*HOT* 8 Household & Personal Care Items Only $8.60 at Dollar General (10/9 Only – Just Use Your Phone)

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Get ready! On Saturday, October 9th, hurry into your local Dollar General where you’ll be able to save $5 off your $25 purchase with this digital coupon – valid in-store only.
Just remember to clip the coupon in your Dollar General app before heading to the store. Then, enter the phone number associated with your account on the PIN pad during checkout, and the coupon will be automatically applied when you purchase $25+ of eligible items Saturday, October 9th ONLY.
Even better, select items also have digital manufacturer’s coupons available to clip. Stack these with the DG coupon and score HOT buys on personal care and household essentials!
All you need is your phone to snag this *HOT* deal scenario…
Buy 1 Playtex Sport Tampons 14-Count $3.50
Buy 1 Colgate Total Mouthwash 33.8oz $5
Buy 1 Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer $1.60
Buy 1 Gain Fireworks, Flings, Fabric Softener, Powder, or Dryer Sheets $3.95
Buy 1 Downy Citrus & Vanilla Bliss Fabric Softener 34oz $2.65
Buy 2 ALL Liquid Laundry Detergent, or select Snuggle products 2/$8
Buy 1 Lysol 15-Count Wipes* $1
Total: $25.70
Use the $5/$25 Dollar General digital coupon (exp 10/9)
Use the $2/1 Playtex Sport digital coupon (exp 10/16)
Use the $2/1 Colgate Mouthwash digital coupon (exp 10/14)
Use the $1.60/1 Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer digital coupon (exp 10/23)
Use the $2/1 select Gain Products digital coupon (exp 10/9)
Use the $1/1 Downy Fabric Enhancers digital coupon (exp 10/30)
Use the $3/2 ALL Detergent or Snuggle digital coupon (exp 10/9)
Use the $0.50/1 Lysol product digital coupon (exp 10/23)
Final cost $8.60 for all 8 products – ONLY $1.08 each!
*The 15-count packets of Lysol Wipes are usually found in the aisle with the smaller-sized cleaning products and other $1 items.
Hip Tips to keep in mind…
- Please keep in mind that you can change up this scenario to grab products that you typically use in your home as long as the total is at least $25 before coupons and pricing may vary in your area. This is just one of the many scenarios that you can do and save big!
- You will need to be logged in to your Dollar General account in order to see all of the digital coupons mentioned above. You can clip the coupons in advance or scan the products with your DG app in-store, however, my store has spotty service so I like to clip in advance. Some coupons may not onlinee up by searching the name, so you’ll need to open the digital coupons page and scroll if you don’t find it immediately.
- I find that it works best to enter your phone number into the keypad AFTER the cashier has scanned all of your items and hit total.
- Be sure to check out with a cashier! I’ve tried self-checkout at two different stores and my digital coupons did not all apply to my purchase even when I entered my phone number!
- My store (and every other DG I’ve been in) seems to be a wifi/cell dead zone with no service beyond the entrance to the store! I place my items into the shopping cart and head to the front of the store to use the Dollar General app to scan them to be sure the coupons are attaching prior to check out.
Want really good deals in real-time? Start texting with Collin!