Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (8/17/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 68

  1. Lo


    Free photo book

    • Sara

      Someone has used this.

  2. Sandra

    8×8 photobook (GTLX)
    8×11 photobook (GTLZ)
    8×8 book or reusable shopping bag (PG56)
    8×8 photobook (KHBC)
    8×8 photobook (URML)
    8×8 photobook (DE9W)
    8×8 photobook or 50% off (WV63)
    Mousepad or Notepad (ST5L)
    Knot Coasters (KT4V)
    5×8 Notepad (BCCC)
    Pencil case or notebook (KEC2)
    8×10 Art Print (DE9X)
    FREE calendar wall or easel (KT4Q)
    $25 to shop for cards (DE9V)
    12 FREE Thank you cards (DVD8)

    Amazon gift cards
    Kohl’s cash

    Email me @ ssh4creed613 @ gmail .online

  3. Sam

    $1.25 off Redbox – SUKPZV37
    Free Redbox – UE7W8XZU

    Free shipping at Old Navy on $25 order – PB2PRJL6NL1D

    For trade:
    Coke caps
    10% off (save up to $20)
    AMC large drink and popcorn

    Couponcrazi93 at gmail dot online

    • Jhawkeye

      Thanks used free redbox๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Brittany

    ISO pampers codes!
    Coupongirl1210 @

  5. kelly

    I have two $10 off codes for Gymboree. Mainly looking for Amazon but willing to trade for other things a well ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Mama

    I have 4 $10/20 childrenโ€™s place cash and $10 off Gymboree. Looking for Kohls cash or gift cards or make an offer (no Shutterfly please)

    • Prashanthi

      Hi, can u reply with the tc’s of the children’s place 10$ off 20$ coupon?

  7. Julie

    I have $10 kohls wanting to trade for AMC drink and popcorn.

    • Nan

      I have AMC to trade for your Kohl’s, Julie. Please email me n.hetzman at! Thanks

    • Sana

      I can trade also. Please email me sanatauseef at gmail dot online

    • Janice

      I have 2 AMC large drink and popcorn vouchers to trade. Email mrsrainey10@ gmail

    • Denille

      I see I am late to the party, but I would be interested in the Kohl’s cash as well and also have the Large AMC Popcorn and Drink. If still needing to trade email me [email protected]

  8. Heather

    Was wondering if anyone has a American girl promo code they wonโ€™t be using I would greatly appreciate it. Please email me [email protected]

  9. tornadofreek1

    Looking for Kohlโ€™s Cash! Will PayPal you immediately… ๐Ÿ˜
    tornadofreek1 at gmail . online

    • Nimi

      Emailed you!!

  10. Sheryl

    I’m looking for a $10 Eddie Bauer code.
    Does anyone happen to have one they don’t plan on using?
    [email protected]

    • Laura Lynn

      Found these. I hope these might help if you’re shopping online. Sorry I don’t know discount amounts, but worth checking if they work. [email protected]


  11. Jessica

    Have a Shutterfly 50% off your order coupon for trade. Looking for AMC free drink and popcorn voucher. Please email sscg924 at aol dot online. Thanks.

    • Jess Saves

      I also have a free Redbox rental for trade.

  12. Liz

    Hi! Iโ€™m looking for Justice codes to finish up school shopping ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป If anyone has one they arenโ€™t planning to use … [email protected]

    • Laura Lynn

      I am not sure which one might get you the MOST off. [email protected]

  13. Bre Guerra

    Justice coupons UFT

  14. Mayra

    ISO Victoriaโ€™s Secret coupons , I have coke codes and amc drinks or popcorn … myawesomekids @ hotmail. online

    • Shauna-Lee

      I have vs mailer coupons and one 20/50 reward card if interested. Shaunalee dot Edwards at

  15. C

    I have (2) $10 Gymboree promo codes that must be used in store and expire on 9/5/18. I will trade both of these for $10 Eddie Bauer.

    Please email me at [email protected]

  16. C

    I have (2) $5 FandangoNOW promo codes that must be activated by 02/28/19 and expire on 03/31/19. I will trade both of these for $10 Eddie Bauer.

    Please email me at [email protected]

  17. Melissa

    Hi, $1.25 red box code off the first night of any disc rental, valid thru 8/19/18 @ 11:59pm

  18. Tia

    Redbox: Use code 5K2TEGHF by 08/19/2018 @ 11:59 PM
    I rec’d a BOGO coupon for Cici’s Pizza Adult Buffet expires 8/24. I’d have to forward you the email. [email protected]

    • Mendy

      Were you wanting a trade for the bogo? Mljbnacosta@

    • tia

      Cici’s is gone.

  19. Mommy2Bear

    $15 Similac checks 9/4
    $40 off $100 UA 8/22
    $10 off $40 Gymboree
    $5 Childrenโ€™s Place 8/27
    $10 off $20 Childrenโ€™s place cash 9/24
    Several Shutterfly items

    Amazon GC, PayPal,Kohls points,digital movie codes
    [email protected]

  20. Rachel

    Redbox code, 1.25 off, expires 08/19, D59R4KP3

  21. Danielle

    Redbox code

  22. Sheri

    UFT Shutterfly
    Pampers 8×8 book 9/30
    5×8 notebook or pencil case Kellogg 9/30
    babycenter notepad 9/10
    Knot coasters 10/31
    DM 8 x10 Art print 9/30
    Joann pencil case 9/20
    Knot 8 x11 9/30
    DM 8×8 8/31
    ISO: Pepsi codes message me at sheriross305 at gmail .online

  23. Prashanthi

    Have 2 codes for 20% off Carters, 2 codes for 20% off OshKosh and 40% shutterfly.
    [email protected]
    ISO: any interesting trade

  24. JP

    looking for one more person to join our ibotta team. get $10 sign up bonus plus $3 PayPal transfer once you onlineplete your first rebate and it’s confirmed! has to be onlinepleted today or tomorrow! download Ibotta app and use promo code – ljqjkwi reply back after onlinepleted for PayPal. offer only for first 2 sign ups! go!

  25. Danielle

    Coupons in PDF form that I will not be using.
    $2.00 Nivea Body Lotion
    $3.00 Aveeno Sun Care & $3.00 Neutorgena Sun Care
    $2.00 Covergirl Lip, $3.00 Covergirl Face, $3.00 Covergirl Eye & $4.00 Covergirl & Olay certificates

    Shutterfly coasters
    $25.00 Shutterfly code Expires Septemeber 30th from Ibotta

    Victoria Secrets coupons to use online
    Free Tshirt Bra and panty
    $10 off $40 purchase
    20% off of single full price item

    Please email me at [email protected]
    Open to offers except Shutterfly, coke codes, and children items.

  26. Tam

    I have a 3 of the $10 instore Gymboree coupons would like to trade both for small amount kohls cash or Eddie Bauer $10 code. Thanks tranch51 at gmail dot online p.s Gymboree employee told me you can onlinebine the $10 coupon and the 20% coupon if that helps anyone.

  27. Lisa D

    I have:
    Target – 2 – $10 off $50 at Target (expires 9-1)
    Disney – 1 – $25 Gift Card
    Disney – Gift cards with various amounts left on them from our vacation.
    Walmart – $15 off online order for college student or new account
    Will trade for Paypal.
    Email [email protected]

  28. Sandra

    Looking for coupons to Express and Bath and Body Works. Planning on doing some shopping next week. Thanks! Pandra45 @

    • Laura

      EXPRESS: Get $15 off $30 | $30 off $100 | $40 off $120 | $75 off $200 now-9/9.
      I also have 20% bath and body works.
      Do you have anything to trade?
      [email protected]

  29. JoAnne

    Baskin Robbins BOGO cone. Exp 8/25. No trade needed. Will forward email.
    gregjr60 at yahoo

  30. Janey

    Have: Free AMC Large drink and Large popcorn ex 9-30-18, want $1 Amazon code each
    Have: Shutterfly Magnets ex 9-30-18, want 1 coke code for each magnet code
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes ex 10-11-18, want $1.50 Amazon for each code
    Also interested in Target, Starbucks, Stubhub, Itunes, and Dunkin Donuts GCs
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

  31. rachael

    Anyone have any Pepsi points? My son is dying for a t-shirt and we just don’t drink that much soda. Even one code is appreciated. You can email up me at [email protected].

  32. countrygal

    Off Topic..signed into Kelloggs email, it said to sign in every 90 days, I signed in just for the heck of it and got points. Has this happened to anyone else? I was very surprised.

    • Tia

      I have. They’ll actually email you sometime offering points if you sign in.

  33. Juliet

    2 AMC Large popcorn and large drink,
    $5 Game stop gc ISO: $5 Amazon or macy Gc
    2 ($5) itune GC ,ISO Amazon or Macy gc each
    (2) 5 day Free Xbox game pass, (2) 5 day XBOX live Gold, ISO : 10 VS coupon
    Free CICI PIZZA adult buffet with the purchase of an adult buffer EXP 8/24/18 ,ISO: VS Couopn, little gc or MAO

    • Juliet

      Email Signaljulie@yahoo dot online

  34. Lisa

    Shutterfly 50% off one item… expires 8/31

  35. hip2trade

    Uft: 10% Best Buy
    hip2trade @ gmail

  36. JoAnne

    VS 20% off single regular price item, T-shirt and bra $30. No trade needed. Will forward codes that can be used online.
    gregjr60 at yahoo

    • JoAnne


  37. Roxy

    For trade:

    10 coke codes
    $10 Gymboree
    20 off $50 Wayfair
    30% off Reebok + free shipping (exp 08/17)
    $10 off $75 Puma (exp 09/12)
    1 night redbox

    Looking for Amazon, target or other gift cards, kohls cash, paypal, JCP rewards or other offers.
    Pls email [email protected]

  38. Nimi

    Have $20 worth of kohls cash to trade for paypal($15) or giftcard.

    Mail me at [email protected] with your offers

  39. Yuliana

    Looking for a crazy 8 coupon if anyone has one to spare. Sixxstarr07 at yahoo

  40. Ann

    Looking for AMC free drink codes. Trading coke caps, 1 sad lonely pepsi cap, Shutterfly coasters x 2 and pencil bag, Staples $25 off $75 by phone or online.
    Also looking for any amount Fandango code usable in theaters. If you have some let me know how much, when it expires, and if it is restricted to a particular movie & maybe we can work something out.
    mascaret at

  41. Lauren

    Redbox $1.25 off. Use code GXTVY96T by 08/19/2018 @ 11:59 PM

    I have to trade:
    $10 off $40 The Childrens Place (exp 9/7)
    25% off Vera Bradley (exp 9/4)
    20% off LL Bean (exp 8/19)
    $50 HelloFresh (itโ€™s $25 off first 2 boxes w/free shipping, exp 10/31)
    $10 toward first full box at (exp 10/30)

    Looking for Coke codes, Home Depot coupon, Kohls Cash, small value Amazon, or make an offer. Email lrng1416 at gmail

  42. Kirsten

    ISO: Shutterfly free book code. Wanting to make a book as a gift for Youth Leader who is leaving to go to seminary. Please email [email protected]. TIA!

  43. Prashanthi

    Shutterfly (Valid only on 1st purchase)


    Relive all your favorite moments in a one-of-a-kind gift.



    *Offer expires November 7, 2018 (11:59 P.M. PT). Offer is good for one free 20-standard page 8×8 hard photo cover photo book through or our mobile-friendly site. Valid only on your first purchase from Shutterfly. Promo can only be redeemed once per account and/or billing address. This offer code can only be entered once. Taxes, shipping and handling will apply. Other trim, paper and envelope options will incur extra fees. Not valid on other wedding suite cards, other sizes, other products, prepaid plans, cards sent using mailing services, prior purchases, orders placed for in-store pick up and orders made on the Shutterfly apps. Cannot be redeemed for cash or onlinebined with select offers or credits

  44. matt

    have $15 kohls cash. wanting to trade for amazon $10
    and 10 of 50 at lowes coupon.
    amidala184 at gmail dot online

  45. Mandy

    8×8 Shutterfly book:

  46. Trish

    If you need a $20 off $50 Wayfair coupon, send me an email ๐Ÿ˜Š trishanax3 at gmail dot online.

  47. Cathy

    I have 7 sets of AMC large popcorn & large drink onlinebos. Looking to trade for anything non-Shutterfly. Please email [email protected] with what you have for trade for one set or as many sets as you’re interested in. thanks!

  48. L

    Redbox free CDV, blu-ray, or game: NX3HWFQP. Exp 8/20 at 11:59 pm ET. Post when used.

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