Walgreens: Revlon Nail Files $0.35 Each (+ Bonus Catalina Coupon) & Clearance Bargains

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As I mentioned yesterday, Walgreens currently has Revlon Beauty Tools on a Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off sale. Plus, select beauty tools qualify for 2,000 Balance Rewards points when you purchase two. And you may receive a $2 Revlon Beauty Tool Catalina Coupon or a $4/2 Revlon Beauty Tool Catalina Coupon after purchasing these items!

I headed out to test this deal myself and was able to score the following deal:

Bought 2 Revlon Nail Files
First one rang up at $1.69
Second one rang up at $0.84 (due to buy 1 get 1 50% off sale)
Total came to $2.53
Used the $1/1 Revlon Manicure or Pedicure Implements Walgreens coupon found in the October Coupon Booklet (coupon deducted $1.84 from my total)
Final cost came to only $0.69 total – $0.35 each!
* Plus, I got back a $4/2 ANY Revlon Beauty Tools Catalina coupon!

This Catalina coupon is perfect to use to score more inexpensive Revlon Beauty tools… especially since it appears that you’ll get back another Revlon beauty tools Catalina coupon after your purchase AND it seems that you can keep rolling the deal! 🙂 So here’s one more deal idea for ya if you have a Revlon Catalina coupon to use…

Buy 2 Revlon Tweezers $2.99 each + on sale buy 1 get 1 50% off
Minus buy 1 get 1 50% off sale = $4.49
Use the $4/2 Revlon beauty tools Catalina manufacturer’s coupon from previous transaction
Pay $0.49 for 2 Revlon Tweezers
Plus, get back 2,000 Balance Rewards points (unadvertised special on select Revlon beauty tools)

…AND possibly get back another $2/1 or $4/2 Catalina manufacturer’s coupon to use on ANY Revlon Beauty Tool purchase!

Also, while I was at Walgreens testing the Revlon deal, I spotted the following deals…
(Note that clearance deals do vary greatly by region and from store to store.)

Gain Ultra 30 loads on clearance for only $1.69 (reg. $8.49)
Use the $2/2 Gain coupon found in the 9/16 RP
Or use the $1/2 Gain coupon found in the 10/14 PG
Final cost as low as only $0.69 each!

Nice! Popcorn large 6 oz bags are on sale 3/$5
Final cost only $1.67 each! Great price for this size bag!

Lipton Tea 64 oz Bottles on sale 2/$4 (reg. $2.79 each)
Use the $1/2 coupons found on the bottles (like the pic above)
Final cost only $1.50 per bottle!

Mentos Up2U Gum (4th of July packs) on clearance for $0.89
Use the $1/3 coupon found in the 10/7 SS
Final cost only $0.56 per pack!

Select Trident Vitality Single Pack on clearance for only $0.69
Use the $1/3 coupon found in the 10/14 SS
Final cost only $0.36 per pack!

Mentos gum bottles on clearance for $0.89
Use the $1/3 coupon found in the 10/7 SS
Final cost only $0.56 bottle!

Select Twizzlers Pull N Peel packages on clearance for $1.25
Use the $1/3 Hershey Reese’s, Hershey’s, Kit Kat, Twizzlers or Jolly Rancher Snack Size Bags coupon found in the 10/14 SS
Final cost only $0.92 per package!

onlinee back to let us know if you spot any other bargains at your local Walgreens! And before heading out to shop, make sure to check out all of the Walgreens weekly deals here.

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onlinements 40

  1. rn30032

    such a great deal on the Gain!!!! Good deal on nail files as well

  2. Amanda

    I know where I’m headed after dinner!

  3. animity

    Woawza on the Gain!

  4. Anna

    My $2/2 catalina coupon said a minimum of $5 which was not a huge deal. I ended up doing the deal 4 times and go a variety of items. Great basket or stocking stuffers! I am looking for these kinds of deals to make Xmas gifts for my young teens.

  5. Danielle Scott

    I have a Huggies Rewards code, if anybody would like it, let me know.

    • Missy

      I will take it!

      • Danielle Scott

        Code for Missy: PLHWF-GQZDT-LMQDG

        • Missy

          Someone used the code…but thanks anyway.

          • Karri

            I just have to say…..what is wrong with people?? Someone should be ashamed of themselves 🙁

  6. Amanda

    Bummer, the Gain isn’t on clearance at my store in CT! I’ll definitely be checking later this week though. Thanks for the heads up! 😀

  7. Snappy dresser

    I was able to find a 3 pack of Epson color printer ink for 23.00. The original price was over 42.xx. It has the blue, fuschia and yellow cartridges. Great Deal!

  8. Destiny

    Gain wasn’t on sale near my store in San Angelo either 🙁 The candy was on sale though so I stocked up!!

  9. kim

    For new mommies to be, look for clearance medela. Got the $26 accessories pack for $6. And the lansinoh pads for $2 and the steam clean bags for $1.xx. Everything was at least 75% off. Great deals!

    • Victoria

      Thanks, Kim! I’m a new mommy and will definitely look for that Medela pack.

  10. Teresa

    My store didn’t have any on clearance and I leave Oklahoma! 🙁

  11. Shellyerrn

    Gain was on clearance $4.74 at my store. Still good deal??

  12. Heather

    Not on sale in WI either – darn!

  13. AngelaT

    In Peachtree City, Ga the Gain is on clearance for $2.39. Great price. I brought 4. Thank you Colin. I appreciate all the deals and money you help to save all of us.

  14. AngelaT

    Make sure to have them check the price. No tag was there but still a clearance item.

  15. Alejandrina

    The gain was not on sale in my store 🙁 CO. but I did get the gums but they were .59 cents it was a better deal 😀

  16. Danielle

    No clearance items here in Northern VA…I even checked the Gain at the register to make sure….it is priced at $9.59 here!!! I will def look back later this week to see if they clearance it out… thanks 🙂

  17. andria

    I scored A super deal on sparkle paper towels 6 large rolls=8 rolls pack. The were marked down to 4.14 from 8.49. There’s a $1/1 6 reg rolls or larger on their website making it 3.14 a pack!

  18. LILY


  19. Lori

    I’m not understanding the nail file deal, the part about using the $1/1 booklet coupon deducting $1.84 (vs.$1.00) has my head spinning, can anybody explain it? Thanks.

    • Renee

      Hey Miss Lori, the coupon Collin used is a Walgreens booklet coupon that they would apply to both nail files she purchased. Since the coupon is $1 off she would get $1 off the first nail file because it cost at least $1 but she only would get $.84 off the second file because after the 50% off sale the file would be .$84. Thus the $1.84 off with the coupon.

      • Lori

        Thank you Renee. I went today and paid 85¢ for 2 packs and received a $ 2 off ANY REVLON tool valued above $ 4.99. Not so hot.

  20. Renee

    I’m going to stock up as I use these in Graduation baskets I make in June and after this summer I am all out of nail and personal grooming supplies.

  21. naz

    The gain wasn’t on clearance in my store here is Miami, Fl.

  22. Trin

    For the revlon tools, do we only get the 2,000 points on the ones that are marked to get 2,000 points? How do I know which ones will get the points or not?

  23. Nataly

    In south Tx. near San Antonio found the Revlon crazy shine nail buffer (heart and flower shape) on CLEARANCE for $1.19 ringing up 50% off 🙂
    I bought the nail files pictured above (received $2Q) paid 75 cents. Then second transaction did tweezers printed $4/2Q and also bought the nail buffers that r on clearance & half off ($4/2Q printed again) applied the $2Q from 1st transaction and $4/2Q for a total of. 28cents total pop for all 6 items only $1.03 and still have $4/2 coupon thanks Collin 🙂

    • Nataly

      (*Oop) forgot to add that I did receive the 2,000 points

      • Trinity

        What did you receive the 2000 points from??? Was it the tweezers? I can’t find any cheap tweezers at my Wags. Please help! Thank you.

  24. Leslie

    Gain not on clearance in Atlanta, GA

    • Mary

      I forgot to check on the Gain when I was there today, does anybody know what it’s priced in Ohio? Also, how to I unsubscribe to the onlinements? Thanks a bunch.

      • Amanda

        You just have to make sure the box that says “Notify me of follow-up onlinements via email” is unchecked before you post a onlinement. If you’re already getting the emails, there might be an unsubscribe link in the email. Good luck 🙂

  25. ryoko

    Thank you so much for the deal alert! I live in hawaii and normally we don’t get good deal like mainland do, but this Revlon deal, first time I did roll 4 times! I got some $2 and $4 off! basically i got free stuff and more!
    I tried different stores and I got 3 $4 catalinas!
    I am going back there again until it stop printing!!!

  26. Laura

    Are the coupons from the Walgreens book considered manufacturer or store coupons?

    • Sharon

      Laura, they are considered store coupons.

      • Laura

        I thought so…I had an employee tell me they were manufacturers coupons. Thank You for your response! Greatly appreciated!

  27. Christine

    Is there anyone from Ohio that had success with this deal? If so can you please share which items worked for you? There were no signs anywhere at my Wags (not even the actual sale sign for the Revlon items, I had to check the ad to make sure). I did find the box of files on clearance for $1.59 and they did ring up BOGO 50% off, but I didn’t get a catalina or balance points. I was thinking about going back and trying on some other items but I don’t really want to try it if someone knows if it will work. Thanks!

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