Up to 65% Off Firefly Kids Outdoor Gear on Walmart.online | Shark Tent Only $24.97 + More
Check out these Firefly outdoor gear Deals at Walmart!
While supplies last, dash over to Walmart.online where you can save up to 65% off select Firefly! Kid’s Outdoor Gear including kid’s water bottles, blankets, sleeping bags, backpacks & more!
These Firefly! Outdoor Gear kids items are not only cute but also practical and durable! They have great reviews and would be perfect for indoor or outdoor adventures, plus make great gifts for any kiddo.
Here are a few deals we spotted…
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Kids Finn The Shark 2-Person Tent
Only $24.97 (regularly $39.97)!
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Kids Finn The Shark Backpack, Lunch Box, and Water Bottle Set
Only $10.68 (regularly $31.99)!
Firefly! Outdoor Youth Camping Backpack in Purple
Only $11.45 (regularly $17.85)!
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Sparkle The Unicorn Backpack
Only $10.96 (regularly $19.57)!
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kids Sleeping Bag
Only $14.97 (regularly $24.97)!
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Chi Chi the Cheetah Kids Sleeping Bag
Only $14.97 (regularly $24.97)!
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Jett the Astronaut Kids Sleeping Bag
Only $14.97 (regularly $24.97)!
Firefly! Outdoor Izzy the Llama 3-Piece Camping Gear Set
Only $26.39 (regularly $53.35)!
Includes sleeping bag, duffle, and lantern
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Walmart+ members score free shipping with no minimum on most orders! Otherwise, choose free in-store pick up if available near you, or you can snag free next day shipping on any eligible $35+ order. Or pay $6.99 for shipping for orders under $35.