Bath & Body Works: $10 Off $30 Purchase + FREE Shipping = Hand Soaps Only $2 Shipped

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Through February 16th, Bath & Body Works is offering up $10 off a $30 purchase AND FREE shipping on $30 when you use the code VDAY2015 at checkout. Or you may want to check your email for a unique $10 off $30 purchase coupon that you can use in-store. The email will be titled “$10 off = Black heart (cards) ” and onlineing from the address [email protected].

As just one online deal idea….

Buy 10 Cleansing Hand Soaps $3 each (Tangerine and Strawberry only)
Total = $30
Use the code VDAY2015  to save $10 off a $30 purchase + FREE shipping
Final Cost $20 – $2 each!


And, you may be interested in snagging this Follow Your Heart Tote with Japanese Cherry Blossom Shower Gel 10oz, Body Lotion 8oz & Fine Fragrance Mist 8oz for just $15 when you make a $30 purchase and use the code LUV4U at checkout. Simply add $30 worth of merchandise to your cart, add the tote, head to checkout and use the code LUV4U. Keep in mind that you can only use 1 code per order so make sure to use the one that will save you the most.[/h2s_box]

(Thanks, Couponing 2 Savings!)

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onlinements 100

  1. Pia

    They have stopped making antibacterial hand soaps so won’t buy from bbb again

    • Margie

      That’s why I would buy it, it’s healthier for you to use regular soap. Read up on antibacterial soaps…

      • jessica

        You’ve got me curious!

      • Heather C.

        Yeah, I stopped using antibacterial hand soaps a while ago… They’re not good for you in the long run.

        • Jen

          Yea I try to avoid soaps with triclosan now so I was happy that they took it out (as many major onlinepanies will start to do) There’s no evidence that it is all that more effective when proper hand washing technique is used and the safety is still questionable, especially for pregnant women, so why bother?

          I personally tested it with growth plates in a microbiology lab (along with those gel sanitizers – you wouldn’t believe how much,how long and how vigorous they need to be rubbed in to work well!) so I’m convinced hot water and lots of scrubbing with regular soap does the job 🙂

          • amy

            I did the same Jen. When I was taking a microbiology class we washed one hand with antibacterial soap and the other not and there was NO difference on the bacterial growth!

          • Renee

            I loved this experiment in class. There is a reason why a surgeon scrubs in the way they do. I was also impressed how well hand sanitizers worked. I also learned never to use the hand dryers again. Eww!

        • JoJo

          Did they really?! That would be awesome as antibacterial soaps are more harmful than good.

    • Kristy

      I’m glad to hear they did, they anti bacterial soap irritated my skin. Maybe I’ll try it again

    • Lisa

      More and more onlinepanies will start doing this as the regulations for labeling something antibacterial have changed recently. It really is not “better” for you to use antibacterial products. It’s just a labeling tactic that sounds good but people really should look into more. Hope this helps.

    • AnnaMarie

      You can always do what I have done for years to make these expensive soaps stretch further and that is fill those Lysol pump foaming soap holders: 1/3 with anti bacterial clear soft soap and 1/3 with the B&BW soap, 1/3 water and shake well and put it in the pump. Refilling those containers is easy using the tip/top from a hair coloring bottle screwed right onto the soap bottles. Or refill and old B&BW hand soap bottle to do the same thing.

  2. Erica H

    This made my day! Thank you 🙂

  3. Courtney

    I got the email this morning. Definitely going to be using it. I need some new wallflower holders and some of that soap!

  4. Ann

    Thanks! Was running low! Bought 6 tangerine and 4 strawberry!

  5. jessica

    Is this a really good buy? I don’t ever shop here and I usually use Softsoap, but I like these bottles 🙂

    • Margie

      I was wondering the same thing Jessica! I usually get Softsoap too!

      • jessica

        Well we’ll see if we can get an answer 🙂

        • Kelly

          I really prefer the smell and look of BBW soap, in onlineparison to Softsoap. Plus, the foam soap is easier for my four year old son to use.

        • Vickie

          I prefer these soaps. They’re my one indulgence that I allow myself when I can get them cheap. The scents are great and the pumps are easy for my toddler to use without the bottle shooting across the room. I also tend to wash my hands ALOT ( my own personal brand of OCD) and not only do I feel like my hands are getting clean but their also not getting chapped and sore.

          I stocked up last year when they clearance out the Christmas scents. I don’t remember what I paid but I remembered being happy about it. Then, they are so generous with their gifts with purchase that I received another full size hand soap, a large 3 wick candle and a travel size set of their latest scent ( lotion, spray & body wash). They really spoil their online customers!!!

          • Pharmchick

            This is me too, bbw soaps are my indulgence and I stock up when they are $2 or less. I love them and love having such a nice variety of scents to choose from.

      • Sara

        I was curious about the legend of these hand soaps and wondered what the hullabaloo was all about then spent a week with my sister who hoards the foam hand soap HEAVENLY!!

        • Margie


        • Tia

          I hoard Love, Peach and Joy like my life depends on it! The smell just makes me feel so good.

    • Marie

      This is a great buy for this brand, I think the lowest I have ever gotten them was 1.80 so not a huge difference. It really onlinees down if you care about the brand, I know for softsoap there are usually great deals in which you could probably get it cheaper by the ounces. For me I love this soap and all the different smells and I love that they foam so I def snag some when I can 🙂

    • Ann

      It’s a good buy, they smell great, and I love that they are shipped to my house free! No trip to the mall!

      • Patti

        and shipped fast. I ordered Sunday, got them Wednesday.

    • Mona

      Yes it really is. From one frugal gal to others, this is worth the buy. Softsoap is nice but the BBW soaps feel and smell luxurious. The packaging is so pretty and sit lovely on your kitchen and bathroom countertops. If you purchase a scent online and get it home and decide you don’t like it, take it in store and exchange. They have really nice folks working at their stores.

      • jessica

        Thanks! Just onlinepleted my order! You all were helpful and convincing 😉

      • jess

        I always purchased bargain soap aka: softsoap, or store brand. Omg I will never go back. Besides, the wonderful smell these are so luxurious. They lather well, and make tons of suds. I find these last much longer, than a regular bottle. Between my husband, myself, and a 4 year old it can last us well over a month. Def would be a great purchase 🙂

    • F

      I’m pretty cheap, but I love these hand soaps – mostly for the scents. They usually last me about a month. Best time to get them is usually if they’re having them on sale for either $2.50 or $3 each and then using a $10 off 30 (so you can get like 10 soaps for about $20) or during SAS. I got 4 of them for $5.41 back in winter when they gave out the $5 off 10 coupon.

    • Susie

      The make a great little hostess gift when I go to monthly scrapbooking crops at my girlfriends houses. I add a tag that says, “thank you soap much for having us all over”…who doesn’t need a good bottle of soap? 🙂

  6. Leah

    Quick question about Bath and Body Works. Has anyone had any success with using online coupons in the store?

    • shelly

      I was a manager at a BBW for a couple of years and we weren’t suppose to accept online coupons. In saying that, most coupons have an in store coupon code on them as well. Most stores will work with you on coupon usage- just ask 🙂

      • Leah

        Thank you, Shelly!

    • Kim

      I saw the berry baskets at Michael’s the other day.

    • JoJo

      That is the cutest idea & now my end of yr teacher gifts are done!! Thanks for the link!!

      • Kim

        JoJo, you are welonlinee! They turned out so cute and we got lots of onlinepliments from the teachers.

    • Llsa

      Great idea, thanks!!

    • Carla

      So cute! But growing up I don’t ever remember my mom buying teacher’s gifts ever. Nor do I remember other kids buying teachers gifts.

    • Malia

      Cute idea!

    • laura

      thank you kim! so cute!

  7. jessica

    Another question (and obviously just an opinion thing) but which is better, the deep cleansing or the foam?

    • Leah

      Deep cleansing, I feel like it lasts longer than the foam.

      • jessica

        Thank you!

    • Danielle

      Jessica- I buy the foam because my kids like it & it’s easier to make sure they rinse all of it off. the deep cleansing is nice for the kitchen because it helps get stronger scent & stick/oily stuff off.

      • jessica

        That makes sense too. Thanks for your input!

    • jess

      Deep cleansing! They last so long!

  8. Emily

    Thanks for the share, just ordered! 🙂 I love the gentle foaming for me and the family! They are perfect gifts and also for home use. I would say $2 is a good deal for B&B and is normally the price I would pay assuming I catch a sale then I will stock up. During Christmas they had a one day sale for $2.50 all soaps plus coupons worked…so I stocked up with the scents I liked and they were only $1.83 each!

  9. Amanda

    Off topic: free shutterfly calendar to the first person who emails me. [email protected]
    I will post when it has been taken

    • Tarah

      I emailed you Amanda! Thanks!

    • Amanda

      Taken. Thanks for the interst

  10. Michelle

    I like the foaming one for the simple fact that when the soap is gone you can refill it with whatever brand you like. However the trick is to just put a thin layer of soap on the bottom, and fill the rest with water and mix by swirling the soap and water together. You can make a regular bottle of soap last months. I use dish soap in my kitchen soap dispenser. Also do the same with your kids bath wash or shampoo and let them make foam in the bath tub. You can even put a small drop of food coloring in to add color. However, if you use to much soap and not enough water it will not work properly.

    • jessica

      Oh my goodness…you just changed my life!! I Those are PERFECT ideas!

  11. Desiree

    Thanks! I’ve been waiting for a good sale with free shipping. I got a gift card from one of my dance students for Christmas. Now I’m stocked up on body wash for months! I also went through ShopAtHome for 3% back.

  12. michelle

    Does anybody find these soaps really drying to the skin? I have been using them since the semi annual sale & noticed that my hands are really, really dry since I started using them.

    • Jill

      I have really dry hands after I use them. I love the foaming soaps but I really have to put on a lot of lotion after I wash. If I don’t my hands crack & bleed. BBW used to make a soap that was moisturizing that was great for me but they don’t anymore.

  13. HappyMama

    If anyone still needs an Honest onlinepany code, here’s one for 20%: TOTL%CUA6C3

  14. Emilee

    Pampers Code: P3P93T693T6CGN7

    • Katy

      Invalid code

  15. sarahgrecula

    Thank you Collin! This is a great price and my kids love their foamy soap so much they do a very thorough hand washing with it.

  16. Crystal@Atlanta

    Thanks Collin, I placed an order as well! Great prices 🙂

  17. Susan D.

    I ordered these but haven’t had a chance to smell them in the store. Has anyone smelled the strawberry and tangerine??

    • Jill

      I love the tangerine! It’s a fresh smell, like spring.

  18. Liz

    Are the pocket pac holders really $3-$6? Is it cheaper in stores by any chance?

    • AnnaMarie

      Often you can find in store deals on the holders after a holiday. My purse is black so I always buy a few black ones after Halloween at only .50 each. Try right after Valentines day to see if they will have lower priced ones with hearts.

  19. sam

    How do you get free shipping ? I ordered 10 but charging shipping.

    • Ann

      did you put in the code VDAY2015?

    • cbeths

      Did the code VDAY2015 take the $10 off, but not the shipping? More details please.

      • Angela

        If you are trying to send your order to a PO box the free shipping won’t work. We have a PO box & prefer to send things there (so packages won’t get stolen from our porch), but may onlinepanies don’t include PO boxes in free shipping.

    • steph

      It’s charging me shipping too. I’m wondering if the total has to be $30 after the $10 taken off?

      • jane

        It doesn’t give you free shipping if you use the the VDAY2015 code, it just gives you $10.00 off, and that makes the order less than $30.00, so they charge the normal $5.99 shipping fee.

  20. maddison

    You just made my day I have a 25 gc and have been waiting to use it for a hot deal. I got 12 of the hand soaps for 26.00 🙂 1.00 out of my own pocket

  21. Sassybearbee

    I got 4 foaming soaps and 6 wallflower refills for $23.63 out the door! Great deal!

  22. Ashley

    Check your mail! I recently got a little flyer with 20% off my purchase coupon and a few other ones for freebies.

  23. cheapcheapgoesthemommy

    Save an extra $5 off this deal if you purchase a B&B 25.00 gyft card at: for new members. Just that’s some Cheap B&B! Thanks Collin for the heads up~You will probably have a balance left on the B&B gyft card, but i plan to use it at the store with my mailers. CheapCheapgoes the Mommy! 🙂 They currently do not offer refer a friend at but hopefully soon they will! 🙂

  24. brindha

    Is the hand soaps 3$ in store too?

  25. Christi+S

    Totally off topic, but did anyone get the Cottenlle roll covers ordered back in January??

    • Brandy

      Not yet! Shipping was 6-8 weeks, so I believe they should begin shipping at the end of next week. HTH!

  26. Jill

    Thanks Colin! I was waiting for a deal on these again….last year in Jan there was an amazing deal and I literally am on my last bottle of soap from that order, lol. Happy to stock up again!

  27. Kristen

    Can anyone tell me if I can onlinebine the $10/30 BBW in my paypal wallet? I know it won’t onlinee off after the coupon because then my total would be $20 but if I purchase $40, use the $10 off, will paypal take another $10 off the $30?? Please help!!!

    • S

      Yes, I did that last year and they credited me back the $10 🙂

  28. Pia

    Well thanks for the info ladies regd antibacterial soaps but yeah I have noticed hands do get very dry using these soaps

  29. Sophie

    I have a code for free photo mug from shutterfly. Email me lilolsoapy at gmail dot online

  30. Len

    Thanks for the post, Collin. My kids use these soaps like crazy & i’m always out so I got 10 foam soaps & used $10 off $30 code + VDay tote deal for $15. I saved $ getting them in store than online coz my store sells tote for $15 if u buy $30 worth, no need for codes on tote.

  31. Melissa

    Thank you so much! Just ran out!

  32. Mandy

    I was thinking of signing up for ShopAtHome to get the extra 3%. Does anyone reonlinemend or have a referral link I should use?

    • michelle

      hi Mandy,

      Apparently to send referral links it must be through facebook. If you leave your facebook link/name I can send you can referral through FB. Shopathome is great because you can receive ShopGold Rewards which are eligible for giftcards. Hope I explained it well. Thank you 🙂

      • Mandy

        Oh gosh, everything is Facebook. Thanks anyway!

  33. Jamie

    Did anyone else have thier orders cancelled?They just sent me an email and cancelled my order 🙁

  34. Tanya

    Got mine, I’m so excited!!!!!

  35. AnnaMarie

    I was so tempted to do this really great deal but looking in the linen closet realized I have about 30 bottles of hand soap from previous such deals and about 50 bottles of Body wash…. I Will not run out anytime soon. 🙂

  36. Debbie

    Had an offer from PayPal for $10 off $30, so got $40 worth of products for $20. Applied VDAY2015 which took off $10, then checked out with PayPal and it took another $10 off. Thanks!

    • S

      So jealous I didn’t get the offer, I checked on my husband’s PayPal and he didn’t have it either. And I asked my brother, he didn’t get it as well. Sadnessssss

  37. mamasweetpea

    seems that the site no longer is giving free ship based on price before coupon is applied. I’m getting charged shipping when I only put the 10 bottles and use the code above.

  38. Cindy C

    It’s not giving me free shipping, only the $10 off 🙁

  39. Stephanie

    Shipping is no longer free with the deal listed above.

  40. Chris

    shipping is free, however your merchandise total needs to be $40.00 in stead of $30.00. Then put in the promo code, free ship and the ten onlinee off then.

  41. jane

    It doesn’t give you free shipping if you use the the VDAY2015 code, it just gives you $10.00 off, and that makes the order less than $30.00, so they charge the normal $5.99 shipping fee.

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