Free Degree Dry Spray Deodorant After Cash Back at Walmart ($5 Value) + More

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Through September 12th, Checkout 51 is offering a couple of HOT offers valid on Degree Dry Spray Deodorants when you purchase them at Walmart. Note that the following offers cannot be used with any other coupons…

  • $4.75 cash back from Checkout 51 when you buy Degree Men Dry Spray Deodorant at Walmart (limit 1; expires 9/12)
  • $4.75 cash back from Checkout 51 when you buy Degree Women Dry Spray Deodorant at Walmart (limit 1; expires 9/12)

Note that these offers may only be available on the app and not on desktop.

Even better, Walmart is offering select varieties of Degree Dry Spray Deodorants on sale for $3.50 (regularly $4.78).

*HIP TIP – Before heading to your local Walmart store, click on the SKU number listed below and enter your zip code to check stock and price of this item at your local store. Note that Brickseek is NOT always accurate with stock and pricing.

Walmart Deal Ideas (thru 9/12):

Degree Men Dry Spray Deodorant in Overtime or Extreme $3.50 (regularly $4.78)
Pay $3.50

Get $4.75 cash back from Checkout 51 when you buy Degree Men Dry Spray Deodorant (limit 1; expires 9/12)
Final cost FREE + $1.25 moneymaker!
SKU: 39993087 or 46101356

Degree Women Dry Spray Deodorant in Shower Clean $3.50 (regularly $4.78)
Pay $3.50
Get $4.75 cash back from Checkout 51 when you buy Degree Women Dry Spray Deodorant (limit 1; expires 9/12)
Final cost FREE + $1.25 moneymaker!
SKU: 39993097

Not finding the sale varieties above? Check out these deals…

Degree Men Dry Spray Deodorant $4.78 (regular price)
Pay $4.78

Get $4.75 cash back from Checkout 51 when you buy Degree Men Dry Spray Deodorant (limit 1; expires 9/12)
Final cost 3¢!

Degree Women Dry Spray Deodorant $4.78 (regular price)
Pay $4.78

Get $4.75 cash back from Checkout 51 when you buy Degree Women Dry Spray Deodorant (limit 1; expires 9/12)
Final cost 3¢!

In addition, head over to and print this new and high value $2/1 Degree Men Advanced Protection Stick or Dry Spray product coupon. This coupon expires on 10/30 and has a limit of two identical coupons per purchase.

Walmart Deal Ideas:

Degree Men Advanced Protection Stick Deodorant $4.24
Use the $2/1 Degree Men Advanced Protection Stick or Dry Spray product printable coupon
Final cost $2.24!

Degree Men Advanced Dry Spray Deodorant $4.78
Use the $2/1 Degree Men Advanced Protection Stick or Dry Spray product printable coupon
Final cost $2.78!

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onlinements 17

  1. Pat Goff

    Can you buy it online and pick up in store and still get the rebate

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      It looks like you can do that! Here are the details I found for those offers – “Packing slips are accepted for items purchased online”. Hope that helps!

  2. Kelly1626

    I’m being offered $5.55 cash back for both

    • Kelly1626

      Nevermind. That is for Dove brand. Good deals for both!

      • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

        SWEET find! Thanks for the heads up!

  3. laura

    i dont have an offer for degree, but have an offer for $5.55 on both mens and womans dove spray deodorant at walmart

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Awesome offers!! Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Laurie

    I had $5.55 X2 for Dove – $4.75 X2 for Degree + $5.45 for Axe

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Woohoo! Awesome offers to grab! Thanks for letting us know what you found!

  5. Sisi

    I don’t like Checkout 51 at all! Their offers are gone so quick and then they keep the “0 offers left” for months this creating a huge clutter. I still have empty offers like this from the beginning of the year!

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Darn! Sorry to hear that! Hoping you can redeem these before they are gone!

    • snpy496

      I hate that about them too, but I still use it occasionally.

    • TWL

      Do you use Saving Star app as well. These two apps “onlinemunicate” with each other so you cant double up on the offers.

      • spi_cy13

        You can actually “double up” on offers between SavingStar and Checkout 51. Here’s the trick: do NOT add any offers to Savingstar until you have redeemed it on Checkout 51. Redeem your item and receipt on Checkout 51 first, then you can use the same item and receipt to redeem the same offer on Savingstar. 99% of the time, you can use a coupon at the register and still get credit on both websites. Happy couponing! 🙂

        • Mel

          Nope, that’s not how it works. S* offers get pulled once they have met the max # of activations, so you might miss out on a good offer. If you have the same email address for both apps, once you submit for a like offer on CO51, then it will not be available for you on Saving*. The offer will disappear from the list of offers to select. If you select a like offer on S*, then the offer will show as 0 remaining on CO51. That kept happening to me. The only way to get around the apps from onlinemunicating, is to use an entirely different email address for both apps. Lots of people said changing their email on one of the apps, fixed it from onlinemunicating, but that didn’t happen with me. After I had enough to cash out of CO51, I closed the acct and reopened a new one with a brand new email address. That stopped the 0’s from showing on CO51 and still allowed me to activate the offers on S*.

  6. lovedeals

    Check your account before you make any purchase as they already ran out of quantity on some items already.

    • tiffany

      Yes. Check first. They ran out of the mens deodorant while I was putting them in my cart at the store. Still got the women’s though.

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