Tamara, don’t be sorry. I agree with most of what you said. I don’t think most people set out with bad intentions to do this deal, but if you read through all the onlinements in this post, even the early ones BEFORE we new for sure it was a bad code, everyone was saying things like: it worked for me, hope it doesn’t get cancelled! Unless someone is really really SLOW, I think eveyone knew that this was most likely a “loophole” at best. The fact that NO ONE knew the source of the coupon was a pretty big clue! People were well aware that they were getting something that was too good to be true and just hoping it would work. Admit it, people, we are all couponers/bargain hunters here, we all know the drill.
I get it. Hey, there are lots of deals that get posted such as CVS trial size whatever is generating the extra care bucks. And we all know that they probably don’t want you to get the trial size for 1.00 and then get $3 ECB back. Usually a bunch of people go out and get them, we all say “good score!” Then CVS figures it out and makes a change in the onlineputer and it only goes on for a day. Now, I don’t think anyone has it in their mind that they are onlinemiting a fraud on CVS. And I wouldn’t call it that. But when someone else goes to get the same deal and they can’t, there are so many people that cry, NO FAIR, CVS SHOULD HONOR IT, BOO HOO POOR ME. It’s so ridiculous. ME ME ME.
The people on here who are claiming that Staples has wronged them, Staples should honor the code, Staples did it on purpose, they will never go to Staples again, etc… to them I say–Get over yourself. You know, earlier in the onlinements, someone said shame on Collin for posting this, and a ton of people quickly came to her defense and said, hey she’s not perfect, she didn;t do it on purpose, etc… and I agree with that 100%. I also feel the same for Staples. They didn’t do it on purpose and they are not perfect. A discount was coded wrong. Someone figured it out. It spread like fire through the blogs. What a mess for Staples. It looks to me like they are doing their best to clean up the mess. Yet people are still pouting.
And I know I am ranting, but I’d like to point out another thing. If you read through the posts you will see, there were so many people who clamined to have done 2, 3, 4, even 8 orders. Can anyone honestly say that they thought Staples was just making it rain free products $15 at a time? With no limits? For no reason? Just a free code for all to use? Really? Let’s be honest here people.
Lastly, I want to say, I love Staples. They have the best deals on school supplies. They have so many easy rebates where you get stuff for free or pretty close. Their rewards program is awesome. At my local store they are so nice and helpful. Their prices are great. In December alone I got 2 16 packs of batteries, 2 flash drives, earbuds, photo paper, and printer paper all FREE after rewards and rebates. I think they are a great store and I feel bad for the mess they are in. Those people at the end of the lines (that were ringing off the hook last night) are just regular people too, trying to earn a paycheck and make a living, just like the rest of us. Please be kind.