Thousands of Disney Plus User Accounts Have Been Hacked (Change Your Password Now)
Did you sign up for Disney Plus?
Within hours of rolling out their new streaming service last week, thousands of Disney+ user accounts have already been hacked. According to multiple investigations, hackers are locking out owners, changing log-in credentials and, in many cases, selling them for as little as $3 a piece.
When Disney+ first went live, many users experienced an outage. Unfortunately, this is the second time that Disney+ customers have had trouble logging in since the service launched last week.
While Disney+ itself does not appear to have been hacked, Disney+ customers’ credentials were stolen in other security breaches. If you have had issues logging into your Disney+ account, Disney urges members to contact customer support immediately for assistance.
Also, if you suspect your password has been onlinepromised, be sure to change your password, use a different password for each Disney account, and use two-factor authentication.