These BFFs Coupon Together & Are the Ultimate Hip2Save Frugal Fans!
Trying to find the best deals?
We love scoring a deal as much as the next person and hope our site helps you navigate the best savings possible! 🤑That’s why we love hearing money-saving stories like from this week’s Happy Friday readers Melissa and Leydi!
I’ve been following Hip2Save for over ten years, but I introduced my friend Leydi to the site in the last several months. Not only did Leydi love Hip2Save, but she took it to the next level; now, she is constantly finding deals and making money in the process! Last Friday evening, she told me about a soda deal that applied to select sodas. Between store sales, Ibotta coupons, and Shopkicks, you could make $10 AND get all the soda for free!
It was single-digit temps here in Chicagoland, and I did NOT want to go out at 9:45 when the store closed at 10:00 to buy soda (even if I was getting paid for it lol). Well, she talked me into it, and here we are waiting to pay after frantically finding the specific sodas that qualified for the offer while the song ‘Run Run Rudolph’ played on the store sound system! I got a whole bunch of free soda to serve with Christmas dinner for 18 people, and I got $10, too! Now, we are couponing partners in crime!
What a SCORE, Melissa and Leydi! We absolutely love hearing how much our readers save. If you didn’t know, you’re all encouraged to share the deals you’ve scored by emailing us at [email protected] and giving us as much detail about the deal as possible. Mention any promo codes to use, where you found coupons, store location (if in person), any known exclusions, etc. The more, the better… and thank YOU in advance!
If you’re looking for more information on shopping with money-saving apps, check out why we love Ibotta and Shopkick!
Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique tip to share?! Fill out our Happy Friday form! Every Friday, we post one submission by a Hip2Save reader (view past submissions) that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. For the best odds of having your submission picked, check out our Happy Friday tips post!
If yours is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon eGift card!
Check out the best cash-back apps so you can get paid while you shop!