JOANN Provides FREE Materials for Customers to Make Protective Gear for Healthcare Workers
Help the front line workers affected by Coronavirus!
Want to help protect health care workers and medical personnel by making protective gear? While adhering to social distancing guidelines, participating JOANN stores are opening up their Creator’s Studios to allow customers to make face masks, covers, gowns, and other items to donate to America’s hospitals*.
Plus, JOANN will provide and donate 100% of the supplies needed for these projects!
*Note that there is also an option to pick up materials and create these masks from home! Read more details below.
Note that the classroom occupancy will be limited to adhere to the CDC-reonlinemended guidelines for social distancing, so you may want to call before heading out. Also, associates will ensure continuous sanitization of materials and spaces, as well as the entire store.
Head on over here to find a local JOANN classroom near you.
Want to help make supplies from home?
If you would like to participate from home, you will be able to take advantage of JOANN’s Ship-to-Home and Curbside Pickup options, and find tutorials to create the items on the JOANN website.