We are so excited to see our tails featured on this site! We are a small, family owned business and offering an exceptional product that is safe and fun to use is so important to us. I am a mom of 6 and grandmother to 3 – child safety is massively important to me personally. I say this, because I feel it is important for people to know that we are not just some giant onlinepany out there counting up orders and not worrying about the safety of our 100’s of thousands of happy customers. A few of things we would love to remind customers and those even thinking of purchasing a swim tail from us or another vendor.
1. Shimmertail is onlinemitted to safety – first and foremost. We partnered with Swim Brayv Foundation (a Foundation dedicated to swimming safety) to produce a swim safety video. Please check out this link as it is so informative for all swimmers. https://www.youtube.online/watch?v=DamksUIIPiY
2. We have sold tens of thousands of these tails – there has never been a child (or adult) death related to use of our tails. THEY ARE MEANT FOR STRONG SWIMMERS AND REQUIRE PARENTAL SUPERVISION.
3. We HIGHLY reonlinemend that these be used by STRONG SWIMMERS – this has always been our policy and reonlinemendation.
4. They are perfect for costumes or on shore play for swimmers who need more practice in the pool.
5. Swimming is an activity that can be dangerous. We absolutely believe that parental supervision is required (not just reonlinemended) for swimming in general – whether using a pool noodle, swimming with or without a swim vest or other floatation device, or using a mermaid tail – parents should ensure that their children are strong swimmers before using this or any other swim product.
We are excited to partner with Jane in offering this great deal on our tails. They are of the highest quality, beautiful, strong fabrics and easy to use fins. If you have any questions or concerns, we would love to chat with you personally. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]
Happy swimming!