Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (8/7/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 67

  1. NB

    Hi! I have 3 single day tickets to Six Flags and $40 to Gymboree that I’m looking to trade for Amazon, PayPal or Kohl’s cash. Please leave your email if interested. Thanks!

    • Sarah

      I am interested in your Gymboree, email sarahat19 at gmail

    • Jeannie

      What are you wanting fir the six flag tickets?

      • NB

        I’d like to get 20 value for each, either in Kohl’s cash or Amazon or PayPal or Target

  2. Ebony

    I’m interested in a DD gift card. I have a one free month of cinemark movie club membership for new subscribers only. You will need to register a CC for the offer.
    [email protected]

  3. Jana

    Looking for $2 Dunkin doubts from T-mobile
    I have to trade:
    Coke codes
    Shutterfly photo book 8×8 from DM
    Pencil case from Joanna’s
    AMC drink
    Magnet from coke
    Email jhrbi87(at) gmail( dot) online

    • sue

      DD Card Number:6156696528943286
      PIN: 75310427

  4. Beth

    Is anybody else having hotmail issues????

    • Bunny

      Beth there were several readers having problems yesterday!

  5. RadMom3

    I have $25/$25+ off White House Black Market coupon + free shipping
    I also have $25/$25+ Chico’s coupon. looking for kohls cash or Amazon. cowgirl9271(at)

  6. kayjayc

    1 code to buy up to 5 eligible
    Mission: Impossible movies
    for $3.99 each*
    Here is your redemption code:

    See terms below. Code expiration 9/30/18.

    1. Enter your promo code at and hit “Redeem.”
    2. Select an eligible Mission: Impossible movie for purchase for $3.99 each.
    3. Choose “Checkout.” Then choose “onlineplete.”
    4. That’s it! Your movie(s) will be added to your library. Repeat the above steps for each movie you’d like to purchase, up to all 5.

    • Ann

      I have one as well. If this one gets claimed and someone else wants one leave your email and I can send it.

      • Myra

        I’m interested on the Mission Impossible code. Do you still have one available? Thanks fairyflower33 (at)

  7. Matt

    Have $10 Eddie Bauer certificate. Exp 8/22
    Looking for small value Dunkin or Target
    Amidala184 at gmail dot online

    • Pauline

      Emailed you.

  8. J

    If someone have Eddie Bauer code that they don’t want to use I would love to have it. Thanks!!

    • Leslie G

      I have one. What’s your email?

      • J

        Thank you so much for such a good gesture. I already got one.
        Have a nice day!! 🙂

      • SH

        I could use Eddie bauer code if you stil have it. Thanks Ahead

      • Lynn

        Leslie G,
        I would love to be considered for your Eddie Bauer code if you are willing to gift it. Thanks!
        [email protected]

  9. Sam

    For trade:
    Coke codes
    10% off (save up to $20)
    AMC popcorn and drink

    Send me an offer. Definitely interested in DD or Stage coupons, but will consider all offers!
    Couponcrazi93 at gmail dot online

  10. Mommyof5

    Looking for Gymboree $10. I have $2 DD, 25% off Google express, 40% off and free shipping Eddie Bauer. mommycoupon05 at gmail dot online

    • Aysh

      I have $10 off $40 Gymboree. Looking for Eddie Bauer

  11. Pauline


    – $2 Dunkin Donuts gc
    – 40% off Eddie Bauer
    – 30% off Kohls coupon (for non kohls charge holders) exp 08/12
    – $5 Pier1 gift card
    – Proozy 15% off coupon exp 08/15
    – $15 off Build a bear coupon
    – 25% off Google Express

    Looking to trade these for any Amazon, Target, Walmart gift cards, Paypal, Kohls Cash, JCpenny rewards or any other offers except Shutterfly. Thanks!
    Pls email: pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online

  12. Katelyn

    Pls if anyone has a Best Buy coupon to share, I would greatly appreciate it. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything to trade for it but I would be grateful if someone would be kind enough to send me a coupon, so I could buy a slow cooker that just broke down on me 🙁. Thanks!
    My email is email2rohitsas at gmail dot online

    • countrygal

      Found this online 20% off promo code at Best Buy, not sure if it will work but its worth a try. SAVEONSMALLSNOW

      • Katelyn

        Thanks for the tip, countrygal! Will try with the promo code & hopefully it works.

  13. Summu

    Home depot 5$ off 50$ or more coupon.
    Gymboree 10$ off code for in store use only
    Few Gymboree 20% off codes
    Wayfair 20$ off 200$ code 15$ off 49$ with free 1-2 day shipping (1st time order only)
    Shutterfly free reusable bag
    Kohls 30% off code (for non kohls charge holders)

    Iso: Please message me with what you have at
    [email protected]

  14. Indhu

    Have an Eddie Bauer $10 certificate for trade looking for small value target or kohls pls email [email protected]

  15. Janey

    Have: Shutterfly Magnets ex 9-30-18, want 1 coke code for each magnet code
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes ex 10-11-18, want $1.50 Amazon for each code
    Have: AMC large popcorn + large drink ex 9-30-18, want $1 Amazon for each.
    Also interested in Target and Starbucks GC’s and 8×8 Shutterfly book from coke summer IWG only.
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

  16. Ron

    If anyone has an Eddie Bauer $10 certificate that are willing to share, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you! Pls email rocker.shady at gmail dot online

  17. Liz

    ***I am looking for two WALMART 10% off codes***
    I have the following available—
    Any VS panty FREE with a purchase exp 9/1
    $10 Coupon/Check Enfamil Enspire exp 9/30
    $10 OFF Enfamil Enspire 20oz or larger at Target exp 8/31
    Knot Photo Coasters exp 10/31
    Knot Calendar exp 9/30
    Wyndham 8×8 photo book or 50% off exp 9/27
    DM 8×10 Art Print exp 9/30

    Please let me know at bboyabgirlb hotmail Thanks!

  18. Shil

    ISO Kohl’s cash. Buying kids clothes and would super appreciate if someone could help me. Willing to trade $5 Amazon GC in return.

    • Shil

      My email is shilthemommy @

  19. Lynn

    Up for trade:
    *10 off Finishline code, exp. 8/31/18
    *$40 off $100 Under Armour code, exp. 8/12/18
    * 25% off William Sonoma & free shipping code
    ASSORTED VS codes, exp. 8/20/18: *Free panty with purchase code, *$10 off $40 purchase code,*$25 off $125 purchase code
    *50% off Shutterfly code, exp. 8/11/18
    Email fair offers only please. No photo.
    lynn1015 @

  20. Leslie G

    @J no problem. Happy you got one!

  21. Kate

    Looking for an Under Armour coupon for back to school clothes if anyone has one… Email Rice82990 at

  22. debbie

    eddie bauer 40% off and free shipping CFNYcVPVT

    • Imsofrugal

      Used. Thanks!

  23. Elaine

    UFT: $10 off Stages.
    ISO: $2 Dunkin Donuts

    • Mommyof5

      I have a $2 DD I’ll trade for your stage coupon mommycoupon05 at gmail dot online

  24. Ann

    I have 2 sets of Shutterfly coasters (Coke & Joann’s), lots of coke codes, Staples $25 off $75 phone or online only, & $10 Gymboree.
    Let me know what you have to trade. All set on photo codes and stores that only do kid clothes. Thanks.
    mascaret at

  25. NancyAcosta

    ISO Kohl’s cash/rewards

    I have $10 rewards VS or
    willing to PayPal!
    nancya @

  26. Megan

    I have:
    Eddie Bauer $5 reward and 40% off plus free shipping which can stack.
    Gymboree $10 prom in stores also have 2% off and free shipping
    $15 off $49 at chewy
    Please email me trades. Please no Shutterfly amc or vs
    Megansrueckert at gmail

  27. sabrina

    looking to trade $10 sephora GC for $10 ulta or macys or amazon. thanks

  28. Tam

    I have $10 Gymboree instore coupon and would like to trade for $10 Eddie Bauer thanks tranch51 at gmail dot online

  29. Bonbonlan

    I have a $25 Disney GC. Would like to trade for another GC. Thanks

    • G

      interested in Disney Gc email me
      Gaby04019(at) Gmail ( dot ) online

  30. Happy

    In search of Lane Bryant Real Women Dollars. I can offer Under Armour code or $10 off Victoria Secret. Please reply, if you can help me out.

  31. lisa blumenstein

    I have a 10.00 Eddie Bauer would trade for kohls cash, or small gift card. Email me at [email protected]

  32. km

    World market 20% off

    $15 Build a bear gift certificate

    Bed bath and beyond 20% off and $10 off $30 single item or entire purchase

    Big lots 20% off $25

    Pier 1 imports 15% off

    Lowe’s 10% off 12% off
    Wayfair 10% off
    ISO: PayPal, Walmart, target ,Amazon or Pm me for any other offers.
    Thanks !!
    email – [email protected].

  33. Nor

    -Pencil case
    -Art Print
    -8×8 Photo Book
    -VS 10/40, 25/125, free panty, $30 t shirt bra plus panty
    -Bed Bath Beyond 10/30
    Staples 5/25, 25/75
    -Google express 25%
    -Eddie Bauer 40% plus free shipping
    Looking for Amazon, Target, Statbucks, Dunkin Donuts or other Gift Card, kohls cash. Email duranna79 at gmail dot online

  34. hip2trade

    $10 Gymboree online code to trade. hip2trade @ gmail

  35. Ashley

    If anyone needs a wayfair coupon, email me at surveysingh at gmail dot online 😎

  36. Rachel

    Shutterfly code from Kohls, enjoy up to 4 free magnets, expires 09/30/18, KHA8-985S-EGHJ-V56U2H.

  37. Emily

    Shutterfly free reusable shopping bag from Kohls (expires 09/30/2018)

    • Maria

      Codes already redeemed…,not by me….just to save time for others

  38. Ana

    I am looking for a Kohl’s promo code if anyone is not going to use theirs I would highly appreciate it. My email is [email protected] thank you

  39. Erica

    Hello, I have a $10 Eddie Bauer code available. Willing to trade for $3 Starbucks, Amazon, or Target. Thanks! Email me at honey jo bear at gmail dot online.

  40. Melissa

    Looking for VS coupons and DD cards. I have a $10 Gymboree promo code, coke codes, and 20% off of Gymboree
    [email protected]

  41. Leslie

    free 8×8 shutterfly photo books (expires 11/30)

    • S

      Someone else used, but thanks for sharing.

  42. Lynn

    STILL Up for trade:
    *10 off Finishline code, exp. 8/31/18
    * 25% off William Sonoma & free shipping code
    ASSORTED VS codes, exp. 8/20/18: *Free panty with purchase code, *$10 off $40 purchase code,*$25 off $125 purchase code
    *50% off Shutterfly code, exp. 8/11/18
    Email fair offers only please. No photo.
    lynn1015 @

  43. km

    looking for, if anyone not using please text me to [email protected].

  44. misti

    I have a 10.00 Gymboree code looking to trade for a 10.00 Eddie bauer code. Please email me at [email protected] thank you

  45. K

    I have a 33.00 gift card under Armour
    Need offer in cash need to buy a textbook for my sons class
    Email me
    Consider amazon gift card

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