Shell Spin to Save: Score Up to 25¢ Off Per Gallon of Gasoline + More (92,750 Winners!)

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Yay! It looks like this is back up and running again if you couldn’t get it before! (Thanks, Whitney!)

WooHoo! If you have a Shell gas station nearby and are looking to save on gasoline this Summer, you’ll definitely want to play this new Spin to Save instant win game! Five lucky winners will win FREE gas for a year and 10 winners will score a FREE tank of gas. Plus, 92,750 winners will win a discount on their gasoline purchase – anywhere from 5¢ to 25¢ off per gallon! Sweet!

To play, head on over here and spin the wheel to see what savings you score. Keep in mind that you’ll need to claim your reward and will need to enter or sign up for a FREE Fuel Rewards Network account online or in-store in order to apply your savings (up to 20 gallon maximum). Go here for more details on how the Fuel Rewards Network works. Good luck!

*Discounts will be automatically credited to the winner’s Fuel Rewards Network account once a potential discount winner claims his/her discount. The Discount will only be applied to the winner’s next purchase of Shell fuel and the Discount will be applied to each gallon of fuel purchased up to a maximum of twenty gallons. (For example a five cent Discount would total ten cents on a two gallon Shell fuel purchase while a five cent Discount would total one dollar on a twenty gallon fuel purchase). Discounts expire on January 31, 2013.

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onlinements 43

  1. Kelly

    I’m not totally sure how it works, but I got 25 cents off per gallon!

  2. Sue

    I won 25 cents off! Thanks

  3. Beth

    Yeah! I got $0.20 off a gallon!!!

  4. marie

    Me too. I wonder if everyone gets 25 cents off the first time?

  5. Amanda T

    won $.05 off and now it says invalid. Doing the same thing it was doing the other day. I don’t think they fixed anything. Shame on shell!!

  6. Shanna

    I won 25 cents off! Plus at the Shell near my house, if you get a gift card you get 14 cents off, so 35 cents off for me!!!!

    • Shanna

      sorry 10 cents off

      • Tamara

        Cool! And they don’t charge you sales tax on the gift cards? I might have to try that!

  7. sue

    Did anyone receive confirmation email? How can we redeem the cents off at the pump? Thank

    • Beth

      I got a confirmation email, that my fuel rewards card was on it’s way and i would get my dicount on my next fill up

  8. Tim Fisher

    25 cents off!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! 😀

  9. irene

    Got $.25 a gallon and submitted info without any trouble. Thanks, Collin!

    • barbara

      I got the $.25 but after I saved it all I got was a blue curtain.Couldn’t submit any info.HELP!! 🙂

      • irene

        It must be a programming glitch. Can you try a different browser or onlineputer? I used Firefox on a Mac.

  10. Amy H.

    Got a 10 cent and then two 5 cents…boo! Shell is right by my house but is always a good 25 cents or more than Costco gas.

    • Alana G

      Keep trying. I couldn’t get it to work from my onlineputer at work (won but couldn’t get past the confirmation page). When I got home, I tried and won $.25 the 1st try!

  11. kelly

    won .25, but am stuck on the confirm page. Won’t accept my passwords although they meet criteria. Grrr…..

    • Roy

      I got .25 too….. but it appears that only new members get the spin.

  12. Amanda

    Woo hoo! 20 cents off, but won’t accept when I press submit.

  13. Jenny

    I have not received a confirmation email. Why?

  14. Michelle

    This isn’t a credit card, correct???

  15. Amber

    Can’t get it to stop spinning. How do you click on something to get it to stop?

  16. Mrs

    “For every friend you refer through this email and/or your unique URL that joins the Fuel Rewards Network™ program, we’ll reward you with an additional 5¢/gal on your next fill-up.”

    • Kel

      I used your link (and got an extra spin?), did you get credit for it?

      Here is mine if anyone wants to try:

  17. Nicoley

    It says “onlineing soon” again 🙁

    • Nicoley

      nevermind… i was clicking on the old link i had saved… lol! got $.05 off 😐

  18. Jennifer

    If you get less than 0.25 you can x-out of the screen and open it again and re-try. Here is my link: if you want to try repasting it in the address bar.

    • gardengirl

      I kept getting .05 on Michelle’s link. I used your link and got .25. Thanks!

  19. nate

    If you don’t get the 25 cent, close it out and go to the page again for 3 more spins, I after 9 spins I got the 25 cents 🙂

  20. ITOUCH

    Is this a credit card?

  21. Sarah

    I got the 5 cents off 3 times, reloaded and got .20 cents off! Yes!

  22. nonsenseandgodsense

    Thanks so much Collin! If anyone would like to use my link, its 😀

  23. Lori

    When you win make sure you request the card to be sent. I thought I would stop by my local shell and use the option of picking it up and they had no idea what I was talking about.

  24. Jill

    I got 25 cents off the third spin, but then it gave me an error message when I tried to lock it in. Went back through Collin’s link again and it had started over with 3 more spins – got 25 cents on the first spin and was able to enter all my info and hopefully get the rewards card! If anyone needs a link, here you go: – and thanks! 🙂

  25. Lee W

    I got 25 cents off, created a reward account, but then found out none of the Shell stations participate in my state. I’ll have to drive to another state to redeem? I have Kroger so perhaps I’ll see a way to redeem at the Kroger/Shell stations.

    Does anyone know anything about this?

    • Christine

      went to and did not find any shell stations within 50 miles of me that is participating… I live in the Seattle area, and there are plenty of shell stations just not ones in the fuel rewards program. anyone know where these rewards are typically good at? I checked parent’s zip in Virginia and in-laws zip in Vegas and found nothing in either places as well…

  26. Lynda

    not working for me i get to spin but then it is just a blank spot……

  27. Andrea

    I was all excited about this, already got my card and went to the gas station. Bummer, they’ve never heard of it. Must be only participating stations. Once back at home I searched online and there’s not a participating station within 50 miles of where I live, actually on the map it looked like there wasn’t a station in all of VA 🙁

  28. Tamara

    There doesn’t seem to be any stores in TX either. Has anyone been able to actually redeem this? Maybe there are no participating stores, and this is this onlinepany’s way of showing Shell that they ‘could’ get enough people interested to make it worth their while…I’m interested to find out if anyone at all was successful.

  29. A.N.

    i tried to use it today today. What a crock! It didn’t work, and when I looked up participating stations, there was only one that was an hour away from me. I’m close to Houston TX.

  30. Amanda

    I don’t think there are any participating stations in CT at all.

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