Crofton Freeze Pop Trays Only $3.99 at ALDI | Penguin, Zombie & Unicorn

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hand holding package of penguin popsicle molds near in-store display

ALDI is ready for summer!

Head on in to your local ALDI where you may be able to score these Crofton Freeze Pop Trays for only $3.99 in a variety of fun styles!

Note these ALDI weekly finds tend to go quickly, so be sure to head in-store soon! Also, selection and availability will vary by location.

in-store display of fun popsicle molds

These freeze pop trays include everything you need to make a frozen treat, just add the juice! They are easy to use and make fun shapes! We spotted zombie, unicorn and penguin shapes!

Use your new molds and make these 3-ingredient strawberry pops!

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onlinements 9

  1. Emily

    We got these last year and live them. Just make sure to put the sticks in the right way or you won’t be able to get them out πŸ˜‚

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for the helpful warning, Emily!

    • Tiff0820

      Hahaha so glad you mentioned that, I examined it several times before filling them 🀣 afraid I would mess it up!

  2. Tiff0820

    We got the unicorn one last night, as my daughter had been bugging me to make popsicles and I saw this and grabbed it. Very cute!!

  3. Tara

    How many does it make?

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      Each one makes 2 of them!

      • Tara


        • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

          You are welonlinee! I was just looking at them in my store a few days ago.

  4. Julie

    Has anyone tried to use wooden popsicle sticks in the mold? I’d like to make up several batches, without buying several molds. TIA

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