NEW Bath & Body Works Promo Code = $3.50 Hand Soaps, $1 Pocketbacs & More
Looking for the latest Bath & Body Works promo codes and sales? We have all the details…
Today, February 15th only, hurry over to Bath & Body Works to score hot deals on select items when you use the promo code SAVEBIG at checkout online or by scanning the barcode under the offers section in the app in-store!
Use the promo code to score the following deals:
- $1 Pocketbac Hand Sanitizer Singles & Select Holders
- $2 Hand Sanitizer Sprays
- $3.50 Foaming or Gel Hand Soap and Bar Soap
- $10.50 Foaming Hand Soap Dispensers & Refills
You can use free store pickup to save on shipping or shipping is free on orders of $100+ for a limited time – no promo code needed!
Here’s what these deals will look like…
Bath & Body Pocketbac Hand Sanitizers & Select Holders $1.95
Use promo code SAVEBIG
Final cost $1!
Bath & Body Works Hand Sanitizer Sprays $3.95
Use promo code SAVEBIG
Final cost $2!
Bath & Body Works Foaming & Gel Hand Soaps up to $8.95
Use promo code SAVEBIG
Final cost $3.50!
Bath & Body Works Bar Soap $8.95
Use promo code SAVEBIG
Final cost $3.50!
Bath & Body Works Foaming Hand Soap Dispensers & Refills up to $19.95
Use promo code SAVEBIG
Final cost $10.50!
Not a rewards member yet?
If you’re not yet a Rewards Member (free to join), you’ll want to sign up now as all new members will receive a coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase. Your perk will be available in your wallet within 72 hours of sign-up. Plus, Bath & Body Works will send you a special offer for your birthday and grant you early access to special promotions and deals throughout the year.
As a Rewards Member, you’ll earn 10 points for every dollar spent on Bath & Body Works purchases in-store and online. Every 1,000 points earns you a reward for a free item up to $16.95.
You can download the app (available for iOS and Android) and turn those push notifications on so you don’t miss out. With the app, you can even scan your barcode in-store at the register to collect tons of points for your purchase! When shopping online, log into your account before you shop.
Sign up for our email or text alerts so you never miss a hot deal!
Shipping & Terms
Bath and Body Works
Shipping is a flat rate of $6.99 for orders over $10. Otherwise, shipping is $10.99. Alternatively, you may be able to opt for free store pickup on select items to save on shipping.