Happy Friday: Dance on a Budget
Sent from reader, Dawn:
My 11-year-old daughter has been doing Irish dance since she was 5 and absolutely loves it—she dances at the highest level as an Open Champion. BUT, like any other onlinepetitive dance/sport, it can be VERY expensive! We are in a constant flux of buying Hardshoes, Ghillies (soft shoes), Wigs, Tiaras, the Dress (sewn by a local seamstress to save) and of course the monthly Tuition and onlinepetition fees/travel plus many other “extras”, and you can see we spend a nice chunk of “Green” on Irish Dance—all of which I can never use a “coupon” for or rarely find a “sale” on, although we DO look for used Irish dance items when we can.
SO…..I truly HAVE to shop daily with Coupons and Sales, visit Thrift stores for clothing, use Craigslist and KSL.online, share and receive on Freecycle and with friends/neighbors, enter/win Contests/Sweepstakes, and often simply Do Without to help there be enough every Paycheck for what we absolutely NEED (food, gas, rent money) so that we can also pay for things like her dance that we WANT. In addition, my boys do onlinepetitive gymnastics and our family cleans 3 nights a week at their Gym in exchange for their monthly tuition. We are NOT rich people and this isn’t easy, but we are proof that saving in all other ways can help us pay for and enjoy what we choose. I also feel my kiddos are learning good lessons from us about working hard, saving, spending and just “doing without” other things so they can continue learning awesome skills….like Irish Dance!
Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at happyfriday@hip2save(dot)online. Every Friday, I will post one photo, submitted by you and/or another Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into your frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!
** Check out all of the previous Happy Friday pictures here.