11/25 Sunday Newspaper Coupon Insert Preview
Once again, it’s Saturday and time for another Sunday coupon insert preview! Below you will find a list of coupons that you may receive in your newspaper tomorrow, 11/25/2018. Please keep in mind that NOT all areas will get the same coupons or coupon values.
This week you may receive one P&G insert. Also, be sure to check your Parade Magazine or USA Today (depending on where you live) for possible coupons as well.
(*) before coupon = multiple of same coupon
ETS = excludes trial sizes
DND = coupon states Do Not Double
LIMIT1D = Limit of 1 coupon per day
LIMIT1P = Limit 1 coupon per person
LIMIT2 = Limit of 2 like coupons in same shopping trip
LIMIT4 = Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip
LIMIT4D = Limit of 4 like coupons per day
LIMIT4H = Limit of 4 like coupons per household per day
LIMIT4T = Limit of 4 like coupons in same transaction
LIMIT4TX = Limit of 4 coupons of any kind in same transaction
NOCASHBACK = No cash back if coupon value exceeds price of product
P&G Insert:
$2/1 Align Probiotic Supplement (exp 12/22)
$1/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product 4ct+ including 2 Huge Roll (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper Product 4ct+ excluding Single Rolls (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Crest Mouthwash 473ml excluding 16oz+ (exp 12/8)
$2/1 Crest Toothpaste 3oz+ excluding Cavity, Regular, Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, F&W Pep Gleem, and Kids (exp 12/8)
$5/1 Crest 3D White Whitestrips, Glamorous White, 1hr Express, Professional Effects, Flexfit, Gentle Routine, Monthly Whitening Boost, Vivid, or Whitestrips with Light excluding Noticeable White (exp 12/8)
$0.50/1 Crest/Oral-B Kids Small Holiday Special Pack (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Crest/Oral-B Kids Large Holiday Pack (exp 12/8)
$0.50/1 Downy/Bounce/Dreft Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 40 loads or less, Bounce or Downy Sheets 60ct or less, or In Wash Scent Boosters 4.9oz or less excluding Libre Enjuage and Fireworks (exp 12/29)
$1/1 Downy/Bounce/Dreft Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 48ld+, Bounce or Downy Sheets 70ct+, or In Wash Scent Boosters 6.5oz+ excluding Libre Enjuage and Fireworks (exp 12/29)
Buy one Febreze Unstopables Product, Get One Free excluding In Wash Scent Booster and trial up to $4 (exp 12/22)
$2.50/2 Fixodent Individual Denture Adhesive Tubes 1.4oz+ (exp 12/8)
$3/3 Gain Detergents or Fabric Enhancer must include one of each excluding Flings 9ct or less and Dryer Sheets 9ct or lower
$1/1 Gillette Gillette3 or Gillette5 Razor (exp 12/22)
$2/1 Gillette Razor excluding Gillette3, Gillette5, and Disposables (exp 12/22)
$3/1 Gillette Disposable Razor 2ct+ excluding Sensor 2ct (exp 12/22)
$1/1 Head & Shoulders Product 315ml/10.6oz+ or Clinical Solutions (exp 12/22)
$5/2 Head & Shoulders Products 315ml/10.6oz+ or Clinical Solutions (exp 12/8)
$5/2 Herbal Essences bio:Renew Shampoo, Conditioner, or Styling Products excluding 100ml Shampoo and Conditioners and trial (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Luvs Diapers (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer or Cleanser (exp 12/22)
$1/1 Old Spice 2-in-1 or Styling Product (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Oral-B Adult or Kids Manual Toothbrush excluding Kids Sparkle Fun and Strawberry Rush and Adult Healthy Clean, and Cavity Defense (exp 12/8)
$3/1 Pampers Box or 2 Bags Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear (exp 12/8)
$3/1 Pampers Box or 2 Bags Easy Ups Training Underwear, or Underjams Absorbent Night Wear (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Pantene Product (exp 12/8)
$5/3 Pantene Product (exp 12/8)
$0.50/1 Pepto-Bismol Product (exp 12/22)
$1/1 Prilosec OTC Product (exp 12/22)
$1/1 Sinex product ETS (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Tide Detergent excluding Pods, Simply, Rescue, and 10oz (exp 12/29)
$1/1 Tide Pods 10ct+ excluding Simply (exp 12/29)
$2/1 Venus/Daisy Razor excluding Disposables (exp 12/22)
$3/1 Venus/Daisy Disposable 2ct+ excluding Daisy 2ct (exp 12/22)
$0.25/1 Vicks Vapocool Drops Product (exp 12/8)
$0.50/1 Vicks Zzzquil or Pure Zzzs Product (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Vicks Product excluding 8ct Dayquil & Nyquil, Vaporub, Vapoinhaler, Vapocool Drops, Sinex, Zzzquil, and Pure Zzzs (exp 12/8)
$1/1 Vicks Vaporub or Vapoinhaler (exp 12/8)
Buy two Vicks/Puffs Vicks Products, Get one Puffs Tissue Pack Free excluding Inhaler up to $2 (exp 12/8)
(Thanks, I Heart Publix!)