Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (8/21/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 56

  1. Amanda

    I have a $10 Eddie Bauer Gift Certficate expires 8/22. Also, have two $25 at Shutterfly, one from David’s Bridal exp. 09/24 and one from Ibotta exp. 9/30 and one free 8×8 photo book exp. 9/30. Looking for Target GC, JCP $10 off $10 coupon or food GC (Dunkin Donuts, etc). My e-mail is [email protected]

  2. Ebony

    I’m interested in the $2 BR gift card. I have one month of the cinemark movie club to trade. You have to register a CC and its for new customers [email protected]

  3. Sam

    For trade:
    Coke codes
    Walmart 10% off online purchase
    AMC large popcorn and drink

    Couponcrazi93 at gmail dot online

  4. terri

    Looking for $ $100 Under Armour.

    I have coke codes or, Gymboree or Crazy 8 20% coupon.

    • Jacquie

      I have under armor code. Email me [email protected]. Code expires tomorrow

  5. Allison

    Looking for American girl doll coupon! I have a free Barnes & Noble Café drink that I’m willing to trade!

    • Allison

      I also have Old Navy super cash!

  6. Nicole

    Anyone have Kohl’s cash they want to trade for $20 Gymboree? I’d really appreciate it. Leave your email please!

  7. Sri

    Hi I have 3 coke codes, 20$ gap cash, chewy coupon… looking for small amount of target or Walmart gc.
    [email protected]
    Thank you!!!

  8. MT

    ISO T-Mobile Baskin Robbins codes, please email – madefortrades @ yahoo . online

    No spaces, thanks!

  9. gaby

    i have 1 atom $20 code or $25 grubhub code for trade any gift card or jcp Kohl’s

    • Kevin j pughsley

      I am interested in your atom code. Email me at [email protected]

  10. Janessa

    Hi! I have $45 in gift cards
    P&G free photo book
    Pampers free photo book
    $10 off $50 Under Armour gift card redeemable 9-19 to 10-13
    AMC Free popcorn and drink

    Would love Kohl’s cash, JcPenny 10 off 10 coupons, Baskin Robins, open to other offers.
    Janessas_1 at hotmail

  11. Ann

    Looking for any amount Fandango code usable in theaters. If you have some let me know how much, when it expires, and if it is restricted to a particular movie & maybe we can work something out.
    mascaret at

  12. smellyann

    Shutterfly 40% off everything: 87T3-53EA-956P-5B5WXS

    Expires October 14, 2018

    • riss

      Thank you!

  13. Ann

    Have coke codes to trade if anyone wants to do the Coke promotion.
    Let me know what you have to trade in return.
    mascaret at

  14. Stephanie

    I have the Tmobile rewards code for 40% off and free shipping on puma. online and Baskin Robbins $2. Also have the 25$/concert tickets available.

  15. Stephanie

    Cschowertonfamily at gmail

  16. Darlene

    I have a $20 Itunes egift card and would like to trade for an Amazon or Walmart gift card.Please email [email protected] if you would like to trade.thank,s

  17. countrygal

    Does anyone have any Huggies codes their not going to use. Have Shutterfly code for Pencil case to trade.
    gaylesgifts at

  18. Jessica

    UFT: $50 off $100 WHBM, 50% off Shutterfly. Looking for small value gc or AMC popcorn & drink vouchers. Please email sscg924 at aol dot online. Thanks!

  19. Kat

    Anyone have a Hayneedle Coupon they won’t use? I threw mine away last week ;(

  20. Roxy

    For trade:

    $2 Baskin Robbins gc
    AMC 1 large popcorn & 1 free large drink (exp 09/30)
    $10 Gymboree (exp 09/04)
    VS 20% off, $30 T-shirt bra
    20 off $50 Wayfair (exp 09/12)
    $10 off $75 Puma (exp 09/12)
    $25 Live Nation concert tickets
    40% off Puma

    Looking for Amazon, target or other gift cards, kohls cash, paypal, JCP rewards or other offers.
    Pls email [email protected]

  21. Nickted3

    Hi, I have Ebay $10 off $30 purchase code exp: Aug 27th, if anyone interested can email me nickjon06 at gmail dot online

  22. Stephanie

    Looking for $5 children’s place or $10 off $20 children’s place. Would really really appreciate it. Have $2 Baskin Robbins
    [email protected]

  23. LISA B

    Have 10.00 Eddie Bauer code expires 8/22/18 looking for small gift card or ebay code. email at [email protected]

  24. Mayra

    ISO Victoria’s Secret coupons. I have T-Mobile $25 concert tickets, 40% off and free shipping Puma, coke codes, AMC Large popcorn and Large drink … myawesomekids@

  25. Janey

    Have: 2 Share A Coke Bottles w/ free shipping, want $3 Amazon
    Have: Free AMC Large drink and Large popcorn ex 9-30-18, want $1 Amazon code each
    Have: Shutterfly Magnets ex 9-30-18, want 1 coke code for each magnet code
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes ex 10-11-18, want $1.50 Amazon for each code
    Also interested in Target, Starbucks, Stubhub, Itunes, and Dunkin Donuts GCs
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

  26. Erica

    Hi! I have some Victoria Secret coupons available: 30% off an item, and 40% off a sleep item all expiring 9/24/18. I also have a $10 Eddie Bauer gift certificate that expires 8/22/18. Lastly, I have an Express coupon $15 off $30 purchase. Looking for small amount Amazon, Target, Baskin Robbins or any other reasonable offers. You can email me at honeyjobear at gmail dot online. Thank you!

  27. Kevin j pughsley

    Looking for ATOM credit or gift card I can use tonight. I have amazon to trade. Email me at [email protected]

  28. Question

    What is the best way to redeem a free panty with purchase coupon at VS? I downloaded the PINK app and have a free panty offer! Shopping at VS is new to me because it’s so expensive! TIA!

    • Katie

      There is no minimum purchase required so I usually just buy the cheapest thing I can find. Beauty items are inexpensive. I just did it last weekend and got a bath bomb for 3.95 to redeem the free panty!

  29. Roxanne Behar

    I have nine $5/$25 Dress Barn dollars to trade. Looking for Target or Wal-Mart gift cards. Email me at [email protected]. Expires today (8/21).

  30. Pauline

    Hi, I have a $2 BR gc, $10 off $30 Ebay, $10 Eddie Bauer exp 08/22, AMC large popcorn and large drink that I’m willing to trade for any Amazon, Target gc, paypal, Kohls cash, JCP rewards or any other offers. Thanks!

    Pls email: pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online

    • Pauline

      Also, have 3 $10 each Gymboree.

  31. Ann

    Justice 30% off 1 item = Surprise30
    Oriental Trading Free shipping no minimum = CE186111

    Going to the store this afternoon. Looking for Eddie Bauer $10 off code.
    Can trade free shipping no min Under Armour, Under Armour $10 off not valid until 9/19, coke caps, Staples $25 off $75 online or by phone, $2 Itunes card when they get released by coke, Gymboree $10 off, shutterfly coasters & pencil bag.
    mascaret at

  32. Ashley

    I have a wayfair coupon. Email me at surveysingh at gmail dot online 😎

  33. Kase120

    I have
    2 sets of four coasters @ shutterfly
    one 8×8 photobook @ shutterfly
    2 magazine subscriptions @ magazine gold
    Looking for pepsi codes
    [email protected]

  34. Octavia

    Victoria’s secret free panty with purchase
    Code EMPB0724
    Pin BR8VYD3JT
    Please onlinement when used.

  35. Lauren

    I have 2 different Hello Fresh offers free to whoever wants them. For new customers only.

    3 Free Meals in first box
    $25 off first two boxes ($50 value)

    Email lrng1416 at gmail and let me know which offer you want.

  36. chelsie

    if anyone has an BR left to give or trade I would love my son turns 2 next week and the would be a nice treat for him. please email me if you have one itsmedrysdale @ yahoo dot online I do have a few shutterfly offers and have a redbox code here and there also I could trade.

  37. Sarah

    Would anyone be interested in trading their Gymboree $10 coupons for $13.20 to the Hatch Collection? The Hatch Collection has beauty products as well as maternity clothes that can be worn during pregnancy or anytime! Email sarahat19 at gmail

  38. DonnaM

    Anyone have 30% code on Kohls (with Kohls credit card) that starts 8/22?

    I have $10 Panera Bread gift code. It can be used online or in store

    • A

      30% Code: SPLURGE30
      Free shipping code: AUGMVCFREE

      • DonnaM

        A- thank you!!

      • DonnaM

        A- do you want the Panera? If so, what’s your email. You were the first to respond and I used the 30% off. Thank you!

    • Alex

      Donna- what did you want for your Panera? I have some half off Starbucks coupons

      • DonnaM

        Alex- when does the Starbucks expire?

  39. Mommy2Bear

    kohls $5 off $25 8/21


    • DonnaM

      Thank you☺

      • DonnaM

        A– do you want the panera?

        • DonnaM

          Sorry, I posted that on wrong thread.

  40. Donna

    I have $20 off $50 purchase coupon codes for Wayfair, Joss Main, All Modern, or Birch Lane. Email me at [email protected] if your interested.

  41. K

    Have these things to trade
    10.00 kohls cash
    10.00 Starbucks gift card
    Need cash offers or amazon gift card
    Email me thanks

  42. Alex

    Just in case A doesn’t want- I’d still be happy to trade for a Starbucks coupon- angelkiss0927 (at) aol

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