Post Cereals Just 54¢ After Cash Back at Kroger & Affiliates (June 23rd Only) + More

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On Saturday, June 23rd only, head into your local Kroger or affiliate store where they will be hosting a 1-day sale with sweet digital deals on Kroger shredded or block cheese and Post cereals!

Note that select stores may offer this sale both June 22nd & 23rd, so be sure to check with your store to see if you can shop early.

To load the digital coupons now, just head over to the Kroger or affiliate site and sign into your account and load it to your card. Each coupon can be used up to five times in a single transaction.

Kroger Deal Ideas (June 23rd ONLY):

Select Post Cereals
Use the 99¢ digital coupon available to load to your loyalty card here
Pay 99¢
Get 45¢ cash back via Ibotta when you buy Honey Bunches of Oats (exp 6/26; limit 5)
OR get 45¢ cash back via Ibotta when you buy Honey-onlineb (exp 6/26; limit 5)
Final cost 54¢!
*Note other Post Cereals may be part of the sale, so be sure to check Ibotta for other rebates when you shop. Rebate values may vary by user


Kroger Shredded or Block Cheese
Use the 99¢ digital coupon available to load to your loyalty card here
Final cost 99¢!

Join The Discussion

onlinements 17

  1. Jackie

    How many times can you use the coupon, 5?

  2. Jackie

    Never mind 🙄 I see you posted it. 😊 thanks

    • Vanessa

      Thank you!

    • ks

      can I buy 5 in one transaction and then do another 5 in a separate transaction? or will the coupon be gone?

  3. Scarlet B

    Kroger seems to be having some really good deals lately!

  4. Amy Jordan

    Don’t forget $.55 ibotta rebates for most of the post cereals included!

    • Holly (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Thanks for the heads up, Amy!

  5. Coffeedrinker

    Off topic but I don’t remember if I saw a post for the winners of the May Hip2Save Insiders contests. Has that been posted and I just missed it?

    • Holly (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Hi there! Those winners were notified by email. 🙂

  6. Ladybead51

    ❤️krogers. Get the best deals, great organic section. Thanks!

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      You’re welonlinee!

  7. Vivi

    I love Kroger stores, by far the best place to use coupons!!!🙂

  8. Browneyedgirl953

    My ibotta offers disappeared overnight. I had multiple post cereals (probably 5-6 different ones) loaded to my ibotta offers account yesterday and this morning they are gone. 🙁 Gone from both my offers and find offers.
    This has seemed to happen to me repeatedly, when I get my list ready and load my offers and then plan to shop the next day or upload my receipt the next day, the offers I purchased specifically to get ibotta money back disappear. Why do some offers disappear before their “exp” date, that is extremely frustrating. Especially for those items I normally don’t buy and only did for the deal with ibotta.

    • Rebecca

      I am in the same boat! Very diasppointed when I went to upload my receipt to Ibotta this morning and the offers were not there. I just thought they expired between last night and this morning. That stinks the expiration date had not arrived yet. Have you ever contacted Ibotta about it happening?

      • reclemen

        Just checked Ibotta and apparantly we can contact them if the item has already been purchased and the offer disappears before you redeem.

        Can an offer expire early?
        Yes, a very popular offer can expire much earlier than the date and time initially given when the offer was posted in the app.

        If a popular offer expires early, Ibotta will do its best to try and get the offer extended or available in the app as soon as possible.

        If an offer expires after you’ve purchased the product, but before you’ve submitted a receipt, please write us so that we can help you. If an offer expires before you purchase the product, check the app within a few days to see if we’ve released a similar offer.

    • Orangstar7

      Me too!! 😑

  9. oliver

    Was this also good for all Post Cerals or just honey bunches and honey onlineb? i love me some grape nuts and can never find a deal.

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