Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (8/3/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 55

  1. J

    I’m desperately looking for pampers codes to get my goal any help I really appricciate it
    I have Shutterfly photo book 8×8 to trade
    Or AMC free drink
    Email jojo172003(at) hotmail( dot) online

  2. hip2trade

    Looking to trade:$5 DSW Reward
    $10 Naturalizer reward
    $10 Victoria’s Secret/angel cardholders.
    $10 Kohl’s cash

    • hip2trade

      Interested in Best Buy rewards, online code only. Possibly other things but no Shutterfly or movie passes/items. hip2trade @ Gmail

    • NancyAcosta

      Hello! Would you take another VS reward for your Kohl’s cash? nancya @ ccucp . org please let me know 🙂

  3. Sandra

    ISO Shutterfly Voice mousepad with free shipping!!!! $29 FS Shutterfly code and/or Shutterfly codes with later exp dates. End of November or later. 🤗

    UFT: 😎$10 Gymboree promo code
    😎 8×8 photobook (URML)
    😎 $25 off code (VS2N)
    😎 8×8 photobook (DE9W)
    😎 $25 off cards (DE9V)
    😎 Personalized coasters (KT4V)
    😎 8×10 Art Print (DE9X)
    😎 Amazon gc

    Email me at [email protected]

  4. Rachel

    Redbox code, 1.25 off, 5M6WF2QZ, expires 08/05.

  5. Creolegyrl

    Post when used please.
    Ralph Lauren 30% off $125.00 – USE CODE 5WQ9ZQV6BSMWTSLB
    Under Armour $40 off $100 – LPSD4XBEMYQK

    • Octavia Wyatt

      Thank u Under Armour coupon used. thank you so much you’re such a blessing

  6. Brittany

    Have a couple $off express coupons (not valid on jeans). Leave your email if you are interested. Expire 8/11/18.

  7. Jenn

    Up for trade:
    $5 Target GC. Looking for $5 Amazon
    $10 off Stage. Looking for $2 Amazon
    jennacohen67 at gmail dot online

  8. Summu


    Good morning everyone 😊

    I have the following UFT:
    Free AMC large drink
    15$ build a build code
    (1) 10$ off gymboree in stores only
    (4) 20% off gymboree code in stores only
    Shutterfly free reusable bag
    1$ off share a coke code
    Bed bath and beyond 10$ off 30$
    Buy buy baby 5$ off 15$
    Free 1 night redbox DVD rental

    If anyone is interested please message me with what you have at [email protected]

    • Summu

      Correction: 15$ build a bear coupon

  9. rebecca

    Looking for walmart. Have amazon gift card

    • Anne

      Hi Rebecca,

      What exactly at Walmart are you looking for? And how much is your Amazon gc?


  10. Lynn

    Hi Hip2Savers!
    Up for trade:
    *10 off Finishline code
    *$10 off $10+ Victoria Secret/Pink code, exp. 8/31/18
    *$40 off $100 Under Armour code, exp. 8/12/18
    * 25% off William Sonoma & free shipping code
    *Assorted Victoria Secret codes:
    Free panty with purchase code
    $10 off $40 purchase code
    $25 off $125 purchase code
    Free weekender with $75 purchase or free blanket with $125 purchase code
    Email fair offers only please. No photo.
    lynn1015 @

  11. Tara

    ISO: DSW coupon code. I have an under armour $40 off $100 for trade. email [email protected].

  12. Sam

    For trade:
    Coke codes
    Walmart 10% off online (save up to $20)
    2 free VS panties with purchase (online)

    Couponcrazi93 at gmail dot online

  13. Taylor Gilchrist

    Hi there!
    I have:
    2 of the $25 off Honest onlinepany purchase of $50 at Target or Target .online (great for Honest onlinepany Diapers)
    I also have TONS of the Infamil Checks (some are expired and some aren’t, some stores allow people to use the expired checks)
    I am interested in PayPal. My email is [email protected] if you are interested. thanks!! 😄

  14. kelly

    ISO: Under Armour $40 off 100

    I have a few VS codes I can trade: free panty, 20%off an item, t-shirt bra & panty $30, free weekender w/$75 purchase

    • Jessikac

      I have the 40 off 100 code. I would love to trade for the vs free panty & vs tshirt bra & panty coupon. My email is [email protected]

      • kelly

        Thank you! Just emailed you with the codes.

  15. Ebony

    $0.75 off redbox DKH9CYA2 expires 8/5/18

  16. Yuliana

    Looking for a crazy 8 coupon. If anyone has one to spare please email me. Thanks. Sixxstarr07 at yahoo

    • Reena

      Hi I have Crazy 8 20% off coupon. If interested email me [email protected]

  17. Bunny

    $0.75 off Redbox
    Code 3X5MEW7S expires 8/5/18

  18. Nancy

    UFT: $30 Gymboree in-store and 3 Six Flags tickets
    Looking for Amazon, Kohls or PayPal
    Email n.hetzman at

  19. sabrina

    I have a $10 sephora eGC to trade for a $10 Macy’s or ULTA GC. Would like to purchase a MAC lipstick but Sephora doesn’t carry that brand. thanks

  20. tia

    Redbox: Use code SV38P38N by 08/05/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  21. L

    Redbox 75 cents off. Use code 5V9ET7XT by 08/05/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  22. J

    I’m looking for any and popcorn codes if anyone has extra. My email is [email protected]
    Thank you!

  23. Megan

    I have: 2- $10 off 10 Gymboree,20% off and free shipping
    $5 off $5 Maurice’s
    Email me to trade. Please no Shutterfly, AMC, or VS
    megansrueckert@ gmail

  24. Sarah

    Does anyone have an extra Lowes $20 off $100 or 20% off?? Email sarahat19 at gmail

  25. Lauren

    Redbox code: $1.25 off – Use code 7L5W3GW4 by 08/05/2018 @ 11:59 PM

    I have for trade:
    Gymboree $10 off $40 (exp 8/15)
    HelloFresh $30 off first 2 orders ($60 total value)
    AMC Large Popcorn & Large Drink
    Petco $10 off $30 in-store (valid 8/3-8/4 and must have Pals Rewards)
    Petsmart $3 off $30 or $10 off $50 in store (exp 8/5)

    Looking for Coke codes, Amazon, Kohls, Walmart, Target or make an offer. Thanks! email lrng1416 at gmail

  26. Nicole

    I have 4 $10 promo codes to gymboree…looking to trade for Amazon gift cards..please email [email protected]

  27. Rey

    Looking for mousepad with free shipping code.
    I have to trade:
    Shutterfly coasters, pencil bag, 8×8 book (kelloggs, Wyndham, art print, 16×20 collage poster)
    VS $10 off $40, $25 off $125, free panty, $30 t shirt bra plus panty
    Bed Bath Beyond $10 off $30
    Buy buy baby $5 off $15 or 20% one item
    Cinemark 2 small popcorn
    AMC large popcorn and drink
    Rover $50 credit
    Redbox free one night DVD, blue ray or game
    I really need the mousepad with free shipping but if you want to trade one of my codes for something else, please email me to [email protected]

    • Rey

      Looking for similac mousepad code, please if you have one to share or trade email me to [email protected]
      I have the above codes and a Shutterfly $25 off also to trade, thanks

  28. Nicole

    I also have $30 off at Eddie Bauer in store or minimum purchase…please email [email protected] I’m looking to trade for Amazon gc thanks

  29. Micala

    I am looking for:
    Lowes 20% off or $20 off 100
    Chewy $15 off $49

    I have:
    Gymboree 20% off
    Gymboree $25 off $100

    Please email me: [email protected]

  30. Mommy2Bear

    UFT: Have several AMC drink and 1 popcorn vouchers.
    ISO: opened to offers
    [email protected]

  31. Sara

    Where did you people get all those $10/$10 Gymboree codes? Just curious… All I ever get is a 20% off code… Thanks!

    • hip2trade

      I think it’s the Gymboree instant win contest. Posted here on Hip2Save.

  32. Matt

    Have $10 Eddie Bauer certificate that exp 8/22. Looking for small value Dunkin/Target/Walmart. Amidala184 at gmail dot online

  33. Ann

    UFT: Gymboree $10 off code.
    Shutterfly coasters 9/30
    Bertucci’s $10 off $25 exp 8/6
    Uno $10 off $20 exp 8/5

    Seeking Fandango or other TICKET codes usable at Regal/AMC. No AMC popcorn or drinks. Will also take Amazon, Paypal.

    mascaret at

  34. Jess Saves

    Looking for an Atom $5 code from T-Mobile is anyone has one that they won’t be using. Sscg924 at aol dot online

  35. Karyn

    I am looking for a 10% off Home depot coupon if anyone has one for trade email me
    [email protected] with your wishlist

  36. Janey

    Have: Shutterfly Magnets ex 9-30-18, want 1 coke code for each magnet code
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes ex 10-11-18, want $1.50 Amazon for each code
    Have: AMC large popcorn + large drink ex 9-30-18, want $1 Amazon for each.
    Also interested in Target and Starbucks GC’s
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) online

  37. Anne

    I have a $10 off 10 coupon at Stages stores to trade that will expire next Thursday, August 9.

    Looking for Coke codes or small amounts of gift cards at Starbucks, Target, Walmart, Amazon, Kohl’s, etc.

  38. Amanda

    I have a $10 Eddie Bauer certificate. Looking for $5 Target GC. E-mail me at [email protected]

  39. Mommy2Bear

    Atom $5 off from T-Mobile

    Amazon, PayPal, gc

    [email protected]

  40. Sarah

    Have; DSW $5off coupon
    Best buy 10 reward
    Under Armour 40 off 100
    Looking for amazon gift card
    [email protected]

  41. NancyAcosta

    I have a $10 angel reward for VS-Exp 8.31.18
    Looking for Kohl’s cash/reward

    • NancyAcosta

      nancya @ ccucp . org
      Email me if interested

  42. NancyAcosta

    Is it possible to trade you a $10 VS reward for your Kohl’s cash?

  43. Shelley P

    Redbox .75 off a rental with code 7VNL5S2U exp 8/5

  44. shelly

    Have two $10 off at Gymboree codes (in store) looking to trade.

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