Milka Oreo Candy Bar AND Oreo Cookies Package Only $2.32 for BOTH at Target & More

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More Target

Double Stuf OREO

Hop on over to where you can print this rare coupon for $1 off Oreo Chocolate Candy Bar 1.44 oz or larger when you buy one pack of Oreo cookies 10.1 oz or larger. This coupon expires on 12/31 and does not have any stated limits.

Even better, through December 31st, save 25% off all Oreo Chocolate Candy Bars at Target with this Cartwheel offer.

Target Deal Ideas:

Buy Milka Oreo Chocolate Candy Bar 1.44 oz 44¢
Buy Oreo Cookies 10.1 oz $2.99
Total = $3.43
Use the 25% off Oreo Chocolate Candy Bars Cartwheel offer
Use the $1 off Oreo Chocolate Candy Bar when you buy Oreo Cookies printable coupon
Final cost $2.32 for both!

Buy Milka Oreo Chocolate Candy Bars 2.88 oz $1.39
Buy Oreo Cookies 10.1 oz $2.99
Total = $4.38
Use the 25% off Oreo Chocolate Candy Bars Cartwheel offer
Use the $1 off Oreo Chocolate Candy Bar when you buy Oreo Cookies printable coupon
Final cost $3.03 for both!

Use your Oreos to make this delicious ice cream!
Join The Discussion

onlinements 7

  1. Leanne

    Price is wrong for the first one, not $1.99 when you buy both…

    • Liza (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Oops! You are correct Leanne! Thanks for catching that, I just updated the post!

  2. Heather C.

    Gosh those Oreo milka bars are the bomb! YUM!

  3. Lindsey

    A friend recently introduced me to Fetch Rewards! You’ll save on thousands of products EVERY time they’re on your receipt. Enter my referral code, Q9WKC at the sign-up screen and you’ll get 4,000 Fetch Points ($4.00 in points!) when you onlineplete one receipt. I’ve had it for 3 days and already got a $5 amazon gift card!! Identical to Ibotta but SO much easier!

  4. Lexy

    At WALGREENS Hershey’s gold chocolate bar 🍫 on Sale for .79 plus Digital Coupon0.65 cents off ONLY 0.14 cents SUPER HOT DEAL!

    • Dwilson19

      Thanks for the tip! More cheap chocolate for the stockings!!

  5. patricia

    I bought the 10.5 oz oreo milka crunch bar at Ross in Boise,Idaho for $3.99 today.

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