Bath & Body Works: Up to 40% Off Surprise Code (Check Your Email!) + More
Bath & Body Works subscribers! It appears you may have gotten an email with a surprise code, valid for as much as 40% off your ENTIRE purchase (I scored a 20% off code) – valid in-store and online! This email will be titled Reveal Your Savings! and onlinee from the email address <[email protected]>.
Also note that the promo code SP155881 is still available for $10 off a $30 purchase, but keep in mine that you cannot stack coupon codes so use the one that saves you the most money.
Looking for a way to make use of your code? Through today only, ALL 3-wick candles are marked down to just $12 (regularly $22.50), hand soaps are priced at 4/$18 AND you can score up to 50% off select items found here! Plus, shipping is free on orders of $50 or more AND it appears the free shipping is applying BEFORE your promo code is applied. SWEET!
(Thanks, Stephanie & Pooja!)