THIS IS THE BEST NAIL POLISH! I don’t know if I am really hard on nail polish (perhaps!) but I have all this expensive polish (essie, OPI, sinful colors, etc) that I have not ever had last for more than 3 days – usually not even 2 days! I have even tried all the pre-treatment bottles and base coat…no actual improvement. I easily get a full week out of Sally Hanson’s Hard as Nails – sometimes longer! Many weeks on toes! And the full price is so reasonable…don’t even need a sale to afford!!! Wish they had more trendy shades, but I still defer to this brand! I also tried to use the Sally Hanson clear coat over the other brands…didn’t work.
* There is one other brand that works as well but is SUPER expensive and time consuming to totally dry and needs UV light (sunlight works fine) to get strong as Sally Hanson – VinyLux. Lots of time needed (two coats of polish, and top coat is necessary). Removes easily with polish remover.