Remembering Olivia Engel…
My heart hurts. I feel helpless. I want to help. I need to help.
Here is an email that I received from reader, Kelly…
Friday morning, the best man in my uponlineing wedding/ my fiancee’s best friend lost his daughter in the Newtown shooting. Olivia Engel was the sweetest little thing and we couldn’t be more devastated. We’ve set up a fund to help benefit her family.
We want to help make sure her services are covered and that her dad gets to stay home with the family for a few weeks to grieve and heal.
Here is the link to the benefit page. There are tons of recent pics of Olivia that we have permission to share:
Any help you’re able to provide will be so appreciated.
If you feel as sad and helpless as I do and would like to do something, consider making a donation to Olivia Engel’s family. Here is the direct link to make a donation via Paypal. And if you know of other families who are suffering as a result of this tragedy (and you have permission to share their information), please mention them in the onlinements below or email me directly – collin@hip2save(dot)online