Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (6/29/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small onlinemission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the onlinements section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 53

  1. Bunny

    $.75 off Redbox rental expires 7/1/18 11:59 PM Use code 3YSYMHPD

  2. Denille

    $10 to Petco
    $25 to Pier One Imports
    Free AMC Large Drink & Free Large Popcorn
    $25 off $50 or $50 off $99
    50% off or $25 off
    Free 8×8 Photo book
    Free Reusable Bag
    If interested in something please email me [email protected]

  3. karen

    have $10 eddie bauer exp 7/8. Looking for small value dunkin/amazon/target/walmart. send an offer to amidala184 at gmail dot online

    • prats

      I don’t have anything to trade. But love to make use of your EB coupon if you decide to give it to me at [email protected]


  4. Cari

    Free Shutterfly magnets
    Free 8×8 hard cover photo book

    • Cari

      All expire 6/30!!

  5. Christopher

    Have 1 coupon for 2 free popcorns to Cinemark.

    Looking to trade for an Amazon gift card for $2.

    Email rooted.christopher @

  6. KellyS

    I have several baby formula coupon lots up for trade:

    (1) one $20 Gerber Good Start formula exp 9/14/18.

    (2) four $5 Similac exp 7/14/18.

    (3) two $3 exp 7/31/18 and two $5 exp 8/31/18 Enfamil

    Looking for $5 Amazon for each lot. Will send in next days outgoing mail. Please email [email protected]. Thanks!

  7. Sam

    $1.25 off Redbox rental

    Have free Denny’s coffee and free pancake puppies for give away. Email couponcrazi93 at gmail dot online

    • Cari

      Used Redbox, thank you!

  8. Jess Saves

    UFT: Free nine-month subscription of Smithsonian Earth, the Smithsonian Channel’s streaming service. Looking for small value giftcard. Please email sscg924 at aol dot online

  9. Stacy

    UFT: I have a $5 Fandango promo code to be used toward 1 ticket. Expires Tomorrow 6-30-2018, and ticket must be redeemed by 7-31-2018.

    • Stacy

      You can email me at stacy.kenilworth at gmail dot online

    • Stacy


  10. Meredith

    $1.25 off Redbox 3Q5C9XQL

    • Stacy

      You can email me at stacy.kenilworth at gmail dot online

    • Stacy Cisneros

      OOops sorry Meredith, I meant to add that email to the post above you!

  11. Emily

    Hi, I have 2 free small popcorns to cinemark. I also have a $2 gift card for amazon. I am looking for an amc popcorn coupon or open to other offers. Thanks! apcontest7 at gmail dot online

    • Emily

      Amazon gift card gone. Still have the 2 cinemark small popcorns to trade

  12. Tia

    $1.25 Redbox Use code L2CH7V87 by 07/01/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  13. HomeMaker

    Hi, Does anyone have any Home Depot and Lowes coupons (usually 10% off purchase etc) to trade or sell? TIA.

    • Lynn

      Just FYI: Ebay has many listings for these coupons as low as 99 cents each. Although I suggest reading the listing and fine print, LOTS of coupons will be emailed to you within a few minutes and it’s listed as “instant”. Just be sure to decide if you want to use the coupon in store or online as some are only for online and don’t have a barcode. The one you want if you don’t know how you will use it, is to choose “IN STORE AND ONLINE” listing, also choose the “INSTANT EMAIL” listing. It’s not a scary process as eBay offers money back guarantee if you can’t use the coupon or if you get a coupon that doesn’t match the listing. For 99 cents, that’s my go to for Lowes coupons as they have 10% off or $10 off $50 or even $20 off $100. Good luck!!!

      • Bunny

        A friend of mine got a coupon on eBay and saved hundreds of dollars on a new fancy fridge. This is a super tip Lynn. Thanks for posting.

  14. cherneva

    I have one free large popcorn and two large fountain drinkd for AMC. Expire 9/30/2018. Would like to trade for $4 Amazon gift card. If interested please email me mariacherneva at abv dot bg.

  15. Ebony

    Redbox 1.25 off MJHE4C29

    • Ebony

      I also have 2 cinemark popcorns. I’m interested in a small gift card for them.

  16. 417bmcatee

    Redbox $1.25 off the first night of any disc rental KVE9ZU3R. expires Sunday.

    • Ann

      Used. Thank you.

  17. Di

    Shutterfly code expires tomorrow! (6/30/18) Please post when you’ve used:

    Free 8×8 Hard Photo Cover Photo Book: AB2B-DHX9-N422-HH2PD8

  18. Lisa

    Shutterfly coupons. Please post when used. All expire June 30th.

    $25 off $25 or 50% off: ST5Q-347D-6GMW-PA73KY
    $25 off $25 or $50 off $99: KECZ-AR9G-DK56-Y9HGU7
    free 11 oz mug: GTLW-3HFX-9HPM-S822AJ
    free 8×8 photo book AB2B-7GVG-6M4G-CZMHDD
    free reusable shopping bag: AB2C-3V3G-5U7X-JKZXD2
    free photo magnet: AB2E-72S4-DNZY-YSPRMV

    • Heather

      I used your KECZ… code. Thank you SO much!

  19. Angela Morse

    2 photobooks up for grabs ab2b-7jm8-8cyu-vyrrfr and ab2ba95yzjre72shge from shutterfly

  20. Lynn

    Have an $8 Walgreens coupon for Enfamil powder. Exp 8/6/18. Will need to mail. Email small offers.
    lynn1015 @ bell

  21. JoAnne

    Redbox $1.25 off the first night of any disc rental C2GLYJAC . Exp 7/1

  22. Nor

    -Shutterfly 25/25
    -Reusable bags
    -White or color Mug
    -8×8 Photo Book
    -Cinemark 2 small popcorn
    -Google express 25% off
    -Disney store 20%
    -Express 15/30
    Looking for walmart 10% off, Amazon, Walmart, other Gift Card. Email duranna79 at gmail dot online

  23. Christy

    Looking for anyone not using the Staples $10 off $20+ on school supplies (Expires 7/2)

    I have Coke Codes; 10% Off in store purchase at Barnes and Noble (Exp 9/3); $10 Off $50 at Eddie Bauer (Exp 7/5)
    Email me at redheadwilliamson @ Thanks!

    • s

      I have $5 off $10 Staples. willing to trade for eddie bauer,
      msg me at [email protected]

      • Christy

        Email sent! Thanks!

  24. Pauline

    – 15% off Kohls coupon (exp 07/14)
    – 20% off VS coupon (exp 08/01)
    – $20 off $100 Men’s Wearhouse coupon (exp 06/30)
    – $25 off Alterations at Men’s Wearhouse (exp 07/15)

    Looking to trade these for preferably Amazon, Target or Walmart gift cards, Kohls Cash, JCpenny rewards or any other offers except Shutterfly. Thanks!
    Pls email: pearl.gr1985 at gmail dot online

    • Bunny

      Every month Kohl’s has 30% off for cardholders and 15% off for non-cardholders. Trades are definitely not necessary for 15% off.

      Now if you had a 40% off code, that might be a different story. Although there are some generous Hip2Savers who freely give out their 40% off code.

      • An

        Bunny why don’t you allow others to trade what they want, for what they need. You keep writing every day under poeple’s post trying to control and is not necessary. Please stop it and allow others to trade freely

        • Bunny

          Here’s why An… I think it’s disingenuous for people to ask for money/gift cards, etc. when readers can get these codes for free. There could be new readers to Hip2Save who may not know these codes are freely available. Why should anyone give up their hard earned money/gift cards when it is truly not necessary?

          • T

            Bunny… You can get gift cards for free. Coke rewards, Ibotta, Topcashback and many others offer gift cards.

          • Ann (different person than An)

            Bunny I appreciate what you think you are doing, but it’s not like this person was trying to get someone to trade something in exchange for one of the general use codes like BBQ30. She was offering a one time use code. Kohls doesn’t have the 30% or 15% coupon currently active. If someone had something – say a swimsuit – that they wanted or needed to buy now they might be interested in trading for the 15% off coupon.

            Also in case you didn’t know – Kohls pricing changes frequently. It’s have a list or tag price and a sale price.
            The sale price of an item can and often does go higher when the 30% discount code is released. So sometimes you get a better price shopping a sale and using a code that isn’t for everyone’s use.

        • alice

          An… THANK YOU so much for saying what I have wanted to say so many times!

          (I love & read this thread a lot… I dont post because I am afraid Bunny will onlineplain & slam anything I post.)

    • Megs5484

      Sent email 😁

  25. Lisa

    Please post when used. $5 Fandango code: AEXXH6VW7FA7F5QRV7QD

    For this extended, bonus offer you must choose and activate your $5 Fandango Reward by June 30, 2018. All $5 Fandango Rewards will expire on July 31, 2018 and are void if not redeemed by the expiration date. Fandango Reward eligibility will be determined and enforced on the Fandango Platform Site. There are three Fandango Reward choices to choose from (“Fandango Rewards”): a $5 Fandango Promotional Code*; or a $5 FandangoNOW Promotional Code**; or a $5 FanShop Promotional Code

  26. Rachel

    1.25 off a redbox rental, expires 07/01, 6C3JDHR7.

  27. Lauren

    Redbox $1.25 off 1st night. Use code 9EWJ4HQJ by 07/01/2018 @ 11:59 PM

  28. Luv🌺

    Thank you for that detailed information, I’ll be sure to check eBay next time I need to buy something at Home Depot or Lowe’s.🌺

  29. Michelle

    Looking for Shutterfly coffee mug code? Please email [email protected]

  30. Megan

    I have Nike $20 off 100
    Looking for Kohl’s cash, jcp rewards, freebie coupons or small gift card
    email me megansrueckert at gmail

  31. SaraJ

    Alice – Live your truth and speak your words. Don’t fear a virtual blog poster. Your voice matters. 😀

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