Disney Store: HOT R2-D2 Star Wars Figure + Moana Tattoos ONLY $19.33 Shipped
Through tomorrow only, DisneyStore.online is offering FREE shipping on any purchase with a Moana item when you use the promo code MOANA at checkout. Even sweeter, ALL Moana items are marked at 25% off.
Want to save even more?
Through December 12th, hop on over to Gilt City and click on the RSVP button to score an online or in-store voucher valid for 20% off your entire purchase at Disney Store up to a $500 discount – note that this voucher may take up to 24 hours to arrive. Even better, this voucher is stackable with other discounts including the code mentioned above!
As an idea, grab this R2-D2 Talking Star Wars Figure for only $20 (regularly $39.95) AND these Disney Moana Maui Temporary Tattoos for $4.16 (regularly $5.95). Use code MOANA AND your Gilt City voucher to drop the total to ONLY $19.33 shipped. This a *HOT* price for this Star Wars toy as it is going for over $60 on Amazon!
(Thanks, Tara!)