arrangements start at just $29.99 and onlinee from local florists nationwide!

Note that there is a $7.99 service fee added to each item. If you choose to have your bouquet delivered on Feb. 14th, it may be delivered anytime between Feb 12-14th.

Save on these unique bouquet deals…

brown teddy bear with a single rose bud in clear vase and vase with red roses, pink carnations and daisies

Classic Bud Vase with Teddy Bear as low as $29.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $31.98 delivered!

You’re the Sweetest Bouquet $34.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $35.98 delivered!

two sets of flower bouquets

Blushing Love Standard Bouquet $59.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $55.98 delivered!

Her Bouquet Standard Size $39.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $39.98 delivered!

Valentine's Day Floral Bouquets, one with pinks, blues and red flowers and the other pink and red flowers - both in clear glass vases

The Ballad Bouquet as low as $39.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $39.98 delivered!

Love Bomb Bouquet as low as $39.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $39.98 delivered!

Valentine's Day Roses Bouquets in clear glass vases

XOXO Bouquet $64.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $59.98 delivered!

Classic Red Roses, 9-15 Stems Bouquet as low as $59.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $55.98 delivered!

Valentine's Day Floral Bouquets - red and dark pink roses in red vase and red and light pink roses in clear vase with pink bow

Radiant Red Romance Bouquet as low as $59.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $55.98 delivered!

Remarkable Roses Good Wishes Bouquet $59.99
Use promo code 20VAL
Service Fee adds $7.99
Final cost $55.98 delivered!

About the writer:

Chelsey is a writer & photographer with both a Bachelor's and Master's Degree from Arizona State University. She holds 3+ years blogging experience not only for Hip2Save, but various other publications in the health, lifestyle, and education field.

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onlinements 2

  1. Marie

    Ordered and they never delivered can’t get anyone to talk to get a refund.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Oh no! So very sorry to hear that, Marie. πŸ˜” Thanks so much for the update on your order. I did find their customer service number – 800-348-3222 and I also see a chat feature at the bottom right of their site, if that might be more helpful. We’d also be happy to reach out to our contact on this for you. What would be a good email address to pass along?

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