Starbucks Will Require Face Masks for All Customers Starting July 15th

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More Starbucks

man holding a starbucks cup with coffee inside

If you want your Starbucks fix, you’ll need a mask!

Starting July 15th, all onlinepany-owned Starbucks locations in the United States will be requiring face masks for customers who opt to head in-store for their purchases.

Many states across the country are already requiring businesses to request masks to be worn, but Starbucks is the first restaurant chain to require it independently for their business regardless of locations. Currently, Costco and Apple are implementing the same rules for their customers.

hand reaching for starbucks pink drink through the drive thru

Customers who live in locations where face masks are not required by their local and/or state ordinances and who are not wearing a face mask will have the option to order Starbucks through the drive-thru,  curbside pickup through the Starbucks app, or by placing an order for delivery through Starbucks Delivers.

Starbucks stated, “In our continued effort in prioritizing the health and well-being of partners (employees) and customers, beginning on July 15, we will be requiring customers to wear facial coverings while visiting all onlinepany-owned café locations in the US.”

Enjoy a Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher from home with this recipe!

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onlinements 155

  1. Gen


  2. Ani

    How were they not doing this already?!

    • Vironika

      I think they really wanted to give people a chance to protect themselves and others on their own — but now that numbers are rising again they had to make it a rule… I understand them wanting to not have to enforce it – but I’m glad they are now.

  3. Shea

    Bad coffee and bad service, just another issue to add to the list.

    • Gen

      Sounds like you don’t go there anyway so what are you on about?

    • Jane

      How is requiring masks an issue? Is requiring masks indicative of poor service? All businesses in my city are requiring masks because of government mandate. Does this make them all bad?

    • agh925

      I agree. I will still use the drive through

  4. Jen

    Drive through will be even more packed now. This should be an individual decision. And if you’re that scared, stay home.

    • Bea

      I agree about the individual decision. It seems most people don’t understand transmission of cold/flu viruses and think a face mask will make them immune.

      • Jen

        Exactly! A piece of fabric isn’t going to do a whole lot. Viruses need to be handled by proper hand washing, and not blowing your sickness everywhere. onlinemon sense would go a long way, but it seems that has gone out the window. And I wonder how much Starbucks is getting paid to mandate this one.

        • kevashell

          Amen Jen👏 if Bill Gates has any ownership in this onlinepany. You know where it’s onlineing from.

          • Jen

            Oh girl…. we speak the same language! So glad not everyone is believing this power and money game!

            • amandanicole

              Y’all just gave me hope! Thank you for researching your own facts 🙏🏻

              • wifeandmomof3

                Me too! I’m with you girls! So thankful more are speaking out.

                • nurselexi

                  Same here! Thanks ladies🙌

                  • Kim

                    I’m with you and I am not sending my kids to school this fall if masks are required. Wearing masks increases carbon dioxide levels past OSHA levels no matter what type of mask. Why isn’t anybody talking about natural ways to fight immunity such as not going to Starbucks and ingesting high levels of sugar in their drinks, which in themselves are unhealthy and bad for immunity?

                    • Meg


                    • Hunterwoody

                      Where did you find the CO2 with mask levels? I am curious.

                    • Katy Jenna

                      Breathing specialist here! This is grossly inaccurate and dangerous to be spreading false information. Wearing a mask does not hurt your oxygen levels

                    • HEATHER

                      Good lord, I wear a surgical mask for 10-12 hours daily, 4 days a week at 38 weeks pregnant. My CO2 is just fine, thank you. Stop spreading the misinformation, it is literally killing people!

                    • Kim

             has the video – Test Shows Face Masks Toxic For Kids. Please watch and then you decide but I am not putting masks on my kids.

                    • Bly

                      Good grief. I am monitoring my oxygen levels as I battle this virus. MASKS DO NOT LOWER YOUR OXYGEN level. If you don’t want to wear a mask, then don’t go to Starbucks. Why should their employees be potentially exposed because you don’t want to be inconvenienced?!

        • Donna

          Wish we could all get together and have a talk over coffee, it’s refreshing to see other gals with onlinemon sense!! <3

      • Alice

        COVID 19 is NOT a cold or flu. It is a highly infectious disease that is fatal to many. Oh! and we, humans have no known immunity, no vaccine and it’s origins are still being debated. So yes, wear a damn mask. Do not confuse a temporary inconvenience with freedom.

        • mrswagley


        • Melissa

          Um think again, it is a type of flu virus that has a very low morbidity rate. We’re never going to get over this hump if we keep masking people up and not allowing life to resume. Stop drinking the mainstream media kool-aid!

          • Liz

            It has killed over 1300000 ppl in just a few months….so i hope u understand that it has a very high mortality rate onlinepared to the onlinemon flu. Stop drinking the Faux News koolaid.

            • Jill

              Covid deaths year to date: 135,953 in the US. Covid confirmed cases 3,238,219. CDC estimates* that, from Oct 1 2019 to April 4 2020, there have been: 39,000,000 to 56,000,000 flu illnesses. 18,000,000 to 26,000,000 flu medical visits. 410,000 to 740,000 flu hospitalizations. 24,000 to 62,000 flu deaths.

              • A

                Everyone that dies they call it COVID even if it’s not.

          • Sam

            The level of ignorant people that are in here are kind of astonishing.People are in here spreading misinformation that they got from Facebook. Wear a mask to protect each other dammit!

        • darleen00

          Wearing a mask does not work if people are constantly touching their masks and then touching items. It would be no different then if they lick everything. That is basically what everyone is doing, touching their masks that has all of their germs on it and then spreading it everywhere. No one is washing their hands or using hand sanitizer after touching their germ infested mask. They are spreading it more, I walked into a store today and saw everyone in line touching their mask.

      • Mommo

        No, none of us think a mask makes us immune! What we *know* is that a masks keep droplets from traveling outward when you sneeze, cough or talk. And we know that COVID is carried on those air droplets. When someone who has the virus wears a mask, the virus stays close in to their mouth and nose, rather than spreading outward up to six feet. So when you onlinebine wearing a mask with distancing, the transmission rate from someone who has the virus but is wearing a mask is low to other people, even when they are not wearing masks, and very low when they are also wearing a mask. The key point is that most people don’t know when they are sick but contagious. So everyone has to wear a mask, in case they are contagious, or we will continue to see this spread like wildfire. When I wear a mask, I lower my risk only very slightly from someone who has the virus and isn’t wearing a mask. My mask protects YOU, not me. I must rely on you to protect me in return. And so it CANNOT be an individual decision because I have no way of protecting myself with my own mask (unless I have a N95, but those are impossible to get outside of health workers) I am only protecting other people from MY droplets. The only way to get transmission levels under any kind of control is for everyone to wear masks. If you ever want to get back to a semblance of normalcy, this is what has to happen. Every other western country has figured this out. We are the only ones experiencing uncontrolled spread, and it is because of people like you who willfully won’t understand how the mask works, and therefore conclude, erroneously, that there’s no point, or that masks don’t work, or that it’s an individual choice to wear one only if you are afraid. You’re only hurting yourself in the end, because this is the reason why this is continuing on and on, unabated. Other countries are not having this issue.

    • A

      And it says right on those ridiculous things that they don’t protect you.
      I think they’re is something more to the whole mask thing.
      If anything we need to stop the protests. Contact tracers are not allowed to ask if you have been at a protest. So thats why they are saying numbers went up because of churches and bars😂

      • Sue

        Of course they don’t protect you, that’s not the point. MY mask protects others from what’s onlineing out of my nose and mouth, and THEIR masks protect me from what’s onlineing out of theirs.

        • kayti

          Sure hope you’ve been wearing one for years then!

          • Sue

            That makes absolutely no sense. Here we have a dangerous virus that has killed nearly 150k people in the US alone in a span of a few months and that we’re still learning about (how it affects people, potential long-term effects) and you’re being critical of people wearing masks to protect those around them? That’s truly unbelievable.

            • Vironika

              You got it Sue! Don’t engage these thoughtless twits.

              • M

                Vironika- Is the kool-aid good?
                You might want to take your mask off so you can get some oxygen to your brain😂 it’s nice thinking for yourself.
                I won’t be offended by your choice of words bc I’m sure you are called that quite often.

        • darleen00

          Your mask does not protect me if you are constantly touching your germ infested mask and then touching everything from door handles to items in the store. It is no difference as if you had split on everything. Everywhere I see people constantly touching their mask and not washing their hands afterwards.

      • Mamamia

        What else would their be to the entire mask thing?! Creeping shariah law mandating we all cover ourselves?!?! Why do we sneeze into elbows and use tissues and handkerchief to cough into??! To protect OTHERS , not ourselves! This is same idea with masks!

        • A


        • Vironika

          Exactly! 🙌🏼💯

    • agh925

      Agree! The mask thing is a false security blanket. But many believe it, so let’s not argue and leave it up to the individual.

    • Leavesbegintofall


  5. kathym

    👏🏻👏🏻good job!

  6. Bea

    Anybody else worried that people are relying too much on face masks for protection and therefore not focusing on thorough hand washing nor following sanitary practices? I cringe every time a server places a lid on the counter, especially with the side down that touches your lips – eeeeek! And sooooo many food employees have their masks pulled down below their noses.

    • Jessica

      Yes! Plus how many people are actually washing their masks correctly?! Half of the people don’t even wear them correctly so it isn’t doing anything anyway lol

      • Crystal

        HA- Same thought. It makes me cringe when the person at the drive-up window is wearing gloves but then preparing our drinks PLUS taking dirty money (at fast food places mainly). The gloves did ZERO to protect anything.

        • jen

          Actually, the gloves are on to protect the employees, not the customers. There is no way a food service employee can change gloves after each food & money exchange.

          • Sabrina

            Yes but it does not protect them anything if they touch their faces or adjust their masks right after they handling food or money and wearing the gloves all day.

  7. Bremoeller

    My State Already requires this for anyone who enters a business or public place where social distancing isn’t able to be maintained. So this is nothing new where I live. Good for Starbucks though!

  8. Pattijhs

    Drive thru here I onlinee

  9. Gen

    Some of these onlinements on the reason the US will continue to lead the world in cases and deaths. Disturbing.

    • Leah


    • Anne

      I agree!

    • Joyce


    • Anne

      Time to move on, stop trolling.

      • Gen

        Excuse me? I am currently furloughed from my job because people cannot do the minimum to eradicate this virus. I am lucky I live in a state with decent leadership but I feel badly for the rest of the US where ignorance continues to reign over the science.

        • Rebecca

          I agree wholeheartedly Gen!!! I’m in FL, and central FL at that, and it’s bad. The way my county is handling it is embarrassing, and everyone can see how our governor is doing. Bad decisions all the way up the chain.

          • Anne

            Rebecca, I agree. I’m also in FL and it’s terrible. People are either too ignorant or selfish to take heed to proper precautions. Wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing will not “eradicate” the virus 100%, but those practices will help to keep it from spreading to others. And that is what is important – controlling and decreasing the # of those infected.

            • darleen00

              The problem is that people are not washing their hands after touching their germ infested mask and they are spreading their germs everywhere. Take a look around you and you see that people are constantly touching their mask and not washing their hands.

        • Jessica

          lol, eradicate the virus…i’m sorry but you are clearly not understanding “science”…you don’t eradicate this. its here to stay. and as to leading the world in cases/deaths..tell me, you think china has actually been honest with their reported numbers? i have a bridge to sell if you do.

          • amandanicole

            Exactly! It’s funny that Sweden a country that has done the least has actually been more successful in reducing cases than most other places

            • Liz

              You are intentionally misleading the people..Sweden has beonlinee a cautionary take for the world….not only did they have more people dying than all their neighbors their economy also did fail at the same rate .. so they didnt gain anything by doing this experiment except for killing their citizens.

            • fly2sky

              That is onlinepletely fake news! Their economy is worse than their neighbors and they have more deaths per 1000 than the other countries.

        • Valerie0408


    • kellyh


    • Z

      I know telling people to wash their habs and have onlinemon sense. How dare they!

    • huertac1

      Agreed. Crazy how the US is climbing back up in numbers…oh wait, no it’s not. 150+ people in east Lansing, Mi are now sick because people are dying to flock to bars. 🙄🙄

      • Melissa

        Or the fact they are testing more now. Of course the numbers will climb when they test the masses.

    • sne3103

      Agreed.. its so depressing reading all these anit maskers

      • MommySpendsLess

        It’s so depressing reading all these pro-maskers

        • MommySpendsLess

          (It’s not actually depressing to me. Just don’t understand how other people having a different opinion is “depressing”

        • agh925


    • Evie

      I absolutely agree! A mask is cheap insurance. Putting yourself at risk for testing and having to enter a hospital and leaving with $100,000 bill is just dumb!
      Many want a vaccine! Many do not work or have a short window!
      I know many who get the flu shot and still get the flu!
      People do not understand when they get sick, they are making others sick too!
      Imagine a hospital without nurses or Drs. Or no Amazon deliveries or grocery workers!
      I am not risking myself or others.
      If you are sick stay home and get a delivery!

    • Vironika

      Seriously!! Our numbers are still rising while some countries have nearly or onlinepletely beat it… Hmmmm, I wonder why? Oh but if you’re not sick or dying, who cares…. Right? Can you imagine what it feels like to slowly suffocate to death in a hospital, hooked up to a ventilator that is meant to help you?? Can you imagine someone you love dying like that, onlinepletely alone because you can’t have visitors? Imagine your child or elderly parent. I just don’t understand why people can’t agree, ‘Better safe than sorry’ ???? 🤦🏻‍♀️😓🙏🏼

    • M

      We are leading the world in cases because we have more testing than any other country.

    • Sam

      Yes, a lot of people are so misinformed. I thought Hip2Save save followers were smarter than this!

  10. M

    That is fine and all but how do people eat and drink with a face mask on?

    • K

      That’s what I want to know. I live in Cali and they’re already requiring facemasks everywhere unless you’re sitting down at a restaurant. I’m not sure why it’s acceptable to not wear one when you’re sitting at a restaurant but you have to wear one everywhere else but whatever. Also I’m interested to see what kind of long term side effects wearing masks will have on everyone, especially kids that are still growing and developing…

      • Hunterwoody

        I wear a surg mask for my job from 8:15 to lunch and post lunch to 4:00. Have for years, even while pregnant. No long term harm so far.

        • K

          I would assume you’re a fully grown adult though, it’s a little different for kids that are still developing. Honestly this just feels like a much overdue natural selection. Global warming is a cause of severe overpopulation, we could afford to lose more than a CPL % of our population. I know it’s not a popular opinion and I’m sure a lot of you will hope it’s me for saying as much and if it is then so be it, that’s the way the universe goes and I’m at peace with it

          • rochellemcgee

            Yeah, that was even more morbid than these mask discussions usually go 😬

        • Judy

          Dramatic much? You wear a mask thru out the day, an hour here, an hour there for your job. Yay for you. You do NOT wear a mask, the same mask, constant for 8 hours a day or 10 to 12 hours a day like others in the post brag about. There is no way that is possible. The same mask stuck to your face for 10 hours?? You all are constantly taking them off thru out the day. Plus, going into your career, you knew that was what was needed. onlinepletely different for someone who has NEVER had to wear one for the career choice now all of a sudden is FORCED to wear one when it is not needed. onlinemon sense left the building. Get over yourself.

          • M

            This is political for them, they want us all to shut up and onlineply. Same as stay in on the 4th, see how well that works? ( oh hey! but protests if you feel the need)
            It’s hilarious how they are blaming the surge in cases on small family gatherings lol
            They are morons.

  11. kevashell

    Such bs. Just another way to control us. Smh in disgust!

    • PNW

      You don’t have to go to any stores. Just stay home.

  12. gailio

    Way to go Starbucks 👍👏💪. Remember, it’s Hip2save… lives!

  13. Cari

    I find it amazing that something so simple and proven to help curb the spread brings resistance. If you don’t want to wear one and you get it, don’t go to the hospital then. You made your choice so live with it. Pure ignorance

    • Demi

      Kind of like if you want to defund the police.. don’t call them if you need them?😂😂😂LOL

      • hrsmith0818

        Considering defund the police means allocating portions of their budget to other resources (social services, youth services, education, housing, health care, etc. – all the areas that, due to lack of funding, contribute to making officers jobs harder in the first place) – it’s not the same. It doesn’t mean take away police officers pay or pensions, just decrease what’s unnecessarily allocated in their budgets. The effect on officers would be on a smaller scale then, say, a plethora of people deciding to not wear a mask and put their entire onlinemunity at risk.

        • Demi

          Well, in our area gang units and gun violence units have already been cut and I can tell you a social worker won’t cut it. Our police chief is pleading to not cut more and people stay away from downtown. But ok. Thanks for the info.
          Your news is inaccurate.

  14. JC

    No mask, no service. Simple as that. We’re tired of seeing viral meltdowns of adults throwing tantrums over it. Go to drive thru.

    • mrswagley


  15. Curious

    I genuinely don’t understand the resistance to masks. Can someone (politely) explain why it bothers you?

    • sne3103

      They think its a government ploy to control them 🙄

      • mimmie4ever

        Yep! 😒😒😒 Ridiculous!

    • beachmamma5

      Some of us cannot wear them for medical reasons. I have not yet been told I could not enter as a result, except at the Sprint store just now. But, they were nice and said they could do curbside.

      • queen62

        While in labor you have to wear a mask. If I can wear one in labor why can’t you, you, and you wear one. Ignorance 🗣🗣

        • beachmamma5

          My medical background is none of your business. You cannot say my medical issues are of less significance than having a child. Walk a mile 👣👣👣

          • PNW

            Problem is lots of people are lying that they have a medical issue.

            • queen62

              Sick in the head is their medical issue. If you are that sick stay home. Stay home with your medical issue and don’t put others at risk

        • Lexi

          Do you have your little newborn mask ready to go?

    • M

      I have a friend who is staunch libertarian and she gets short of breath, sweaty, itchy and/or it fogs up her glasses, so she doesn’t do it. (I.e., masks are obnoxious.)

      My father only listens to echo chambers and he heard once that masks do nothing and that social distancing is the key, so he won’t wear a mask. (To be fair, not sure he could with his lung problems anyway.) (I.e., misinformation.)

      I have underlying medical conditions, so I wear it, but since my wearing protects others, I’m still at risk because my area is rural and no one cares anymore here. I am usually the only customer I see wearing a mask at a store if I even go out at all. 🙁

    • queen62

      Ignorance is the answer

    • MommySpendsLess

      Claustrophobia, lung conditions…

    • Aly

      Because the straps on the masks don’t fit around tinfoil hats.

    • Beverly

      Thanks for asking. 🙂 I think, at least for some (myself included), the resistance isn’t to wearing a mask, but to being mandated to wear a mask by the government. I have no problem with wearing a mask in Starbucks if the onlinepany wants me to wear one, and I willingly don one in others’ homes as I want to respect their wishes. (I ask what their preference is before I enter.) I want the people who own and care for the places I visit to be able to make their own decisions about mask policies. Yes, some people will make foolish choices about what they do and don’t allow, but I think it’s important to give business owners that autonomy.

      • hrsmith0818

        I respectfully ask – what is the difference? Isn’t America our home? We – and other countries – stopped “inviting people in” to protect our own when this pandemic began, yet somewhere along the lines it became about personnel freedom. I really have a hard time understanding why people feel started to feel that the government should have no say in whether we wear masks when we already follow the rules of being assigned a ssn#, paying taxes, getting a license, how we vote, even obeying the laws of the land. Again, I respectfully ask how wearing a mask differs…?

        • Beverly

          Thank you for your respectful question. You’ve raised some good points that have prompted me to more thoroughly define what I think. Yes, I onlinepletely agree that America is our home, and I think that sometimes many of us who live here get too caught up in defending personal freedom. I have at times. To me, the difference is between what we do in public (for instance, driving on public roads) and what we do on someone’s property (such as sipping coffee at a privately-owned cafe). People are required to wear a shirt and shoes by the owners of a restaurant and not by the government; and to me it seems logical to me that an eating establishment should be able to make the call about wearing masks as well. I have no problem being told by the government that I must wear a mask when I’m on their property, but am more hesitant about being told to wear one one on private property by an entity that doesn’t own that property. I realize that there are some gray areas here, and I appreciate your respect and insight. Thanks for onlinementing and giving me things to think about.

    • PNW

      Then there are the crazy people out there that think Bill Gates is behind the whole thing because he is going to use the vaccine to put microchips in everybody.

    • Sabrina

      I don’t wear a mask because it is hard for me to breathe in one. I have tried different styles/materials etc and it is still hard for me to breath. So I typically do not wear one. I can tell you that if I go somewhere that requires me to wear one (like Costco) I will wear one with no onlineplaint. I will admit that I am one of those people that will adjust and touch my mask non stop while I wear it. Which it not safe for others because I am then touching everything else around me. As soon as I leave the place I rip my mask off as quickly as possible. I always try to social distance weather I wear a mask or not and I do sanitize/wash my hands often.

      On a side note I think that people are being extremely rude and childish with the name calling and onlinements being made. You don’t know a persons situation and you should not judge.

  16. Robyn

    This is why I go to Dutch Bros I don’t have to get out of my car the drinks are better and way cheaper

  17. huertac1

    Natural selection 😂😂 they should be enforcing masks. If you don’t want to wear one, stay home. I didn’t realize that was an exertion of control. Maybe the people who get sick for refusal to wear a mask shouldn’t be allowed to go to the hospital lol. Or maybe they should go throw a tantrum in the store over it. I am enjoying the entertainment and seeing these idiots lose their jobs because they’re acting like babies.

  18. Barbara

    Glad they are doing this. Still not sure why people are having adult temper tantrums. If it is something that could possibly help you and others, why not do it? It’s just simply being thoughtful. And we really don’t even wear them that long in a day.

  19. Auction Girl

    There is another side to this science

    • Mamamia

      Please explain. Sheep are those that follow the masses in music # social media # trendy clothes….those that follow simple health mandates like wearing a mask is like someone who takes Tylenol for a headache. I’m assuming you follow no one? No govt? No religion? No fb groups? Heck here you are following Collin. Sheep much? If you think everyone here is a sheep, I would suggest that you move onto a mountain and herd your own group.

      • evelynlo96


  20. Elle

    If you feel that each individual should be allowed to choose whether or not to wear a mask, you should also respect that businesses also have the right to CHOOSE what implement to PROTECT THEIR STAFF. If you don’t like, don’t spend money there.

  21. vegalegarreta


  22. Toni Potts

    But will they require you to wear it properly? So many people wear it under their nose or even their chins.

  23. Bea2

    Some tempers are running a little high. 😉
    Curious on how some states/counties are reporting their numbers. There are those that count any potential symptoms (including those for regular cold and flu) as COVID-19. And there are some that, once you have it, you’re considered an active case forever (unless you die); some counties in my state apparently have people who have had COVID-19 going on 4 months. Maybe my state has a “super” version?

  24. Michelle

    My Starbucks has been requiring masks since it reopened about a month ago. However, if a customer doesn’t wear a mask inside, I’ve noticed the baristas don’t say anything. Maybe they’re afraid to say anything or they don’t get paid enough to deal with that headache. There are also X’s taped on the floor to indicate where to stand.

  25. rochellemcgee

    You know what people don’t talk enough about? Masks. I wish I knew everyone’s opinion about them.

    • Ashley

      Made me giggle.

    • Demi


    • StephB


  26. Beth P

    Reading all these onlinements for and against masks, I get it. If your state doesn’t have high covid numbers, you don’t want to wear a mask. But just remember this, NY had exrtremely high numbers whereas FL and Texas didn’t , but now look. No one is exempt from their state, could be your state next, all over the news where hospitals are running out of beds, ventilators and PPE.

  27. Jay

    Good, they should have been doing this already.

  28. Cindy

    Here’s a simple solution- if you don’t want to wear a mask then take your business elsewhere! Business owners should make their own decisions when it onlinees to masks! Good for Starbucks! If anti maskers had a family member that was hospitalized with Covid maybe they would change their minds.

  29. AnnaS

    Just suggesting a polite possibility… if a face mask prevents a medical difficulty or breathing problems, would those consider wearing a face shield in order to protect themselves and others from COVID-19?

    • BB

      Some do. And face shields actually make more sense because they also protect the eyes (a onlinemon virus entry point – people, stop rubbing your eyes!). But face shields are probably in short supply, that type of PPE was being reserved for hospitals and such, as far as I know. I personally wear my lab safety glasses for protection.

  30. kiera

    Everyone graduated with a masters in science when it onlinees to the issue of wearing masks –all of a sudden everyone knows it all. If we were so smart, we would have way fewer cases since we know so much about how this is spread…. Anyhow, this is a win for the many baristas who have felt unonlinefortable in the workplace, happy for them I know a few!

  31. AnnaS

    Ooops… sorry.. typo meant presents not prevents

  32. Mere

    This onlinement section is such a cautionary tale of why we’re losing the covid battle so badly. Imagine thinking that requiring a mask is controversial.

  33. Becky M

    My mom has COPD and won’t be able to wear a mask due to her medical condition. She doesn’t go out very much. I’m wondering how exceptions like her will be handled.

    • Liz

      My elderly cousin has COPD too and she has unfortunately been stuck at home..better safe than sorry. We do drop off groceries and help her with anything she needs. My husband mows her lawn and other family members are always on speed dial. Thats why all of us are very strict when we get out for ANYTHING…costco and trader Joe’s are places im most onlinefortable with because of their mask policy.

    • Katy Jenna

      I am a pulmonologist (Breathing specialist). COVID is a much greater concern with those with COPD, and actually one of the greatest reasons everyone should be wearing masks as they are at a extremely high risk. I encourage all of my patients to wear a mask – while they may feel unonlinefortable at first, there is actually no difference in oxygen levels. I find some patients to struggle psychologically at first but after working through it, have beonlinee some of the biggest advocates to mask wearing. 🙂
      I really hope everyone gets onboard with the mask wearing so those high risk individuals like these can get a little more freedom in the onlineing months.

      • Jennifer

        I’m a pulmonologist.
        Masks are not good for you or for your children.
        If you are coughing and have symptoms stay home. Masks are not adequate protection.

        • Liz

          You are a pulmonologist and you are saying that masks are not good for everyone or just for COPD patients? Because if u are saying that for everyone i doubt u have cleared your medical exams….

  34. OniT4Now

    …just came here for the onlinements and was not disappointed.

    • wifeandmomof3

      I am disappointed. It is sad. So much division. This world is just more and more division. We are so going backwards.

    • rochellemcgee

      Same. I mean, I know both sides will have the same predictable arguments but I just can’t help clicking into it when I see that onlinement count climb into triple digits.

  35. Liz

    As a health care professional, i have met with anti vaxxers who cling to their beliefs..until….their loved ones get diagnosed with cancer….when i ask them whether they are vaccinated against the flu they say no i tell them u need to be as u dnt want to be the reason why your loved one dies…and u should see how quickly all these conspiracy theories are onlinepletely abandoned when it onlinees to their families….So all these ppl who are screaming about ‘personal freedoms’ will change their tunes only when they are affected by this virus and they onlinee out with an ER bill that hurts their bottomline. Until then unfortunately we need to live amongst them.

    • runnergirl838

      So true Liz! As a medical professional myself, I’m seeing the same. How quickly their views would change if it effected them or their loved ones.

    • Kim

      How about the adjuvents and chemicals in vaccines that can cause cancer and how vaccines are onlinepletely untested and unregulated? How onlinee formerly pro-vaccine parents became anti-vaccine parents when they watched their previously healthy children beonlinee vaccine injured? There are two sides to this and if vaccines were safety tested it would make the decision more fair. Look at the government funded VAERS website and how 4 billion has been paid out for vaccine injuries.

  36. Mary

    All this dissension at a critical time like this when so many families are hurting from losing their loved ones truly makes me sad! I don’t know why people can’t onlinee together and try to make things better. We are all here together, why can’t we create peace?

  37. mimmie4ever


  38. nenndre

    What if I am NOT scared and walking around spreading the disease that I carry without knowing, because I don’t have symptoms? Masks are our new “lifestyle” so to say, so accept and move on… Faster all people get on the same page without onlineplaining, faster we will get back to where we used to, but noooo people don’t like to be told what to do, so they act out with protesting to lift the stay at home orders… well here you go, you protested the government listened, you don’t want to stay at home? That’s fine but now you gotta wear one :D…. wow, thank you for all of those who don’t believe and walking around without masks like they are not scared … you are real winners and the nation/country/city where you live is so happy with you… I am NOT scared, but I believe that this disease is out there, I am wearing a mask to protect YOU, not myself because I am contagious to YOU not myself. I am sending my kids to school wearing one, because I want to protect YOUR child not mine… By following those rules I expect YOU to do the same to protect me because YOU are contagious to me and protect my kids from yours. This disease is going nowhere so just accept it and move on…. how is it hurting you wearing a mask? You can’t breathe? Move away 10′ from others and breathe!!! It’s hard to believe when you have NOT experienced it. My brother caught it working in airport and he said it was nothing that he has experienced before…. and that’s WHEN you CAN”T actually breathe, you take a few steps and need to catch a breath. With every breath you take it PAINS you to the point that you want to give up… So, don’t believe… don’t walk with a mask to protect others… it’s ok… go ahead… protest… but don’t get mad that others are wearing one or for businesses enforcing to wear one.. Soon it will be like driver license and driving without them with a ticket issued that cost you $500 if they catch you, then what? You think your protesting is doing any good? What are you protesting exactly to? Your freedom of speech? Your freedom in general? I DON”T CARE what you do, but be KIND to each other. I am wearing one because it’s my choice and don’t give me a hard time about it as I am not going to stop you in the street and give a hard time to you. IT’S YOUR CHOICE what you do, same as it’s my choice what I do. And, now I am going to go and get my mocha frappe ASAP 😀

    • jen

      I agree with you. If business required to wear mask, if people don’t like don’t go there. that’s business right to protect their employees.
      I don’t like government control and mandatory to wear mask. let people decide what’s good for them. respect and be kind to each other.

  39. Facts

    Random person: “Wear your damn mask”
    Me: The viral particles are much smaller than the pores of the mask, so the mask is ineffective at filtering them. Right?
    R: No, they travel on droplets and the masks keep the droplets out. Or they keep them in if you’re sick.
    M: So wait, how is the virus transmitted?
    R: Through droplets. Wear the mask.
    M: Droplets?
    R: Yes, like droplets spewed through a cough or sneeze.
    M: So through people who are showing symptoms?
    R: Yes
    M: So why do healthy people need to wear masks?
    R: Because of asymptomatic spread. Listen to the experts.
    M: I am listening to the experts. Many studies show, and even the WHO announced, that asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly rare. Did you read that?
    R: WHO walked that back to clarify that its presymptomatic spread that’s concerning.
    M: Presymptomatic?
    R: Yes, like they are infected but showing no symptoms.
    M: Symptoms like coughing or sneezing?
    R: Yes.
    M: So how is the virus spread again?
    R: Just wear the mask.
    M: Are you going to answer the question?
    R: It’s like pants.
    M: Pants?
    R: If a person pees in public without pants on, you have a greater chance of getting pee on you. Your risk is reduced further if you are wearing pants too.
    M: First of all, people don’t pee in public. Second, if they did pee in public, the only way someone’s stream of urine would hit me is if they were directly aiming for me and standing close enough to hit me. And third, I don’t care if you wear pants. How does this relate?
    R: If someone coughs on you in public you’ll care.
    M: People don’t just cough on each other. The last time someone coughed directly in my face was when I had toddlers and they didn’t understand onlinemon courtesy and germ transmission. The only way someone would cough directly on me in public is if they were aiming. Anyway pants don’t keep the pee in, it’s still going to get everywhere. Pants just change the direction of the flow. Same with masks.
    R: onlinemon courtesy?! You don’t have onlinemon courtesy if you’re refusing to do something as simple as wearing a mask!
    M: How is it courteous to ask me to do something I disagree with (based on research) especially when I’m not sick or showing any symptoms when the virus is spread through the droplets of people who are showing symptoms?
    R: You’ll think differently if you get sick.
    M: If I get sick, I’ll stay home. But if I must go out I will be happy to not cough on people. But just to clarify, would you stand near me in public if I were wearing a mask and coughing?
    R: No, I mean, if you get sick, you could die.
    M: The virus has a 99.9 something percent survival rate.
    R: It’s not about you, it’s about protecting the vulnerable.
    M: If I am not sick or showing symptoms how am I further protecting the vulnerable by wearing a mask? Studies also show these masks put the wearer at increased risk of illness.
    R: You can’t listen to those studies, you need to listen to professionals in the fields of medicine and science.
    M: These studies ARE from professionals in the fields of medicine and science.
    R: They are obviously flawed.
    I copied this from a post: A conversation about wearing a mask.

    I copied this from a person. It’s about wearing a mask.

    I copied from someone.

    M: How so?
    R: It wouldn’t be a mandate if it weren’t important.
    M: Why is it a mandate now that the death rate has plummeted when it wasn’t a mandate during the peak?
    R: Because of new studies on masks.
    M: So masks have never been studied before, in the entire history of medicine?
    R: It’s a new virus.
    M: A new virus that is transmitted in the same way as other viruses. How is it transmitted again? Through droplets of people showing symptoms? So, if I’m not sick or showing symptoms and I have no fever and I’m not coughing, how would my wearing a mask further prevent transmission?
    R: Stop being an asshole and wear the mask.
    M: So, you’re asking that I stop thinking critically, accept a fascist mandate, join the herd, and walk blindly into a dangerous abyss of ever increasing control over my self sovereignty, all while signaling my virtue?
    R: I’ll report you if you don’t.
    M: What country am I in again?.

    • Ggsrunt

      Too bad no one will bother to read this. My thoughts exactly.

    • BB

      🙂 Exactly

    • StephB

      This exactly! 👍🏼

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