Download 9 Free Country Music Songs (Kellie Pickler, Kip Moore + More!)

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If you’re a Country music fan, then I’m sure you’ll be excited to know that People Magazine is offering up 9 FREE Country song downloads! They have offered these in the past, but I wanted to let you know these are different songs than I posted about previously. Just head over here to snag your unique download code and instructions.

FREE Songs include:

Kellie Pickler Tough
Casey James Love the Way You Miss Me
Kip Moore Faith When I Fall
Jana Kramer Why Ya Wanna
Pat Green Austin
JT Hodges Goodbyes Made You Mine
Edens Edge Too Good to be True
Greg Bates Did It for the Girl
Dean Brody Dirt

(Thanks, Coupon Pro!)

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onlinements 5

  1. Amanda

    awesome thanks!

  2. Stephanie

    Thanks!! 9 free songs!!

  3. Rainy

    I LOVE getting the free music downloads!! Thanks!!!

  4. Amy Bruce

    Great Songs! Thanks

  5. Cathy

    I can’t get them to download. It keeps asking me to answer 3 security questions but there are no questions to answer. Anyone else getting this error? I have been able to DL songs from people in the past.

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