Bath & Body Works: Free Item ($14 Value) with ANY $10 Purchase In-Store or Online

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Bath & Body Works shoppers! Through June 7th, score a FREE Item (up to a $14 value!) with any $10 purchase + Free shipping on orders of $40 or more – just be sure to enter the code ITSFREE at checkout. If you prefer to shop at your local store, check your inbox for an email titled “Open Me for Something FREE!‏” onlineing from the address [email protected] and print the email or show it on your phone to snag your FREE Item with a $10 in-store purchase.

Check out this deal idea…

Buy three 5-star rated True Blue Spa Cracked Heel Treatments $20 each (on sale Buy 2 Get 1 Free)
Add a free item up to a $14 value –> I picked this Cherry Blossom Sangria Mason Jar Candle
Enter the code ITSFREE at checkout
Final Cost $40 shipped for three Heel Treatments AND the Mason Jar Candle!

(Thanks, Pooja and Brandice!)

Join The Discussion

onlinements 39

  1. Ann

    There’s not an expiration date on the coupon, so I’m hoping we can use it during the same that starts Monday (I think.). Does anyone know for sure if we can?

    • Sara

      Ann my email says valid through 6/7 HTH

    • Sarah C

      If you scroll down the email *free item expires June 7th 🙁

    • Migdalia

      You can use it up to 3 days after the expiration date

      • brindha


  2. No Luck In Winston Salem , Nc

    I did n’t get anything on my email .
    Anyone , could you please forward it to my email [email protected] ? Thanks .

    • Sonya

      I just sent you my link. Enjoy! 🙂

    • Shannon Owens

      can anyone email me the coupon? I didn’t get one either 🙁

      [email protected]

      • Flutterbyme38

        Forwarded it to you. 🙂

        • Gemma

          Would anyone forward a coupon to me? For some reason they don’t send me emails anymore. [email protected]

  3. Dolores


    • Sandra

      just forwarded it 🙂

      • Tara

        Thank you!!

  4. Ashley

    I also didn’t receive this. Can someone forward it to [email protected]?

  5. Al

    And another request for email….if someone could send it, I would appreciate it!
    [email protected]

  6. Christina

    I didn’t receive this either. Would love it if someone could forward it to me at [email protected]. Thanks so much!!!

    • Cassandra


  7. Nicki

    didn’t receive it either, can I get someone to forward it to me “[email protected]” Thank you so much

    • Sandra

      sent it 🙂

    • Sandra

      just forwarded the email 🙂

  8. Mayra

    If anyone is interested,you could just down load the app Shopular on your phone and the coupon in there. All sorts of coupons and discounts from different stores. I’ve used if before with no problem…

  9. Dalia

    I have a code I won’t be using. Looking to trade for a free Shutterfly 8×8 book. I created an 8×8 book for my husband for Father’s day, but turns out the free book code I had was for 8×11 and I won’t have time to redo it. Please email me at [email protected] thank you

  10. Suz A.

    Would someone please send me the coupon? I didn’t get one! Thank you so much! <3 [email protected]

  11. Melissa S

    I would love to have the coupon, too, if you don’t mind. Thanks so much [email protected]

  12. tia

    Not understanding why my emails stopped onlineing 🙁 I would love to get one if someone isn’t going to use theirs. Thank you! [email protected]

  13. Megan Thomason

    I went this morning to my local store, and they had the 3-wick candles for $10. I ended up buying 3 large candles, and got the one Collin had pictured above as my free one (they were on sale in the store too for $6). So 4 candles for $30+tax.

  14. Leah

    I also have stopped receiving their emails and I don’t remember ever opting out. I would truly appreciate it if someone would forward me a coupon, Thanks!

    My email address: [email protected]

  15. Lori D

    If you go to, you can get your coupon there (one you can print, text or email) 🙂

    • Tia

      I don’t see a way to print. I’ve seen people say on here some stores didn’t accept the coupon thru Retail Me Not.

  16. kayla

    If anyone wants my email. Be the 1st to email me and i will forward it to you. Thank you. [email protected]

  17. Cristy

    Hi, friends, I got mine and won’t be using it, if you want it, email me and I’ll be happy to forward it to you 😉 [email protected] (my email) P.S, if you don’t hear from me that means I don’t have it anymore.

  18. Eve

    If someone has an email from B&B that they won’t be using, I will put it to good use. Please and Thank you 🙂 [email protected]

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