Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (8/1/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 68

  1. Mommyof3

    If anyone has an extra shutterfly photo book code I would love to have it. Just finished my sons baby book. ♥️🍼 Thanks.

    • Bunny

      Check out yesterday’s post. There were several posted that still might be available.

    • Momof2

      Please email me at asiangirl223 at I have a code for a photobook

  2. aj

    If anyone has a wayfair coupon, i have something sitting in my cart waiting for me. sorry, i dont believe i have anything to trade, i typically just list my coupons that i wont be using on here =/ thanks so much in advance!

      • Mallory


    • aj

      i got it! =) thanks!!

    • Bradley

      Check retailmenot and valpak for any wayfair coupon

  3. Mommy2Bear

    1.50 off any disc

    • Ana

      Thank you!!

  4. Valerie0408

    Hello- I have 4 $10.00 promo codes from redeeming pampers rewards. I would like to trade these. Please send me what you have because I am not sure what I would like. This is my first time doing this. 🙂

  5. Bunny

    A huge shout out to all the Hip2Save readers who gift their codes freely without asking for a trade. Your gifts are most generous and appreciated to others! ❤ ❤ ❤

    If you need any Bed Bath & Beyond coupons (20% off or $10 off $30 purchase), please leave your email below.

    I also have a $5 off code for any online purchase of $20 or more of Naked Essential Kibble for dogs or cats at if anyone would like it.

    • Bunny

      Hi Valerie, didn’t know what coupon you wanted. I’ve emailed you. Check your spam folder.

  6. KG8620

    —> $25 Apple store gift card
    —> $25 card ( on first time, $50 and above purchase) from BeyondYoga
    —> $100 wine voucher from NakedWines on $160 and above purchase

    Reply with email and trade offers, I would prefer amazon and target

  7. LuvBeingaMom

    I have Gymboree $10 promo( in stores) 20% off code and free shipping
    Email me to trade. Please no AMC or Shutterfly
    Meganshopping911@ Gmail

  8. hip2trade

    Looking for Walmart 10% off coupon. Also if anyone has any Adorama codes would appreciate it. Thanks! hip2trade @gmail

    • hip2trade

      $10 birthday reward/angel cardholder. Looking to trade.

    • hip2trade

      Received a 10%. Thank you Sam!😊

  9. RadMom3

    I’ve got a $25 off $25+ order and free shipping from White House Black Market up for trade. Email me if you are interested in a trade [email protected]

  10. Donna

    I have a $25 off a $26 purchase to Madewell that I can email. I am looking for a trade – Target, Amazon, Kohls cash.

  11. H

    Gymboree 20% off code:

  12. Brittany

    Off topic… has anyone received their s&s order of the honest &babyganics diapers etc from the prime day deals? Just wondering if the orders went through and if there were any surprises regarding the prices changing or coupons not applying as it originally showed.

    • Diane

      Mine is showing shipped, no price change. I should be getting some of it today.

    • A

      I got all of mine. No cancellations and everything was the price I was expecting. I got so many diapers, bath products, vitamins, etc for my littles for next to nothing! I don’t know how or why it all worked but it was a huge blessing!

    • Brittany

      Thanks for the replies! I won’t receive mine until the middle of the month and wasn’t sure if I should expect some type of cancellation notice… seems way too good to be true!

  13. Jennifer Osborn

    I’m looking for Zumiez gift cards. Email [email protected] if you have any for sale.

  14. Connie

    Staples $10 off a $10 in store purchase. Leave email and I will email you the coupon. I don’t live near a store!

    • Brittany

      Much appreciated if it hasn’t been claimed!

      • Connie

        Emailed it to you, Brittany! I get them from time to time. 🙂

    • Lynn

      Connie, I would love this! Thanks for the consideration!
      [email protected]

      • Connie

        If I get another, I will send it to you, Lynn! 🙂

        • Lynn

          Thank you so much for the possible future offer! I would love you to remember my info. 🙂
          [email protected]

  15. Lynn

    Up for trade:
    *$10 off $10+ Stage code, exp. 8/9/18
    *$10 off $10+ Victoria Secret/Pink code, exp. 8/31/18
    *$40 off $100 Under Armour code, exp. 8/12/18
    *Assorted Victoria Secret codes:
    Free panty with purchase code
    $10 off $40 purchase code
    $25 off $125 purchase code
    Free weekender with $75 purchase or free blanket with $125 purchase code
    Email fair offers only please. No photo.
    lynn1015 @

  16. hip2trade

    $10 off $10 and up Naturalizer, $5 dsw reward. Exp 8-31-18. hip2trade @ gmail.

  17. Pauline


    – $5 off Atom tickets
    – $5 Pier1 gift card
    – Proozy 15% off coupon exp 08/15
    – $20 off $50 Wayfair coupon
    – $15 off Build a bear coupon

    Looking to trade these for any Amazon, Target, Walmart gift cards, Paypal, Kohls Cash, JCpenny rewards or any other offers except Shutterfly. Thanks!
    Pls email: pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online

  18. Maria

    I have 2 vudu codes…. just leave your email….ty

    • Ritz

      I would love one! Thanks so much in advance! paulinharussell at yahoo

    • Sam

      Would love one if available. Thanks for your kindness!
      Couponcrazi93 at gmail dot online

  19. Ann

    GOODIES = Free Shutterfly mug TODAY only

  20. Kim

    Looking for a $40 off $100 code. Need to do some back to school shopping!!! I have a Shutterfly $25 to shop or 50% off code from Kohls (exp 8/31). Email me: jarrodandkim (at) hotmail (dot) online THANK YOU!!!

  21. Kase120

    I have
    $5 itunes
    $10 staples
    1 magazine subscription
    looking for Pepsi codes
    please email [email protected] thanks!

  22. Kase120

    b1g1 entree at hard rock if anyone would like it , no trade needed [email protected]

  23. Kase120

    Also have free shake at sonic, free burger at habit, free shipping on Clinique and b1g1 pizza at pieology. No trade necessary for these items. [email protected]

  24. Mommyof5

    UFT: Fandango ticket value up to $7.50
    $5.50 Vudu
    Buca Di Beppo $20 off $40
    looking for stage, Victoria secret, staples
    mommycoupon05 at gmail dot online

  25. Brittany

    Thanks, Connie!!

  26. Brittany

    Thanks for replying.

  27. Jessed

    Looking for T-Mobile $5 Atom codes if anyone still has any available that they won’t be using. I don’t have anything available to trade right now, but would greatly appreciate it. Please email sscg924 at aol dot online. Thanks!

  28. Lauren

    I have:
    Pottery Barn Kids 20% off & free shipping (exp 8/2)
    Gymboree $10 off $40 (exp 8/15)
    HelloFresh $30 off first 2 orders ($60 total value)
    AMC Large Popcorn & Large Drink

    Looking for Coke codes, Amazon, Kohls, or make an offer. Thanks! email lrng1416 at gmail

  29. J

    Looking for any AMC movie codes if anyone has any extra. My email is [email protected]

  30. at

    World market 20% off 10 % off
    $15 Build a bear coupon
    Bed bath and beyond 20% off and $10 off $30 single item or entire purchase
    Big lots 20% off $25
    Pier 1 imports 15% off
    Lowe’s 10% off 12% off
    Wayfair 10% off
    ISO: PayPal, Walmart, target ,Amazon or Pm me for any other offers.
    email – [email protected]
    Thanks !!

    • Mmt721

      How did you get 10% Walmart? Where are these onlineing from?

    • Chris

      Hi AT,

      I sent you an e-mail for a trade. Please check your spam folder. Thanks.

  31. Rebecca

    Have amazon looking for kolhs cash or target or walmart
    Trinableu at gmail

    • Sarah

      how much is the amazon, i have target

    • Kay

      Forwarded Kcash email to u last nite. Send amazon to me, as u promised from our emails.

  32. Shauna-Lee

    Does anyone have any Starbucks gc? I have $5 in Kohl’s cash to trade expires 8/31

  33. Karyn

    (2) AMC Free large popcorn and drink
    (2) tmobile atom codes expire 8/6

    looking for 10% off Home depot coupon
    [email protected]

  34. T

    Anybody willing to part with % off WAYFAIR coupon?
    Thank you for any help!!
    sunnyfarm at inbox dot ru

    • Mallory

      sent you $20 off

  35. Jenny

    I’m looking for any Denny’s coupons that can be used on an online order. My email is [email protected]
    Thank you in advance.

  36. Jojo

    Looking for children place cash if anyone has an extra to share
    Email jojo172003(at) hotmail ( dot) online

  37. Jackie

    I have:
    -Free first Graze box
    -$50 Hellofresh gift card ($25 off your first 2 boxes and free shipping)

  38. devildawgmama

    I need the wayfair code if anyone has one. sorry nothing to trade. I have a rug sitting in my cart and I would love to use a discount code to get it cheaper. thanks

  39. Stephanie

    8×8 photo book from Shutterfly expires 8/4/2018. KECY-3G7F-PRA9-KBHECJ

  40. K

    Have 25.00 Shutterfly code
    Make an offer

  41. Vonda Borer

    Anyone snag that Mead Notebook coupon? I was late to the party and have so many to buy! Thanks! [email protected] I have nothing to trade today 🙁

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