i had a similar issue. i bought three packs of store-branded paper towels the other day (total pre-coupon was $15), and used a 25% off coupon regular-price items that i got from a ship-to-store order. i had the cashier scan my 25% off first, and then i tried to use two $5 register rewards (one from colgate, one from p&g) from a couple weeks before that didn’t expire yet.
the register rejected my two register rewards after that 25% off coupon, which kind of surprised me. i’m pretty sure i’d done something like that in the past, where i used a 25% off regular-price items and then used register rewards and other manufacturer coupons on top of that, keeping in mind that my number of coupons couldn’t exceed the number of items. so my thinking was, my 25% off was a store coupon, so shouldn’t affect anything, and i had three items to more than cover the 2 register rewards. but nope, the system wouldn’t take them. so i ended up buying just two of the paper towels for 25% off, and then in a separate transaction, used both $5 register rewards on two other packs of paper towels (i added one to my cart to use up my register rewards), so got those for $0 plus tax. so i ended up paying more than i had planned, all in all.
i’m not sure what the deal is with these register rewards. it seems like they are getting stricter. does anyone know? do you, JD827? i see you as the resident expert. 🙂 i noticed that at least one of my register rewards said it was good on $5 or more; i didn’t read the second one carefully, but it could have said the same thing. it was very weird. normally, these register rewards will just say the straight dollar amount, with no “or more” verbiage. i’d never had issues before using more than one register reward on a transaction, as long as the the number of coupons (including register rewards, not counting store coupons) matched or was less than the number of items purchased. what do you guys think is going on? it’s very frustrating when carefully planned out deals don’t go as they should.