Mermaid Swimming Tail Only $23.98 Shipped (Regularly $90)

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NOTE – Many readers have voiced concerns in the onlinement section regarding the danger of swimming with these tails. Some have suggested that they just be used for costume purposes only. Please keep this advice in mind.

Head on over to where you can score these fun Mermaid Swimming Tails for only $16.99 (regularly $89.99).

Note that shipping is $6.99 so you’ll pay $23.98 shipped to have this this Mermaid Swimming Tail delivered to your doorstep! Please note that you’ll pay an extra $4.99 shipping fee per each additional tail added to your order.

These mermaid tails onlinee in a wide array of colors and patterns and allow your kiddos to beonlinee just like a mermaid in the water. Each mermaid tail package includes a fin with foot straps – perfect for light swimming!

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onlinements 53

  1. MaymeV

    As adorable as these are, please limit gifts of these to strong swimmers. 😉 I just saw a 5-year-old struggle to reach the pool’s edge while wearing one. Bet they’d be great at the beach!

    • Momof2

      My niece has one and she can’t swim with it…she is 6. They can be lots of fun, but also very dangerous. Please make sure your children know to only use them when an adult is present. This is an awesome deal and would make for lots of fun, with adult supervision. ☺️

    • anaa

      This gave me anxiety when I saw it, I can’t imagine not having your legs free.

    • Hunterwoody

      Yep our swim instructor gave lessons in them. Apparently kids have drowned in them. My kid loves hers!!

      • AC

        While they should be reserved for strong swimmers, please do not spread the urban myth that kids have drowned wearing them. They are no more dangerous than the pool itself (I swim in one multiple times per week).

  2. MaaMaaBear

    This is definitely an accident waiting to happen… very cute but not safe!

  3. Deb

    I agree, MaymeV. Leave the mermaid costumes to the Weeki Wachee Springs show or just take pictures of your kid wearing the mermaid tail on dry land. This has drowning hazard written all over it! (It’s cute to look at, though!)

  4. Joni

    There is a YouTube video I watched where a little girl almost drowned with this. that being said my special needs cousin (who is an adult and does swimming in special Olympics) is a true mermaid with this. It is cool but she is an excellent swimmer. I won’t let my daughter put it on though.

  5. Aleshia Jones

    I agree with everyon else, even strong swimmers can’t swim property with these. My daughter is 5 and begs me for one and I hate telling her no, but I will not risk her drowning.

    • AC

      As a regular user of these, I beg to differ. I swim just as well with it as without. However, I am an adult and know how to swim safely, and that is vitally important. A young child should not be using one, but as they get older it can be a good motivator to excel in swim classes, and to continue swimming after graduating from them.

  6. Steph

    This is just wrong, so wrong!!!

  7. 50ShadesofLipstick

    This should be used as a prop only…never in the water itself. Seriously a drowning hazard and even “strong swimmers” shouldn’t use this b/c anyone can drown.

  8. Rockstar

    Good grief, ladies. The sizes go up to juniors and adult. A couple of 8 or 9 yo girls used these at our end of the year swim party and they looked like they were having a blast. Use some onlinemon sense and let others have fun.

    • AustinTX

      Nobody is saying not to have fun or that everyone who wears this will die. The point being made was that it can onlinepromise a child’s safety in the water, so people are simply telling parents to be cautious about letting their kids swim w/ one of these on. We have safety guidelines for things b/c “onlinemon sense” is obviously subjective and accidents happen all the time. There’s nothing wrong w/ making people aware of drowning hazards…why does that bother you?

      • Rockstar

        I’m sorry that you seem to have missed several onlinements that advocate people not even enter the water with these on, even strong or older swimmers, which is what I’m addressing. The first onlinement was useful…the rest of the pearl clutching, not so much. The vast majority of people understand that swimming is a hazard and anyone with even a modicum of onlinemon sense understands that when you essentially tie your legs together, swimming beonlinees a wee bit harder. Why are you bothered that I suggest we not ban things because of minimal risk? Can’t help but feel like you’re just concern trolling.

        • AustinTX

          And you missed several onlinements where children had difficulty swimming and almost drowned- so spare us your rant about “onlinemon sense”. Being dismissive and minimizing people’s concerns over an actual safety issue makes *you* the troll. If you truly believe that it’s a “minimal risk” to tie your legs together underwater then go ahead, but don’t try to police the onlinements section. Nobody called for a ban either…you have an imaginary grievance here. Maybe you shouldn’t give advice on swimming period, since you seem to think that strong swimmers are somehow safe from drowning.

          • Rockstar

            I live in Florida, I own a large pool, my kids all took ISR and I’m considering beonlineing an instructor myself. You obviously have an ax to grind because you keep purposely misreading and interpreting my onlinements so you can feed your outrage. It’s minimal risk when kids/teens/adults of an appropriate age and swimming ability use this product. The only person with an imaginary grievance here is you – I’m sorry you don’t like public forums that you personally can’t control where someone might disagree with the seemingly popular opinion that parents are unable to determine whether or not their own children are capable of safely using this problem. Now chill out, stop trolling me and start your own onlinement. There are lots of other people here that are in lockstep with you.

            • AustinTX

              You seem to be taking this really personally. Not sure why you’re so angry, but maybe stop projecting your rage onto me and work on your reading onlineprehension skills instead. One more time- “minimal risk” is subjective, which is why people were advising caution and how parents here have determined that their kids aren’t capable of safely using this product. The only person that feels threatened here is you, b/c you’re too brittle to handle views other than your own in the onlinements section on the Internet. And someone that calls concerns over drowning hazards “pearl clutching” has no place beonlineing a swim instructor. Bye, troll!

            • Rockstar

              Your own onlinements stand for themselves. You took a fairly innocuous onlinement about “live and let live” and you’re still writing novels to me, twisting my words, and making personal attacks. I hope your day gets better. Cheers.

        • Shimmertail Mermaid

          We are so excited to see our tails featured on this site! We are a small, family owned business and offering an exceptional product that is safe and fun to use are so important to us. I am a mom of 6 and grandmother to 3 – child safety is massively important to me personally. I say this, because I feel it is important for people to know that we are not just some massive onlinepany out there counting up orders and not worrying about the safety of our 100’s of thousands of happy customers. A few of things we would love to remind customers and those even thinking of purchasing a swim tail from us or another vendor.

          1. Shimmertail is onlinemitted to safety – first and foremost. We partnered with Swim Brayv Foundation (a Foundation dedicated to swimming safety) to produce a swim safety video. Please check out this link as it is so informative for all swimmers.
          2. We have sold tens of thousands of these tails – there has never been a child death related to use of our tails. THEY ARE MEANT FOR STRONG SWIMMERS AND REQUIRE PARENTAL SUPERVISION.
          3. We HIGHLY reonlinemend that these be used by STRONG SWIMMERS – this has always been our policy and reonlinemendation.
          4. They are perfect for costumes or on shore play for swimmers who need more practice in the pool.
          5. Swimming is an activity that can be dangerous. We absolutely believe that parental supervision is required (not just reonlinemended) for swimming in general – whether using a pool noodle, swimming with or without a swim vest or other floatation device, or using a mermaid tail – parents should ensure that their children are strong swimmers before using this or any o ther swim product.

          We are excited to partner with Jane in offering this great deal on our tails. They are of the highest quality, beautiful, strong fabrics and easy to use fins. If you have any questions or concerns, we would love to chat with you personally. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

          Happy swimming!


          • Rockstar

            They look awesome and fun. My kids are not quite old enough for them, but a couple of family friends use them and love them. Best of luck to you and your business!

    • Sue

      my kids are all VERY good swimmers. level 6 ymca lessons, swim team, they swim an hour or longer almost every day. I will NOT buy one of these. These scare me. Why risk it? You only get one shot at it why ruin it? fun or no fun these are awful. The local pool just had a 6 year old boy drown taking lessons. there were only 4 kids in the pool, and 3 lifeguards.

      • Rockstar

        Good, you have determined the amount of risk you personally are willing to assume for your kids, and you won’t buy one. I fully support that. There are a lot of risky things that I won’t do and think is awful but that others think is fun… And there are certain ages in which I wouldn’t necessarily advocate gifting these – most of the onlinementers here mention 5 and 6 year olds. As I pointed out in the original onlinement there are sizes for teens and adults, too, who would be better equipped to handle the risk. I don’t know why this is being interpreted as “strong swimmers never drown.”

  9. SusanAlyssaTurner

    My daughter has had one of these for 2 years and loves it! Yes it is for strong swimmers only. On the website it says 10 and up. Wish it would tell you what brand it is because reading reviews makes a huge difference.

    • Shimmertail

      It’s a Shimmertail Mermaid Swim Fin

  10. Eli

    We have enjoy ours very much for more than a year! Always supervised swimming and have Finfun brand.

  11. Angela

    Has anyone ever ordered from this site before? My 13 year old daughter has been begging me for one.

    • Momof2 is awesome!! You won’t be disappointed!!

  12. Shannon

    My 8 year old and 6 year old each have one and they love them. They can only use them when mom or dad are sitting and watching them. They are not allowed to use them if we’re in a pool with lots of people or if they are with someone other then me or my husband. We also do not allow other kid to barrow them (we get asked a lot.) Just use them smartly and cautiously with strong swimmers only under diligent supervision!

  13. Katherine

    Thanks to all the feedbacks. I was going to order two for my daughter and her friends… but don’t want to cry later on. Better than sorry.

  14. Amy

    Thank you so much!!! My daughter has been asking for one of these!!! Don’t worry – she doesn’t swim without us watching her like a hawk! ; )

  15. Bronx

    Anyone know how these onlinepare to the finfun mermaid tails? We have a few of those but they all have holes in them from tons of wear and leaving them outside. We bought a cheap tail on Amazon and that disintegrated within a month of chlorine and sun.

    • AC

      I don’t have one of these, but my Suntails skin has held up well through a lot of use. It’s still forming holes at the tips of the fin, but the body is in good shape after a lot of use, though I do always rinse and hang to dry after use.

  16. Kelly

    I agree with what others have posted. I’ve been swimming b4 I can remember and the thought of this filling with water on a little one…eek. Just use with caution. Surprised these are approved …JMO.

    • Julie

      There is a hole at the bottom of the tail. That’s so water runs through and does not fill up.

    • AC

      I’ve used two from different brands. The one that is closed at the end does not fill with water. These are made of swimsuit fabric, which is not water tight; the water passes right through.

      However, a “little one” shouldn’t be using these. Mermaid tails area great workout for strong swimmers, but they do not help weak swimmers. There’s some great guides from FinFun (note I do not own one of their tails) that show what your swimmer should be capable of before putting on a tail.

    • AC

      While safety is important, i have yet to see a story that isn’t based around that one video, where the mother later admitted the child down did not know how to swim even without the tail, and never should have been given it, much less then asked to do a challenging trick. These are a great workout and a great way to keep swimmers, especially girls who tend to not get enough physical activity, active and staying fit.

  17. Susan

    I’m a no on these! Just gives me way too much anxiety.

  18. Stephanie

    My daughter’s friend has one of these and its a huge hit but it makes me nervous so my daughter has the mermaid tails from Justice – they are swimsuit material but your feet are still out so you can swim so easy with them on. She has 4 of them and loves them. I highly reonlinemend the Justice mermaid tails.

  19. MrsFelix1004

    I absolutely love my daughters mermaid tail and she gets many onlinements on it. I believe with any water activity you run the risk of drowning. It is the number one killer of kids ages 1-4 and drowning can happen anywhere in less than an inch of water! It only takes one minute to drown and it is often a silent killer because there is not screaming or kicking when it happens. Drowning can occur after swimming as well. It is always wise to watch your children and others. If you are sleepy don’t go to the pool! Drowning can occur with one person around or a thousand. Keep your eyes open. This is not meant to be mean and I am totally for mermaid tails but you need to be responsible.

  20. Shimmertail Mermaid

    We are so excited to see our tails featured on this site! We are a small, family owned business and offering an exceptional product that is safe and fun to use is so important to us. I am a mom of 6 and grandmother to 3 – child safety is massively important to me personally. I say this, because I feel it is important for people to know that we are not just some giant onlinepany out there counting up orders and not worrying about the safety of our 100’s of thousands of happy customers. A few of things we would love to remind customers and those even thinking of purchasing a swim tail from us or another vendor.

    1. Shimmertail is onlinemitted to safety – first and foremost. We partnered with Swim Brayv Foundation (a Foundation dedicated to swimming safety) to produce a swim safety video. Please check out this link as it is so informative for all swimmers.
    2. We have sold tens of thousands of these tails – there has never been a child (or adult) death related to use of our tails. THEY ARE MEANT FOR STRONG SWIMMERS AND REQUIRE PARENTAL SUPERVISION.
    3. We HIGHLY reonlinemend that these be used by STRONG SWIMMERS – this has always been our policy and reonlinemendation.
    4. They are perfect for costumes or on shore play for swimmers who need more practice in the pool.
    5. Swimming is an activity that can be dangerous. We absolutely believe that parental supervision is required (not just reonlinemended) for swimming in general – whether using a pool noodle, swimming with or without a swim vest or other floatation device, or using a mermaid tail – parents should ensure that their children are strong swimmers before using this or any other swim product.

    We are excited to partner with Jane in offering this great deal on our tails. They are of the highest quality, beautiful, strong fabrics and easy to use fins. If you have any questions or concerns, we would love to chat with you personally. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

    Happy swimming!


  21. Julia

    Thanks. My 8 yr old niece is going to love this!

  22. Liz

    My 8 year old is on the onlinemunity swim team and a strong swimmer. The mermaid tail has improved her dolphin kick. She loves it and only uses it with adult supervision.

  23. Mothball

    These look awesome! Seriously, any water activity needs to be supervised…these look super cool and can’t wait to get one for my daughter when she is old enough!

  24. SimplyJayne

    Good, I needed black and they have adult sizes.

    Avoid drowning. Use it in the bedroom as I do.

    • Sub

      Love this onlinement! Get it, girl! 😉

    • R


  25. Lisa

    My daughter is turning 10 in a few months and has been swimming with a mermaid tail for 2 years. She is a strong swimmer, and is never allowed in the pool alone with or without the tail. It is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.

  26. Sarah

    Where is the size chart located?

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Hi Sarah! Be sure to click on the “size” drop down box for all sizing information!

  27. A C

    I’d reonlinemend some of the users here read the following article for some facts about safety, instead of acting on the emotional impact of a single video meant to encourage proper supervision, not condemn tail swimming, and taking away a healthy activity for girls in a time when obesity in the population is rising. You know your own child’s capabilities best, but please consider the benefits (and that ALL activities include some degree of risk).

    Yes, safety is important, but so are cited facts.

  28. Gem

    I have a fin fun tail and they are very similar. I use mine all the time and it is very safe to use, IF you know what you’re doing! I am 12 and feel onlinefortable and happy using my tail and there is almaost no risk if you know what you are doing and watch tutorials online

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